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Hi CryptoViewing Family,

Here is Sita's World Events session for December 2020,

All the best,

December forecast:

  • Portion of mountain collapses due to mudslide/avalanche, Indian continent.
  • Increased seismic activity – central Italy. May affect nearby towns.
  • Massive freeway pileup eastern US (due to heavy fog and icy conditions).
  • Vaccine produced by several pharmaceutical firms provide relief; however, demand outweighs availability through summer 2021
  • Attempt to topple large high rise in northeast US by retaliatory insurgents misguided by their own media.
  • High waves pummel shorelines in Pacific islands causing erosion and capsizing of several sea vessels
  • Nations join in friendship and support for each other, some sharing what they can’t afford in gesture of peace and goodwill.
  • Train accident (Midwest US) causing large spillage of black material (coal)
  • Germany: Pulls together in Bavarian villages to curtail spread of deadly virus
  • Florida: Large corporations working hard to stay productive and profitable. Temporary layoffs in the thousands, but state will recover toward warmer season (early summer).
  • UFO event increases in northwest states (may be due to seismic activity).
  • Fishing businesses affected by change in weather pattern in northern seas\
  • Bitcoin industry continues to become more profitable as nations move toward cashless interchange
  • Religious group gatherings become hotspot for spread of virus in America
  • Possible animal disease in meat industry affecting thousands



From this remote viewing session and others you may have done, are you confident these Covid 19 vaccines are safe? Vedic astrology is warning of potential poison being disseminated which may or may not be related to the vaccines but I am skeptical about what is in these vacinne as we know so little about the make up of this covid 19 and what the long term affects are when taken. And do you see the potential for better therapies to be introduced? And lastly what will be the likelihood of governments making in mandatory. Thank you fir your advice and opinion.

Julie T

There are concerns that the Pfizer/Moderna vaccine may cause infertility down the line.


From todays news: Former Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton volunteer to get coronavirus vaccine publicly to prove it's safe. If these guys are recommending it, what coud go wrong?


It is not in India, but... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/six-people-unaccounted-after-alaska-landslide-n1249803


Still pushing the "deadly virus" bullshit, Sita? Wow...


With all due respect, our former Presidents are doing a good job to quell anxiety, however, I doubt if they have any better understanding of long term effects, when the virologists creating the vaccines are still not sure. There will be a long lead time before complete confidence in it will take hold, particularly when there is little information about what it is comprised of. Fortunately, there are new cutting edge solutions on the horizon.


I echo Marc above


mee too


Dick picked up on the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter. Cool.


"Vaccine produced by several pharmaceutical firms provide relief; however, demand outweighs availability through summer 2021"


I feel bad for these uninformed people! They are going to get sick for the Vaccine!

