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Hello Cryptoviewers,

Here comes Dick's RV data for World Events in December 2020 and the near future. This video is without sound. The discussion regarding December world events will be published later this week.

Page 1:

Famous Deaths

Musical Icon
Older now
Pot Smoke
Friend Baez

Sports Figure

Page 2:

Rollout Issues:
-not smooth
-adverse reactions
-supply chain - distribution
-herd - supply sabotage
Who wants it, How to get, Who doesn't want Concerns

News images of people lined up

Page 3:

Historic building fire
Big Loss

Page 4:

(Pull a number out of thin air)
$28,512, then correct

Page 5:

Trump in situation room bunker
Top military (only trusted top advisors)
Attorneys need to be careful

Hunker in the Bunker
Coup vs Coup
Anti-coup vs Coup

Page 6:

Moon: Announcement or discovery
(this is a distraction)
landing - exploration

Page 7:

Someone tries to put on live music event - violating Covid rules.
Authorities try to stop it
They will try

Venue controlled by someone who will risk this.
Loud music

Page 8:

Earth Cracks
Hasn't been a big earthquake for a while
Big buildings sway

So this is in a place with tall buildings. I can feel buildings rocking, then aftershocks. Casualties

Page 9:

Multiple shootings
Gun violence incident - several shooters, not just 1.
Calls for gun control
Blame the right
Blame "Patriots"

Page 10:

A city is shut down. Empty streets. Restrictions.
City stops in its tracks.
Power? Infrastructure?
Restrictions. Underground.
(This is eerie)
People stay in or leave
(I don't understand this)

Structure with energy (glow). Nuclear?

Page 11:


Gray sky, fog, mist, cold
Birds fall from the sky
Dead birds.

Page 12:

Weather severe
Rotating mass parks - joins with polar air.
Travel problems.

Upper Midwest US
Livestock problems. Deaths.

Snow in the Middle East or North Africa where rarely seen

Italy weather problems

Sidetrack Page 1:
Note: this was worked under a target ID for a different target. BUT, I think I got sidetracked (attracted to) on to upcoming events. So this is a near future event. I will rework the target.

Sidetrack Page 2:

Hitomi shining brightly. Madonna like smile.

Sidetrack Page 3:

I see glowing orbs in the night sky coming together.
Jupiter/Saturn merging affects this.

Sidetrack Page 4:


Strong shock waves
winds - turmoil

Impact: like feathers falling from a bird struck in mid-air.
Impact: then feathers float down. This seems symbolic not literal.

Sidetrack Page 5:

Faces that were off to the side, now move to the center.
Out of the shadows into the light.
Men, older. Power. Influence. Pulls the strings. Shadows. Illumination

Sidetrack Page 6:

Ideogram: Men in small compartment facing each other. Meeting close together.

Sidetrack Page 12:

S3: Vertical Structures. Banging. Smoke. Footsteps. Noise clattering. Concrete. People moving. Cool temps. Smell of clothing in cold temps. Barrier. Voices. Noise. Access Point.

Sidetrack Page 14:

Land 1: Large urban area at night. There are boundaries.

Lighted. Some open areas. Horns - traffic noise. Urban - garbage, petroleum, city smells.
Confined. Lockdown. Borders

Sidetrack Page 15:
Air 1:
Sooty. Cold. Foggy. Damp. Particulate heavy.

Air feels like London when they burned coal. Muffled noises. Polluted smells.
Oppressive. Heavy. Cold. Unhealthy.

Sidetrack Page 16:
Obstacle 1:
A checkpoint but people come through and can't be stopped.

Barrier. Checkpoint Access. Noise. Banging. Shouting. Dirty Smells. Pouring through like guards fled. Chaotic. "Stampede"

Sidetrack Page 17:
Structures Multiple:

Lots of people out on the streets.

Mobs. City Buildings. Shouting/Shooting. Acrid smells. Police given up. Ransack. Population uprising. Hotels burning.

Sidetrack Page 18:

Life: human Multiple

There is a barrier to keep people apart but they surge over it. Confront. Climb. Fight. Claw. Scratch. Punch. Shoot. Violence. Opposing forces.

Feels like civil war battle at a fence.

Clash. Shouting. Noise. Smacking. Blood spit. High Emotion. Anger. Fear. Wells up.

Sidetrack Page 19:
I see a TV news studio. Colorful curved set. Desk/Anchors, cameras, bright colors.

They are telling complete scripted lies. Carefully orchestrated. Emergency but no one told. Total blackout of true situation.


(No title)



Sounds interesting


December looks very very interesting -:)


Anyone having issues with the audio? I can't hear anything.


im not getting any audio either


Whats new about the media telling scripted lies? If people can't see this happening, they are blind as bats.


No audio for me on this one


Hi Isabelle, there is no audio with this video. The video discussion with the remote viewers concerning the December World Events will be published later this week. Thanks, Jamie


No Audio


Maybe this is related to the near future event DIck mentions: https://nypost.com/2020/11/28/paris-protesters-burn-cars-set-bank-on-fire-over-police-brutality-bill/


It's working for me. Maybe try turning your volume up as loud as it will go.


The description indicates there is no audio. Which is cool...I have to remind myself to read the description before cranking up the volume! :-)


Oh, read the description... :)


There is conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21st December 2020.


https://twitter.com/Hells4Heroes/status/1334986096506253319?s=19 HIT page 3


I think I might have found what the Madonna like image at the beginning of the vision connects to: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/12/04/december-brings-rare-view-christmas-star-last-celestial-event-1226/ "The “bright point of light” is actually the result of the close proximity between the planets Jupiter and Saturn that will take place on the week of December 20."


I add my humble interpretation of this sign. I see it as a sign of victory in a struggle against darkness. It seems heavens made their choice. Wasn’t the year 1226 the height of Mongol invasion? As then, so now the human world is changing in a big way. Might be a bumpy ride.