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Hi CryptoViewing Family!

Here our remote viewing team discusses the ARV (associative remote viewing) election data for the 2020 USA presidential election.

Who's going to win? What does the data say? I know you're curious! Let's find out...

This was recorded on the 10th of November before we lost Hitomi. Dick discusses giving Hitomi a target of a fluffy bunny so as not to stress her out while she goes through her healing treatments. RIP Hitomi, you are forever in our hearts.

All the best,


(No title)



All the talk about election fraud but no evidence. Trump lawsuits are being thrown out and dismissed. Its looking likely the fraud talk is turning out like what it is. All talk.


So I just watched the video - so basically you don't know if you did tasking correctly. Instead of reporting that tonus, why not do new RV sessions and provide content?


No very timely data, two weeks is too long. We all know this is going to the Supreme Court for election results so no need to toss about who is doing what as the corruption runs deep and the voting machines have flaws. I have never seen an election were the voting counting was halted then resumed in the dead of night when we the people were sleeping to wake up and find the results have turned 180 degrees. So we will have to just wait and see what happens. Common sense says this election has several anomalies that have not occurred in the past and that raises concerns.


I have some pretty good INTEL that TRUMP has this. He's going to let them get right to the gate and then the hammer will drop. Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are two of the best lawyers in the US.. The FRAUD was off the charts. I've never seen anything like it in my life and oddly enough, data experts are now comping forward with proof of the Dominion machines flipping the votes. Trump wins!


Forgot to mention; not too happy that it took you 2 weeks to upload this. I upgraded my subscription just to see this. Pretty disappointed. I'm surprised Edward doesn't care. A Biden win leads to Communism. There would be no playground there!! XRP is the fastest blockchain.


Just going by what the courts say.


Maybe do an ARV on if Trump ever lied.


I'am very disappointed with Dick, There was no fraud. Every State has different rules, in Florida as soon as the mail in ballot came in they where process and counted, also early voting was counted on the of the election. That's why Florida was not a issue. The other States like Michigan, Pennsylvania,and etc. could not process the mail in ballot by State law until after the election. However every mail in ballot is counted every State knew how many ballots they had. There was no sneaking of ballots in the dead of night, no glitches of computers changing results, there was humane error that was fix by election official by the way. The State of Michigan does a audit of the computer count and there paper trail this is done automatic. Dick I'am sorry but I'am going to be hard on you. Shame on you, Cliff High is Not a Expert on Election process, My opinion Cliff is just very opinionated, that does not make him a Expert. Every State is different but in Florida poll workers have to work together one Republican and one democrat especially when there doing recounts and audits. There are poll watchers at all times one Republican and one democrat. By the way I'll say it one more time they do a separate audit where official check the paper vote which will be kept and stored for a while. The audits are not full recounts it's just a way of testing the machines. By the way Gerogia did a full paper recount and it matched perfectly with the machine recount. It just disgenious when people say fraud with no proof, just because they hate the results. Dick as a ex journalist do your homework, go to experts. Talk to Hawaiian election official, Hawaiian Poll workers. What i'am about say is my opinion, RV is not 100% especially when your trying to see future probalities. I had a spiritual Awakening 10years ago, I was humbled when my World turn upside down, I was a atheist. I learned not to limit God. There are infinity of timelines, every Human has there own timeline but at the same time we are doing it together to a certain point. There is a Trump timeline where he wins, and also a timeline where Biden wins. The Biden timeline in my opinion is better due that the right choices will be made quicker and the Earth changes will be less severe, The right leaders will appear around the World. I'll be honest I have no idea how time works it's just so baffling to me. P.S. A message for Dick. I hate doing this, but when Spirit sends you a message you have to comply. Since my Spiritual Awakening, I had some past life come back to me and My Dreams are more vivid, All kinds of beings visit me once in a while and give me info. Or messages. Dick YOUR Higherself visited me, Basically He Said Don't Fall Asleep On The Wheel, hint Spiritual Knowledge and Self Growth is important at this time. Don't let let your biases dictate you. You are the Creator of Your Reality , it's not the Administrators of the World or any other little devil hiding in the shadows. Don't give your power away, true there are beings human and non humane who are participating in this play, but there just that, players. The Awakening of Man coming soon.


There's tons and tons of fraud. Wake up and smell the coffee.


The 'like' is for the post script. In the former body of your comment you missed all the anamolies, no mention of a single one....like ; 'vote exceeds ballots' being reported in the transcript 128 times. etc. I've divorced myself from the corruption ....and that part about don't let your biases dictate YOU......just sayin' Thanks for your comment, truly.


Can someone advise me on the best place to buy Bitcoin? Thanks!


Kraken is very good, they are pushing now to make themselves a bank (I believe). Coinbase is solid but expensive. You will need to go through the KYC to get set up but its simple. If you need any help then get in touch, not sure how you message people on here?


David Wilcock did an interesting (3 Hour!) deep dive into voting machine fraud. Back in the 50's with V Machines. I think its long been established that there has been huge fraud with most of the planets elections. But remember whatever your opinion of Trump or Biden don't fall into the trap of thinking its ok to steal it from the Republicans as the powers that be decided to steal it from Gore and give it to Bush in 2000. So it transcends party and moves into over-riding agendas. If we don't have free or fair elections then we have Marxism just round the corner and that hasn't killed a hundred million or so souls in the past 120 years has it?


So I may be off track but I listen and read a lot to fringe stuff so a good friend of mine who is a very talented medium shared some information. She seems to be of the opinion that we have two timelines overlapping at the moment a higher and a lower on. We may depending on our 'vibration' move into one or the other as the timelines diverge. Could the RV team be viewing both timelines and getting different results, the timeline where Biden wins and the timeline where Trump wins. Just another piece of the puzzle.


Also very upsetting when Dick mentioned that he was giving the fluffy viewing to Hitomi. She seems to have left a massive gap. She must have been a very beautiful soul, bless her.


I was shocked at what Mr. #1 Trump supporter Rush Limbaugh said. He is apparently disappointed the promised blockbuster evidence the legal counsel promised was just a bunch of bull.


Hmmm, a little frustrating to watch a session in which everyone got Trump and is trying to figure out "What went wrong" when the end result isn't even established yet. Kind of like ripping up your bets when your horse isn't leading at the first turn. After Trump (likely) wins please have a session about why some of you were doubting yourselves and your work so much. Now that would be an interesting session.....


I don't think the fat lady has sung yet.


I agree with your friend , that it might be more difficult than our understanding of how time, reality works. My info. Is that Reality is very complicated, but I was told it's ok, that what's important is how your life is doing, that when you start living a life of compassion the reality will bend to your will, that does not mean it will be Rainbow and roses , but your frequency will start reflecting the reality you need to advance your lesson and also a life of joy. The good news is that we are doing it together , mankind his the grace of this Planet, and that we are going to a more mature society, I was told eventually every Civilization grows up.


At the 19:45 mark, Dick mentions that Clif says bitcoin isn't fast enough for the vote volume. However, the IBM Q Network, formerly named the IBM Quantum Network, is fast enough. You can google it and see that a number of financial clients have signed up to collaborate with IBM because it can manage high volumes of data (and could consume the data and give an X probability of the vote count totals?). Might run this by Clif High.


I think Clif is a great programmer (of yesterdays technology) but he certainly isnt privvy to breakthrough technology and kit that is in the military domain.


Just to qualify my opinion, I was a software engineer for a number of years.


the POTUS is elected by the electoral college on dec 14th if they can not for what ever reason the house has to elect POTUS.so 14th not 3rd


Disappointed our UK RV is an Anti-Trumper. Bummer !!


I worked at a bank years ago. It was during transition to digital. I have been programming since age 10 and owned an IT company for two decades. Voting needs to be done with physical ballots (with ID) counted and saved for auditing. Computer tabulations then as secondary and simultaneous. Any software can be hacked or have backdoors added. Keeping physical counts is the only way to stop hacking/fraud and to enable accurate auditing. Of course, there is no 100%


BTW. Bitcoin blockchain is what Cliff refers to because currently, its not hackable (or data changeable without 51%). Other systems on a blockchain dont work that way by design. For instance, some cryptos are decentralized while other are not. Major difference in who controls function and how malleable final data is.