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Hello CryptoViewing Family!

It's time for the special event for our Visionaries and Founders: the BI-MONTHLY Q & A LIVE CALL, this month with DICK ALLGIRE!

CryptoViewing remote viewer DICK ALLGIRE
will be available for a live Zoom call where he will answer your questions.

You may post your questions in this thread.

You will be able to join Dick for the live chat or watch the recorded video of Dick's answers to your questions.

The Zoom link to the live call will be provided prior to the call in this post. Please see your time at the timezone overview above.


Topic: One on One with Dick Allgire

Register in advance for this webinar:




Here is the date/time of Dick's Live Call with time zones.
If you miss the live call a recording will be provided after the event.


EST 4:00 PM
Central 3:00 PM
Mountain 2:00 PM
Pacific 1:00 PM
Alaska 12:00 NOON
Hawaii 11:00 AM
London 9:00 PM
Frankfurt 10:00 PM
Moscow 12:00 MIDNIGHT (Tues Nov, 24)
Sydney 12:00 NOON (Tues Nov, 24)
Turkey 12:00 MIDNIGHT (Tues Nov, 24)



Thank you and all the best,




Cool.. never did this before


Hi Dick :) Thank you Dick for that opportunity to get our questions answered. 1. Why administrators of the world allowing us, ordinary people to get reach during that transformation? 2. Is there any next gen. cryptocurrency which can handle extremely large amount transaction required for to run peoples activities on daily basis? or do they plan to have a lot of network to be able to handle it?


3. Who runs the world? Could you name them? Are they Orsini? Breakspear, Aldobrandini, Farnese and Somaglia? 4. Is there is any country on the planet who is kind of safe in terms keeping myself away from being forced to get a vaccines with nano bots shoot. 5. Some says that Feb "release" of the CV21 will be spread by water system, do you have more information on the topic? 5. Is there any insiders target on Lightcoin Cash (LCC)?


7. I have been told that in 3rd quarter next year there will be broken food chain supply and army on the streets, do you have some more information you can share with us?


8. DO you have any information you can share or point to where look at to find an answers about what administrators have in store after 2025-2027? What is a reason why we will need to bale to grow our own for from that period onward?


Dick thanks for all of your work. Where is the best place / what is the best resource currently available to learn to RV? Many Thanks


Sarah Westall did a session with you guys. This is a long read but it has all the facts and figures. What do you think Dick? TRUMP WON – FRAUD PROVEN: Analysis of Voting Data Shows Exactly What Happened https://sarahwestall.com/trump-won-fraud-proven-analysis-of-voting-data-shows-exactly-what-happened/


Is there an after life and will we be able to extend our life span in the Sci-fi world? Is fate a man-made concept?


Is there a way to bypass receiving the Covid vaccine injections (especially if they are mandatory) and if so, how? Do you know if the vaccines will disconnect us from tuning into divine consciousness and trap us in a synthetic AI consciousness? If so, is there a way out?


Do you think your remote viewing of a Trump win will be correct?


Hi Dick...I have noticed that there are no publicly viewable Remote Viewing sessions on the planet Nibiru or the Annunaki. Is that because they are off limits? It's written on the Cuneiform tablets that at least one of the Annunaki are responsible for our latest upgrade ( I'm referring to the Garden of Eden story). And since they've had such large impact on human development, I would assume that there is some sort of interest on your part to try and discover more about them. Idk. If I'm correct, is there a way you could tell us more of what you know? Thank you


i have decided to not take the vaccines, i do hope they are not mandated, i am hoping there will be safe areas in u.s. maybe hopi indian land, maybe utah


Hi Dick, love all your video's! I wish most were a little longer.🙂 My question , can you share the reasons or proof you have, as to why you/we should believe that your source information from Michael, has real validity, especially since you were told to leave Hawaii? Especially since it turns out that some elites went to Hawaii to be safe. Thanks for your response.


I was unable to join, can I get a link to the recording? Thanks