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Hello dear CryptoViewing Family!

Here comes our Tuesday feature: Dick's summary on the conversation with friends.

All the best


(No title)



Is the longer version of this coming or is that for other subscribers?


I feel more confused than before!! You saw Trump winning at 283 electoral votes. So is there a recount and Trump stays in or not? About that watermark; I have been following Steve Piecznek for over 9 years and he has always been INCREDIBLY reliable. He is the one that told us about the watermark and that it was a sting operation. Why would he lie about something like that and damage his entire credibility? It makes no sense!!


So we still don't know who will be president next year.

Jean Dunlop

If I understand this correctly, the 'powers that be', on both sides of the government, are in favour of microchipping the population. Can you clarify please.


Thank you for sharing this with us ❤️🙏 curious as to what a digital ID would look like? Any Digibyte people here? Could it be Digi ID? I’m pretty new here so please forgive me if I’m asking about something that has already been talked about.


To my mind, each one of us is a very powerful, creative Being; each one of us can "dream" their futures; and who can also contribute to the collective future. Our unique identity is secure within each one of our powerful and beautiful hearts.


I guess only for founders.. shame. Not sure I am any the wiser.


Dick, There was no voter fraud. Look , the timelines have split, A Biden timeline is better for the Earth changes that are coming, due to the right choices are going to be implemented quicker and the Right leaders will appear. Don't give your power away. Dick , of all people don't let your biases blind you. I will just say this don't fall asleep on the wheel. This message came from a higher source. You can always read the momentum energy of mankind of the collective too see where we are going. Or you can do a Blind RV to your team. By the way I love you guys.As a team y'all have proven that there is more to life. I'am not a remote viewers, but my gift comes from dreams, I had Spiritual Awakening and Grey Alien abduction. This does not make me special, but I was given info. And guided into how reality works, by the way it simple. It's all about you. I don't know about your friend, but it seems his info. Comes from the physical. When you do RV of the future it will never be 100% .👽 I don't want to pop anybody ballon,so this info. I want to share because I love sharing Spiritual message. if your interested I recommend any books about NDE and Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton. There is a transition that is happening, I would like to say Biden or Trump will lead to the same goal. You will be ok. Humanity is about to grow up, the next 200 years will be a acceleration of growth. The Aliens are interested for many reasons. First I will say something about the Humans and Aliens that love to control, forget them. You have always had the power in your reality. Now that being said does not make easy and we are also co creating. 2nd, Humanity will be accelerating faster than normal, Spiritual, Body, mind and Technology . This is not normal, The Aliens interested because it's amazing. Usually it will take 100,000 thousand of years,for a Civilization to reach the kind of Spiritual growth we do in just under 1000 years. I don't have all the answers each one of us has there own answer. Iam going say something told to me , a gift was giving to every Soul" What ever you want! And never forget you have the power to redeem yourself", each one of us is special, do not fear the future, it is Bright 🌞.


This is a point of surrender to the unknown for all of us. So many opinions and perspectives are out there. In the end we all have to listen to our own gut feeling or intuition.


I don't think there is any voter fraud, Trump has to resign and america need to heal.


Thanks Dick - that is sweet =:-)


From out of nowhere Civic has been added to Coinbase. Coincidence?


Corporate media is already beginning to pull States away from Biden. Storm is almost here...


which one coin they will use like Digital ID ? Thats the question?


The storm is coming and people are going to be woken up, they like it or not. Trump will be re-elected, he won on election night before they decided to stop counting votes. Dick thank you for your opinions and your friends opinions but because you voice them here to the public does not mean you or your friend are correct, is just opinions just like anyone else's opinion, you do not know what Trumps plan is nobody does, I think Cue gave us some clues but we will soon find out. I know this as an empath , I would say Trump has a good Heart , he loves the american people and this country and that may sound cliche but is very very true.


Thanks for sharing !! Bashar has explained the whistle blowers such as you, in a way Dick, are the best tools the Cabal uses to make us believe "they" are more powerful THAN THEY REALLY ARE. Simply said, with you as their messenger, "they" hurried to let us know "they" all planned it ( the vote cheating ) , so basically telling us, the ones who are awake, that we are still POWERLESS. One thing they certainly don't mention is the chaos necessary for their " Problem, Reaction, Solution " is what they fear the most, because in that period we can shift into a different direction they would like us to go. Whatever happens, "they" will always find an explanation of how "they" had planned it, always wanting to keep us feeling powerless to change anything, that's "their" TRICK !! PERCEPTION !! As David Icke would repeat.


Thanks for the update for the Kmart shoppers. Welcome to the age of Aquarius. We have the next 2000 years to figure out what truth is. How it changes over time. How it changes with perspective. Truth changes things. The Truth changes.


Waiting for this from the weekend tease !!! Real tease !!! More money,,its all about the money!!! Don't know what's worse cable or patreon!!! Disappointed!!!


I don't buy the rigged election... Trump has been selling the notion of a rigged election months before this election. He did the same thing during the 2016 election, The postal carrier in PA admitted that he lied about the fraudulent ballots to the postal inspector. VOTE by mail been going on since the 1800's. I voted by mail and it was not fraudulent, If folks want new representation of their needs and values then they need to run for political office. The Old World Order is coming to an end. The new order belong to these young people who are trying to form this Nation into their image.


Seriously? Voter FRAUD is rampant and there is proof everywhere on video and dozens of people that have already signed affidavits.


Bashar said stay in the eye of the storm through this year, this year that he said in 2019 was going to be "nuts". Neutral, it's all neutral. Who wins is neutral, the info Dick has given is neutral. There's your power, choose the meanings and choose your responses.


I couldn't agree with you more. I have a good moral compass and use critical thinking and I pedestal Trump. Just building the wall alone, we now have a 93% reduction in human, weapons and drug trafficking, let alone the HUMAN TRAFFICKING executive order he put in place just days after he was elected. No evil Rothschild's Luciferian CULT that rules our world would do that! To me Trump is an ENIGMA!!


Thank you Dick and crew. Very interesting. People are saying "nothing can stop what is coming!", and I know why. I also think they're right, but they have no idea what's actually coming. The way I've been seeing it what's happening now is not a mistake and this report is more along those same lines. "They have no idea.." can sound ominous if you let it folks, but personally I'm not the least bit frightened.


exactly, most of these clowns are either white supremacists and hard core christians.


It'll be biden, unless the clown in chief destroys america in the next two months.


Hi Jean, Our understanding is they would like to have the entire global population have a digital ID, not necessarily a microchip. Cheers, Jamie


I would love to know the future of vaccines, whether they will be mandatory and also; microchipping and whether you see two timelines because I feel that I have been shifting between 2 realities everyday. Even Edward Riordan did a session I believe regarding this subject and I believe he verified it to be true if I am not mistaken. The NEW YORK POST even did an article on this subject and verified it through NASA to be true. You can Google it.....2 parallel earth timelines.


Every once in a while there's something that's in a higher tier of payment that just shouldn't be only there. This is definitely one of those times,,, everybody that's part of this patreon community should be able to hear CONVO WITH FRIENDS: Bad Elections... Please consider making that possible because 1, it's totally possible to quickly make this change so everybody can see that, and 2, nobody in that higher tier is going to leave the higher tier just because this one thing was shown to everybody. Do it soon, peoples lives are on the line;-)


Surprise Surprise it is not over - how can anyone claim victory when the ballets have microdot verification and watermarks that the public did not know about!!!!!!!!!!! And I helped!!


It’s only a fraud when the opposition lose. The vote was fair and square , point, blank, period. Too many folks listening to Alex Jones and QANON madness.


Yuri Bezmenov's words "you won't notice until the swift boot of communism is stomping a boot on your face". Instead of taking the bait and buying into this distraction, and focus on whether this 'election' was fraudulent, WAKE UP and look around you to see what's going on! It doesn't matter who will be the president, 'demented' or 'orange man', the NWO, the great reset is around the corner.


I see there many people believe that fraud was committed. I don't want to hurt anybody feeling, but it's not true. If you subscribe to crypto viewing, is because you have some understanding that there is more to life than the physical. Many Remote viewers say they don't understand how, or where they get there info.. Well , it's easy, all they had to do is ask. There is something called Universal Intelligence, where every entity has access too it , we use it all time , consciously or unconsciously. I'am going to say some hard things for people who like to look for devils, this is tuff love, the World you live in is a reflection of you. Many people want the World to be better,and that it goes there way all the time nomatter who they hurt,they see devils everywhere but never point the finger to themselves. Sometimes in order to win you have too lose, you do it because you understand that peace is better than war. Loving your Brother/Sister is more important than a election, if Trump or Biden wins the election should not make you believe that the other side is some how wicked. Let go of those ideas. The next time you want to point the finger look at yourself first. I'am going to say something told to me, The New Children are correct they will lead the way. This info. Came from the mandela of Light. Look into what they do. Every older generation thinks that the children are naive or don't know what there doing. Sorry, all good changes where done by the young. If you believe your a older soul, than start growing up. It's time to be the example. My Spiritual Guide show up to me, and told me get up, keep moving forward toward love. I had a spiritual Awakening 10years ago, not because i'am special. It was the opposite, I was lost, I was arogant, I believe Science and Mankind had all the answers. My Higher Self kick me in the butt, and humbled me. I knew nothing. I will tell you what The OverSoul said, "The Biggest problem of Mankind is Ignorance, ignorance of God, Ignorance that your a Soul, ignorance that Love is real, ignorance that there is only one Human in this planet you are your brothers keeper. Ignorance that Mother Earth is real, we are supposed to be responsible to take care of this planet. You know what is the good news, This Ignorance will end soon!"😇


Nice post but absolutely ZERO proof of your anti-fraud claim. Not even an argument as to why you think there was no fraud.


🙏 Thank you for posting this! I’m so happy with an update. Always a fan


What the heck is triple entry system? I am an accountant, Debits and Credits. What the heck is the third aspect? Sounds bogus to me.


Not available on Visionaries tier.


Seems like this whole thing was orchestrated from the getgo. Obviously angering the population to accept digital ID'S just to make sure the vote is solid. Both sides have been putting on an act to initiate this. All planned.


Digital ID is the future, not only for elections, gradually you will be forced to do it and it has its very good parts ... and it even has many ... the price we paid? absolute control by them ..but for a person with a quiet, fair life should not be a problem..and so far ... and NOW you are controlled, your data is stolen, companies make money with your data, Sometimes you knowingly sold your data ... and yet no one cared, did you? ..why are you so scared NOW ???


I am going to have to disagree with you regarding the WATERMARK on the ballots Dick. Trump just tweeted the EXACT amount of votes the Dem's stole from him and where they came from. Go and have a look! The ONLY way he could know this is if he had some kind of tracking technology on the paper the ballots were printed on. In addition; leading up to the election "Q" kept telling us to "watch the water" and also; Trump said a few things about the water. We thought he was referring to the floods in China. Now we know what he REALLY meant!


Forgot to mention; I am not at the paid level to get into the conversation you had with your friend, but Problem, Reaction, Solution is a term David Icke invented and he is NOT a fan of Trump.


^ actually Icke refers to the Hegelian Dialectic and the concepts predate David by ~100 years (see Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Hegelian Dialectic)


Dick, you can´t upsell us, since there are no spots left in higher tiers, unfortunatelly.


Isn´t that strange? I can feel it, too. Swinging like a pendulum between those two. I´m constantly working towards the "better" one, reminding myself to keep manifesting and staying present at the good one.


Yes, exactly. And now you can´t even join the higher tiers since there are no spots left.


Hi Pat, Sorry you have had an issue! Please try again. We are now showing that we have some spots available. Thanks, Jamie


Ugh, I didn't even see the pin that burst my bubble. But I felt it


Not sure if I’m getting my money’s worth for almost $40 a month. I’m not into cryptos. There’s hardly any woo woo sessions. And the q & a is about a $100 a month. Can we get more woo woos like Farsight who gives out a lot of quality sessions on “sci-if” stuff? I get more content on Netflix for $16/mo. And I still haven’t gotten my response for being invited to the official website and it’s been weeks if not months of being a member. Not sure if this is all worth it.


Very interesting


Supreme Court was a JOKE they did nothing