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Hi CryptoViewing family!

Here it is, I know you've been waiting. Anxiety about the US elections is running high and you want some insight to help navigate the insanity. Dick and Uncle Clif discuss their perceptions of what's really going on inside the US elections. This gets deep woo-woo.

This is part two. Part one is posted on our YouTube channel: CryptoViewing.

All the best,


(No title)



Clif has finally lost it.


LINK to part one?


Hi Dick! we are born in Romania - let us know if we need to translate anything for you. I wish Clif would have mentioned what TV Channel in Romania. Thank you for all you guys do! :) Vlad & Bea


Great information!!!


i love clif , he got me started in crypto, life changing, i hope he is wrong about china,,,i hope the ccp falls to internal revolutionary chinese forces we shall see


What does Cliff mean "[When] the left goes to war with itself... they will slaughter all those kids"?


Clif is a little too quick to jump to conclusions. He has no idea if quantum crypto is real and yet is certain its fake. That is the ego.


Dick why did you not let Clif continue talking about crypto... Man!!! You know we're dying for crypto info from Clif...... I mean you call this CryptoViewing..... Can we have a whole interview on Crypto...


Greetings from Australia! Thanks for this video, Dick, even though I have some doubt about bringing weirdos like Clif High into the private Members' area. It doesn't do good to your and the other remote viewers' reputation and credibility, in my humble opinion. I mean, his Project WebBot is such a demonstrated scam (check his blog to get an idea: www.halfpasthuman.com) and, as a paying member, I wish you could keep the discussion among the current team as this guy's theories and ego are really hurting the remote viewing principles you usually put forward. Anyway, interesting times!


Some interesting reading ;-) --> https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200258338A1/en?oq=US+2020%2f0258338+A1+united+states+postal+service


I second this - could we get more information on this important comment from Clif? Thank you -


Dick shut it down, Dick can't keep up with Cliff's intellect..it was like watching a tiny mouse trying to run with a Big Dog....This could have been a great interview if Dick kept quite and let Cliff talk and explain his thoughts for 1 to 2 hours, that would have been awesome, but scared little Dick closed it before he was embarrassed further.


Democracy? In a monetary system there is no such thing as a true democracy, and there never was. In the US there are two political parties owned by the same set of corporate lobbyists. They are placed in their positions by the corporations with popularity artificially projected by their media. I.m.o. politics (worldwide) is never about bringing us together. It is about using the force of law to violently rob and control us. A politician who brought us together would do so by not being a politician, by not running for office, by not passing any legislation, by not taxing or regulating anything or anyone.🤔


Where is the phone call?


2 news channels I find good (on YouTube) Ruptly and RT uk. They do live videos of events without a media spin on them


As intellectual as Clif sounds, I think he is bat shit eccentric. He says no such thing as micro novas, but the evidence of the 12000 year catastrophic cycle is indisputable. I’ve been listening to Clif for years, and I always find hard facts to be in short supply. I’m not saying he is completely wrong....just hard to attach facts to rhetoric.


Are we sure the Trump/Rogan wasn't actually Konye/Rogan?


Did Clif and Dick see this interview about " Hammer " ?? https://parler.com/post/20ed6b906b434b718da9a13daabc735b


NOT the CCP, but the US did it !!??


I can’t see the video link to part 2?


The Electoral College will meet on Dec., 14th. On that day there will be a total solar eclipse, visible from South America & Antarctica.


Surprise Surprise it is not over - how can anyone claim victory when the ballets have microdot verification and watermarks that the public did not know about!!!!!!!!!!! And I helped!!


I think it’s cool to talk to all sorts of people with different backgrounds and viewpoints. I don’t care what anybody else on the thread says, I think the more cool interviews the better. Thank you for doing great work.


Dick got owned