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                                    WHERE IS BITCOIN GOING IN NOVEMBER?
                                                 MARTY MARKET ANALYSIS
                                                         NOVEMBER 1, 2020

Hi CryptoViewing Family!

Here is an important market update with Dick and Marty Hibbs, our market analyst, for NOVEMBER 1, 2020

Cryptos are waking up! Where is it all going?
Our technical analyst doesn’t give financial advice, but he sure knows how to read those graphs!

You can visit Marty's website for more information. https://www.bullshift2021.com/

All the best,

All information contained herein from CryptoViewing / Future Forecasting Group is provided for entertainment purposes only, and should not be construed as any type of advice, medical, legal, or financial. CryptoViewing / Future Forecasting Group disclaims all liability in regards to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the contents in this presentation. Any person/entity seeking to make any decisions financial or otherwise, should seek appropriate and professional representation. Member discernment is required.


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Suggestion for Marty on organizing These apps are design to help reduce email clutter and streamline your communication Slack.com Discord


Thank you both for sharing your valuable info !! :o)


Gold is gold...People have to change the way they think. The price of gold is relative. 🤔 Its the value of USD and its buying power that changes.. Thanks guys for the great vid


Hi CryptoViewing Team, considering the actual move, would be nice to have a quick update from Marty. His target was 14200.