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Hello folks we have the WORLD EVENTS for MAY 2020 ready to go but are experiencing issues posting on Patreon. Here's the DIRECT link to the video:


Here's the MAY CryptoViewing WORLD EVENTS folks! A doosy to say the least. We hope our session give you some advanced notice and time to plan accordingly.  

thanks and stay safe. 





More visibility on the mandatory vaccines please.


Thank you the short cut to the web address is much better. Don't have to login to Patron and wight for 15 minutes or more just to see the viedo.


Thanks for all you guys and ladies do! Personally, I’d rather be informed so I can better prepare for my family, friends and myself. I have always been very strong during a horrible crisis (like my grandson being life lighted from my farm when he was 4) and I have a way to keep people organized and distracted from going into shock. God Bless you all! THANKS AGAIN!❤️


Big thanks to you all. Amazing contents and presentation. So, once again, we're being presented with impostors on the mainstream media, wether on KCNA now with 'Kim Jong-un' or back then on CNN with a 'Saddam Hussein' impostor being taken to court and later hanged... And burning oil fields, then small scale in Kuwait, now Armageddon scale who knows where. Same old game. It sickens me. Disgusting.


I love your work. Last month I read on this account to cancel my subscription...which I did....thinking I would get a link to sign up to the new website. However, I waited for weeks and didn't get any notification, so signed back up on the patreon account again. Can you give us more details on how this transition will work? Should we cancel again this month?


What an amazing team, guys! Bravo!


I'm confused, why does it feel like I already watched this already yet it posted may 16th?


Hi guys - there was an explosion in Los Angeles a couple of hours ago- multiple buildings on fire still :-( https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-05-16/explosion-in-downtown-l-a-leaves-multiple-buildings-on-fire


There was a huge explosion in LA! I think one of you guys caught this. possibly a hit?


just saw that Los Angeles fire, explosion leave at least 10 firefighters injured: reports fox news https://www.foxnews.com/us/los-angeles-fire-explosion-leave-at-least-10-firefighters-injured-reports


Wow another massive fire today on South Padre Island (Texas): https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/massive-fire-condominium-complex-south-padre-island-texas-n1208616


Please watch the Greg Hunter Interview of Bo Polny on USA Watch Dog.  Much of Bo's information matches data in the Web Bot reports and what crypto viewing remote viewers are seeing in the near future.  It sure makes me wonder where he obtained much of this info.  He talks about cryptos, metals (silver spike), new silver tech, aliens and UFOs, etc.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1nuyY2150s


Elinor, there never was an information for the supporters to cancel their pledges with Patreon. The manual process of member approval does not allow to move all tiers at the same time. Edd will announce the migration for each tier. Stay posted. Greetings from HQ


Hi there, a little health update: Copper kills germs, bacteria, and viruses on contact, whereas they can survive on dry stainless steel for days if not weeks. Southampton Uni did a live test on video, admittedly it's a promotional video. Nevertheless, the Hindus still use copper vessels in order to have clean drinking water: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a1DK_1DthyM


Hi - I was watching the video linked at Vimeo above and couldn't help but notice the correlation between Daz's sketch at 33:10 mins. and the United States Space Force Flag emblem here: https://media.defense.gov/2020/May/15/2002301175/-1/-1/0/200515-O-ZZ999-3451.JPG


cont'd.... Regarding the linked U.S. Space Force Flag, I'm curious if the two star maps shown are actual star systems. If they are, perhaps the team would be interesting remote viewing those systems for intelligent life forms. Wouldn't it be interesting if we already had trade relationships in place, trading things like small LENR's for propulsion systems?


Hi Rose ... by chance do we know if Hitomi happened to zero-in on a "safe" place to be in order to totally avoid the vaccine? Seems like no matter what, that vaccine may be our future ... like it or not. Thanks, Rose ... hope you see this ... appreciate a moment of your time -- -- --


China taking over Hong Kong just like it was mentioned https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/China-signals-plan-to-take-full-control-of-Hong-15285627.php


So what's up with these Russian remote viewers? What's so secret that can't be spoken about? Really curious...




Hello dear Scubasteve, thank you very much for sending in the link. I have forwaded it to Hitomi to let her check on it. Warm greetings, Rose


Will a new link be set up for May


Will a new link be set up for Mays world events? I heard it referenced in another video and wanted to check it out. Thanks!