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Hello Patreons! In the World Events for August 2019 we published Dick Allgires prediction on "Human feces in the news, diseases spreading at sidewalks: Cholera, Thyphoid, Hepatitis, sewage spills" (https://www.patreon.com/posts/28841023). In October the media reported about this topic as you can see in the greaphic below. Thank you everybody for your support.

All the best
Team CryptoViewing





https://www.zerohedge.com/political/physically-mentally-frail-assange-suffers-vicious-travesty-justice-latest-court Sadly Dick's prediction "Assange deteriorates" is confirmed in this recent article from Zerohedge.


I have said many times Get Him out!! Trump I am not alone Randy Rainbow (youtube) says it all https://youtu.be/7mZYd3DrX-c


RE: Bitcoin Black: I just woke up here on the West Coast of the USA and found an e-mail from BTCBLK with a link to Cryptoviewing's work on Bitcoin Black! Very favorable too. Based on what they wrote, I would definitely call this a confirmation for the team. Great job Guys! ~I expect it will go viral in the BTCBLK community because these reports are so interesting. So expect some more new friends here at Patreon (Welcome! :) and perhaps an acceleration of BTCBLK's sell of coins and having people sign up for the airdrop. This could speed up their time line and launch date considerably. I think now might be a good time to get involved if this interests you. ~The air drop is 3,600 free coins. They are also giving out an additional 100 coins to play with to test their wallet. The wallet takes many hours to download because it is a node but well worth it IMHO. Doing the whole BTCBLK process is a great way to teach youngsters how cryptocurrencies are set up and "born." I highly recommend doing it for that reason alone if you have kids or would like to experience a currency birth first hand. ~~Also ~~The LTC conference weekend is beginning. Have fun everyone! I'm looking froward to hearing all about it :)