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Hello Patreons! Protest around the world are gaining momentum as Richard Allgire predicted in his World Events August Remote Viewing session. See for youself.





Hi Dick, just watched your youtube #415. I agree with what you say here and the video's were a great example. You mentioned a wizard and some of what he was doing with regard to magic/k. I think that it's vital to understand the nature of what's been controlling the planet for so long and you're doing a great job in this regard. Magic no matter how you"spell" that word is a manipulation of energy. In the coming months you will see more and more examples of plans failing/ structures that would right now seem to be unbreakable, shattering as dust in the breeze. Frequencies on this planet are rising and as they do it traction fails and they are simply not able to tune in, in the way they were. You will very soon start to see a great many examples of this. All things are eventually brought into balance. The road can be challenging in these times but it leads to a beautiful garden.


Interesting, Andrew. I hope you're right. We SO need balance!


Andrew, yes, black magic is on the decrease whereas White Magic (working for Love, Peace, and Justice) is on the increase. Ending an imbalance of 100,000 years. We humans had a very ancient age of hitech - the Atlantean civilization, hence the name of the Atlantic Ocean. Dick has remote viewed this under the bedrock of the Atlantic. In Greek mythology, Atlas is carrying the (current) world on his shoulders. Get it?


Atlas! Now I get it. Right there in plain sight. BTW do you have any favorite reading regarding mythology? Thank you, Till.


Hi Tim, absolutely yes. I understand exactly what you're talking about. It's really wonderful to communicate with people that have a clear understanding of where we're at and where we are heading.


Hello Elaine, we so do hey. One thing I would say to you, is that the extraordinary beautiful energy of the planet (GIA) is raising her energy and as she does this all women's energy connecting with her devine feminine energy will become more grounded and more aware. This goddess energy empowers women and to a certain extent men. That's why in our history Matriarchal Societies were destroyed because there energy and vibration was so high the negative forces couldn't suppress them. This devine feminine energy helps bring men into balance with there feminine side. Essential for our spiritual evolution.


Great stuff Andrew. I have been following the bouncing ball for years now and I hope your correct. Its the 50th year anniversary of the Summer of" Peace and Love" and the Woodstock concert in the USA. People here are fondly pattiing themselves on the back and how their generation changed things for the best. Somehow they have missed that it was their generation that has been in the drivers seat and has done NOTHING to stop 20 straight years of war in the Middle East since 9/11. Afghanistan 18 years, USA's longest war! . So I REALLY hope your correct. ??


You're wrong Dick. My massive Digibyte holdings are going to become so valuable I will become the new ruler of this world


Well Mike, we're super happy you're on our team then! Put in a good word with the boss when you take the helm! Ed


Re Dick's prediction about snow in August....Has everyone heard that the huge hailstorm in Madrid covered much of the ground in a white frozen blanket...very much like snow in August (in the Northern hemisphere) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diBVbV9hrAk


Jane Robert's Seth mentions ancient building techniques that take advantage of localized "white holes" where energy is projected into this plane, which generate long term stability for physical structures.