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Hello to all our Patreons! Just a segment Dick worked on which you'll enjoy.  

Tomorrow we will publish a lenghty AMA with Jeff Zylstra from C&B with all the questions gathered from our subscribers. Stay tuned for that one! 

Also the month of August is making headlines already, we have a number of hits coming into HQ on events far and wide. 

And a big shout out to BTC! Keep moving up baby! Let's Gooooooooo! 

Thank you all and hope you all are enjoying your weekend. 

Stay safe. 



The Ant Farm

This video is about The Ant Farm



SO dont be greedy be smart ;)


Where can I buy this cockroach currency?


Its amazing how dumb we can be as humans.


Maybe we are trapped in this firmament by something as innocuous as baby powder. Could the ants on the lid be freedom fighters or desperately suicidal? Our tribe craves crypto because we know the current monetary system is killing many of us...


I admire your way you give us constantly pieces of whisdom . It is a gift to be in this group


Um, I think the message of the video was that the coming crypto system will still be controlled by the same people. We just have an opportunity to profit from the changes by being ahead of the curve. Most people will still suffer.


THE HIVE MIND..... Humanity is not really that different! Humanity mirrors "ECO-SYSTEMS". Yes, even the BLOCK-CHAIN! Can we say ---- > CELLULAR AU-TOM-A-TON . one of a set of units in a mathematical model that have simple rules ""governing their replication and destruction"". They are used to model complex systems composed of simple units such as living things or parallel processors. A cellular automaton is a collection of "colored" cells on a grid of specified shape that evolves through a number of discrete time steps according to a set of rules based on the states of ""neighboring cells"". GOT IT YET? :)


bravo,I needed that.


I can't wait to travel on those flying triangles!


Dick, I love the work that you and the team do, but wow, Michael has you by the cahoonas and has force fed you the koolaid. There is so much evidence that contradicts the powerlessness you have (and believe we will have to) embrace. It would be quite exciting to bring Penny Kelly (Robes book) and someone like Steven Greer in to speak witn you (and us) about the (true) reality that is before us. The Control group, Masters, Administrators are gasping for air knowing that a great percentage of the population has awoken....my God even the Oppressed Chinese! And there is NOTHING that can stop the wave of freedom...freedom of thought, movement, creation, etc., except maybe those beliefs you've bought into. Lets get some dialogue going with others who "see". Thanks for your work!


May the Either be with you. (c)


Definetly a wave of freedom and awareness but still a lot are asleep and let’s not be naive to the grip the powers that be have over the system ....we still run around with a “2 party system” with a rogue government that people remain divided by media’s bs brainwashing


We do live in a holographic universe..


I guess dick is making an allergy that open borders is because there is not enough food and resources and jobs in that area so they are moving to the western world. Solution, to keep people in their place is to provide food and water , good paying jobs and no war. I also believe that the Earth is flat and the reason why it is a globe shape pushed by our rulers is because we need to give the,sense there’s more out there than what they really is, the sense of non finite. Not looking beyond Antarctica. Not pushing the boundaries. Like the ants at the edge being prevented by the baby powder, ice and cold keep us from going beyond.


Hi Dick, great video. I saw this recent Penny Kelly video on events that are incoming in the not too distant future. It is quite engaging. I would like your team's comments if possible. This would affect cryptos and everything else somewhat in the future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq6aqZnpTiE&t=34s


Most people have no idea what is happening. They do not want to know, it is just too far away from their daily life. They have bills to pay, work, children, health worries and time what's left to relax or meet up with like minded or family. They close completely if you even start to talk about the world and influences from Administrators. It's a small group who are open to this concept. Just arrange your life to be able to help, care for yourself and people around you.


Don - agree - I believe Penny is one of a few individuals that has accurately 'seen' and been given information that has been spot-on, 100% accurate! The coming chaos from these masters will be short-lived and they are trying desperately to get everyone dumbed-down and complacent, believing they have no options and no power to effect change. I do know one thing - ALL empires fall and it is only a matter of time before these twisted SOBs fall too and our creative, infinite selves take over. - see Penny's info on 2075 when the world changes. I have heard this from several sources. Also, think about the fact that media is controlled by the powers that be and all we are fed is non-stop negativity. This is because the entrainment furthers their agenda, but look around. Yet EVERYWHERE you look, there is chaos and unrest. An UNwillingness to comply. This is only the beginning. Also see Steven Greer - he has spoken with and been in the company of Interdimensional beings who are here to help and assist in humanities transformation - which does NOT include the current status quo and psychopathic agendas! I would love to see this dialog between CV and them!


Hunger Games is seeming to be a potential future except not on my Time Line. So DICK what happens to the one ANT who manages to escape the Colony?


I agree with Dick and l'Ami. I believe they want us to think we have ability to gain some power, but when it comes down to the truth, they are ultimately in control. I also believe this will come to an end and things will change, but not in my lifetime, so I'm not going to get my hopes up.


Fucking hilarious


Dick ,Thanks the anti farm was great, we have to keep our humor after all the reality they want us to perceive is the biggest joke. Dick I love your humor you have to do Barry Schmelling more often its Great. Thanks


Hello Dick. Basically you say: There's a powerful dark force that is controlling us and we can do nothing about because it is so powerful, but I can't tell you anything else. How is that helping anybody? Maybe if you tell us why we can't fight against it we could at least not be paranoid about it.


Richard, would you call the forces all planets in our solar system obide to as dark forces? We call these forces natural laws. Everything in creation has its boundaries to its/their movements. As above so below. Our species as part of all creation has its part in this quadrant of creation. Even the forces that are called "dark" are not external to creation or the creator(s). The Romans had the saying that "Light, Shadow and Darknes ultimatively serve the same Master". The perspective we are approching the scenario is about who you, I, they are on an individual level, who everyone individually is with and ultimatively who is looking through your eyes in specific moments of your life. The purpose of you being here has a direct connection to the spiritual realm and your capabilities necessary for the greater game plan unfolding here in front of "our eyes". You can choose the perspective on every situation for example through the eyes of the mouse or the eyes of the cat. Richard, if I am not mistaken, you served in the Army. You do remember what happend to the officers in Verdun or in Vietnam that sent their soldiers into hell not knowing who they had to fight or what kind of contact they would encounter? That trick worked only once for the officer; he became the enemy of the soldiers and he had to be careful about the next orders if he wanted to come home to see his wife. Bare in mind, the officer wore the same uniform and was on the same team, but he became the enemy of "the team". Who is to fight who? We at Remote Viewing never will tell you to pick an uphill battle. We try to provide you information on how we navigate through the obstacles to get through the mud on the other side creating the next better point of observation in a forwarward operating motion. We work hard on increasing the resolution on the new payfield of a fully digitallized world for having a wider decision space for decision making. Can you fight a battle and still and still advance in all other aspects of your life(if there is an after battle life)? Pick your battles wisely and godspeed. Apologies of the format of the answer or typos in the text. I have way to big fingers for that little display. Thanks for your comment, be safe and greetings from HQ


Hello Dick, first of all aplologies for not thanking you. I'm really thankful for the information you provide us and for the time you spent in answering the previous post. I hope I can meet you at some point and enjoy a conversation with you.


If everything comes from source and source is a finely balanced ying / yuan duality, there is equal amounts of good and bad. Our perceived rulers have their enemies and rulers too so it cannot all be bad. It has to be in balance. However given the duality of good and bad I doubt earth will ever be this super peaceful euthopia we all want. Dick may believe his ‘re-education’ is the real truth but I believe there are huge amount of enlightened geniuses too who have different opinions and views. China likes re-education too but there are not so subtle about it. I doubt very many are right about everything if any at all. Our little minds need analogies to understand complexities. I’d also fear we could be fed koolaid to keep us fearing a boogy man that actually distracts us from the real enemy. Is the real enemy our own fears and perceived reality ? A farmer convinces the sheep the wolf is the enemy but it’s the farmer who eats the sheep in the end.