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Facebook Libra

This video is about Facebook Libra



See this from Caitlin Long writing in Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/caitlinlong/2019/06/09/what-facebooks-cryptocurrency-means-6-predictions/#5426fdb57022


Caitlin Long's article in Forbes makes 6 predictions for Libra and she thinks it will drive public to Bitcoin and no doubt other senior crypt currencies like Litecoin and Ethereum. She does not think Libra will replace Bitcoin. See her article at this URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/caitlinlong/2019/06/09/what-facebooks-cryptocurrency-means-6-predictions/#5426fdb57022


This video is 14:41 long


Love ya, Dick! No happy talk like from Bix Weir...just realism. But even Bix is starting to doubt that the "good guys" have the upper hand. It is clear Trump is not a "good guy"...just a puppet. A different type of puppet. But a puppet none-the-less. Any remote viewing on the coming war with Iran?


I don't do FB and I won't do Libra


how is it even possible to invest in Libra? its a stable coin




The heavens are aligned during the equinox, not the solstice.


You forgot one Dick... Go Monero !!!!!


Scott Adam's WhenHub app is a version of this: https://www.whenhub.com/m/expert/5a738e79f0c9e50700d5bc9f


Thanks Dick, I like your passion and conviction. It would be interesting to hear how many “rulers of this world we have”. Russia and China are teaming up, so who is behind them, the same ruler?


I don't like what you are saying, but, I believe its the truth.......shit!


I think Cardano/ADA is overdue for targeting.


Not a fan of Zuck:( Sounds like this has been part of the overall plan to move people to the new cryptocurrency system. Thanks for the info CV, shall be very interesting to watch unfold...


Thank You Dick! Nice work... Does anyone recall about a year and a half ago when FB announced it was going to use Litecoin? I sent the article to a few folks and remember thinking, Wow! this could be huge.. Then I never heard anything again... Watching Bix's interview with Charlie this week I felt there was something so much bigger that Charlie was not saying... Is there any chance Libra could be a fork of Litecoin? Is it possible for FB to create something so quickly that is proven and safe? I am in the Silicon Valley. It just feels that there would have been more buzz about the development of this.. Unless perhaps it is just being beamed into existence by their reptilian overlords? lol...




Great analysis, I'll keep my fingers crossed for BTC & LTC.


Attention Based Society, ABS... Wasn't it supposed to give us breaks ... Has french say "Vivre Libr(a) ou mourir... " Thx for the work Dick. Im quite happy to know you are aware of the Bankers Trust chapter of DB, i you guys are still looking your PM expert let me know C


Thanks for the tip, well there goes your freedom again, hey Dick , sounds like we all need to do some EFT( emotional freedom technique).You should watch this astrology reading as it pertains to your past vid about the pope, you be surprised.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP9DnI6Gi90


Thanks Dick, very informative stuff.


I like Laura Z's thought and comments. that would be great.


Ignore Libra Coin. It's a non significant thing.


Well, the future is not guaranteed, even with involving astrology, symbology, etc. Remember uncle Clif's forecasts about the fractional infighting within the elite and that their take-over of cryptos will half fail? Ok, they might be behind crypto and their "great plan" might still play out, but there are glitches and delays. Even on the smallest scale we can be wedges moving into those lil cracks in the surface of their edifice like the tiny fig tree that brings down a cathedral… Chances are small but universe eventually seeks harmony and balance beyond FB's commie vision of libra.


Thanks for the update, you just answered one of my long standing, nagging questions. How are they going to screw us? You just answered it. Early adopters like us are being USED to fund and finance the build out of the digital infrastructure so mass adoption of Crypto Currency can happen. Then slowly the banking cartel coins will start to appear along with corporate coins along with social media coins & government tax coins. Hasn


't any one wondered why Amazon doesn't accept Litecoin or anything yet? Eventually we will be Forced to use the coins they approve of and are connected to the commerce we need like food purchases. When that happens, the value of all the Alt coins will be questionable.


Here is interesting statistics on crypto adoption: https://www.statista.com/chart/18345/crypto-currency-adoption/


What does this mean for Stellar and its future? Are we still good to go? Will this coin be one of the top coins in the next couple of years? https://blockonomi.com/ibm-partnership-stellar-xlm-in-jeopardy/


Fear is a great tool Steven. Could it be a ploy to shake out all the holders before the run? Who knows... Lets see where it goes.


Nelly, this is a DONE and we mean DONE deal. The news will shift when they allow it. Don't be fooled.


Libra is about : - Replacing the bank or "being" the bank with it - Hedging against the dollar - The most powerful censorship tool in the casino gulag Will it work... for a while only thats my bet


I agree, the more we can all do to educate people, the quicker this will dissolve into the septic ooze it came from. The more we take responsibility in our own communities the more we can unite against this tyranny.


“The coming out party for FacebookCoin (aka Libra) is in my view the first real indication the forces of corporate oligarchy are determined to ensure the new world reflects their vision and is under their control.” https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-19/krieger-facebookcoin-trojan-horse-corporate-oligarchy


Im Libra!


glad Scales are balancing!


libra coin is fishyyy


Phase 1, Build FaceBook and get people addicted to consuming content. Phase 2, Release FB Coin. Phase 3. Get people addicted (programmed) to getting paid in a currency thereby creating an increasingly dependent population that solely consumes in order to live, thereby shortening our gap to technology. Encode content with more n more subliminal messaging Phase 4, Create monetary incentives to "upgrade" and integrate AI technologies into our bodies. That's at least part of their proposed agenda...but I don't believe they will succeed. Humans are an amazingly powerful and unpredicatable meat suits of crystalline DNA consciousness. We just have to get tuned in and turned on.