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Hello Petreons! Hits are coming in. Here is Richard's  hit on  Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un angry




Will North K start using light coin.


"censured the show's content"? Isn't the content made by north korea gov.?


This seems to be closer to the remote viewing that Dick saw I think: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/784284/kim-jong-un-execute-general-piranha-fish-tank-north-korea


Just wondering if the team could crypto view the taekion token: Taekion builds Secure Trusted Networks using our Patented Shapeshifting technology. Future implementations will utilize dual blockchains leveraging our security blockchain and Hedera Hashgraph's DLT to support microtransactions. @TaekionTweet @hashgraph youtube.com/watch? “. The Taekion platform and E-Blockchain application is the first softwaredefined Cybersecurity platform built on a Polychain (Blockchain) architecture that enables cybersecure exchange of information/value for Power Systems and Industrial IoT environments. The platform utilizes the Taekion™ Token for both Entry-to-Endpoint Security™ Validation and to enable microtransactions which could be simple information transfer or sophisticated low latency control commands.” https://www.sbir.gov/sbirsearch/detail/1520331


Hello Crypto Guy, thank you for this information. Yes you are right! I have updated the post and added your info. Thank you for being here with us and supporting our work! All the best, Roswe


Hello Leslie, I added your question to the list of the weekly team call to consider. Warm greetings, Rose


regarding the "execution", is this for real? What kind of source is "https://www.dailystar.co.uk" another joke magazine like https://www.theonion.com/. First Komodo and now this.... came on guys! A miss-hit is better that this post


Great RV work. Never seaces to amaze. Einstien taught us the past is not gone and the future already exist.


The fish tank story is BS https://www.rt.com/news/461473-kim-piranhas-execution-tabloid/


have a look for the story about his brother being a CIA informant. That just came out today I think?