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Hello Folks, here comes Richard's  HIT of the World Events Remote Viewing Session on June. Boeing faces big problems.





In my humble opinion that is not a hit .... yet. We all know there is trouble with the 737 and "they're working on it." However, the fact that Richard is calling for a major indictment against the company to include Chapter 11! THAT IS HUGE. Boeing is part of the DOW 30. If this comes to pass it probably will have an effect on THE ENTIRE MARKET. If I had shares in a mutual index fund or the like, I'd think seriously about selling and wait on the sidelines. It's a defense move but well to consider especially with the market near a top. Thanks, Richard.


Buying a Jan 2020 out of the money put on Boeing will be very profitable


That or sell the calls. I haven't looked at the put premiums but they could be huge. Or short the stock. Curious what you find.


Levee falls in st. Louis. Wowzers..