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Hello Patreons! Here comes another HIT:  Former US Attorney under Obama had faded away… today she is big news (as predicted by Dick last month) a top story in US news, as transcripts leak that she testified the head of the FBI committed perjury in the illegal spying on Trump campaign.

There will be more about Lynch in coming days, I’m sure. She will get a subpoena.  I’m waiting for a news crew to wait outside her house as she goes to testify.

Stay tuned..

Loretta Lynch in the news




Dick calls it by name! Amazing! Next we should do crypto news. What coins will be in crypto news in the next 3 months? I know its not easy to view a coin or logo. Just viewing a face and correctly analizing what you percieve correctly is nothing short of miraculous.


And yet ANOTHER golden egg! You're spoiling us Dick!!


Hi Dick, I just saw your last video this morning on the Pope's announcement. I have been studying the 'world beneath/behind our world for many years now. You are right that in many ways the Pope/Vatican runs the world. He is in fact in charge of "commerce" on the planet. However you need to go further down the rabbit hole to find actual controllers who control the Vatican. The video below gets you started. It goes even deeper than this but this will get you on the right track.


Thankyou for all you do.You have my total support.




Shaping up to be a good US Long Weekend in crypto land :)


Would very much love to get the Crypto Viewing’s deep in-depth take on what Facebook is up to 🤔 Thanks for all your awesome videos and info!


Hi guys, thanks for all the amazing insights! One question though: Where is the video about the Pope's announcement? Dick said there would be a video posted on Patreon about this but I can't see any....


Hello dear Lesie, it is indeed an interesting topic. I will forward it to the CV target tie


Hello dear Michael, Thank you for your nice lines and welcome in our community! All the best, Rose


I'd love to see THETA viewed. Soon maybe?


Hello CV, does that mean I can get it if I up my support to Founders for only 1 month? I'm on the $10 a month tier right now....cant really afford $100 every month! Cheers Elliot


I had to smile at Dick's last video report from Thailand about Traveller's checks and Amex. Being a "man of the World" Dick you should know travellers checks went out of style around 25 years ago and Amex has had a bad rap for years as they gouge establishments wih 3-4% commission on sales so it's only mainly luxury hotels and fine dining restaurants and high end stores that take it. You need a WIREX account where you get a Visa card .You can hold crypto in the wallet, just what you need. You then switch it into Currency when you need it i.e. by adding to the Visa card, and just use like a general Visa. Robinhood is another great exchange where you can buy and sell shares as well as crypto so you can have some crpto available to swith to your Wirex when you need.


Love your content and you really did make me smile.It was like a time warp and you were living in a different reality for a while back in the 90's


Hello dear Michael, thank you for your nice lines and for all the great information. I will ciriculate it to the team. Thank you for your contributions to our work. All the best, Rose


WHITE HAT REPORT .VERY IMPORTANT INFO This is explosive stuff. Please share with as many people as possible. There will be at least 5 more videos. They were threatened back in 2012 when they had all this info, not to publish, but now it's imperative people know. The main reason they are publishing is to to let the Cabal know that they have all the evidence: secondly to alert the FBI and CIA and law enforcement in the hope they will investigate and lastly to let the public know. Many will not be ready for just how pervasive the criminality goes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAHCKW7RInk&feature=youtu.be This is an interview you also may want to watch which goes into detail about who the Whitehats are and why they do what they do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=kp97tJtQp34&feature=emb_logo


Major news fromwhat seems a very reliable source in Italy. https://www.voltairenet.org/article209437.html?fbclid=IwAR1XypcXjGj9xbZIM7rZUW-PBNcXDJuDU56XQZXIJt5Kqr67RLnZTKHMWvQ


News direct from Italy about the alleged pandemic. https://www.voltairenet.org/article209342.html