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Dennis and Dick talk about the coming changes and how this all affects our "world."







I live in arizona and yesterday it snowed.global warming huh?


dicks generation was created in laurel canyon.


now it's "climate change". ... toe-may-toe , ta-mah-toe.... ?


The New American Magazine, is a publication of the John Birch Society, a CIA operation, which means Du Pont involvement. The CIA is a private organization run by criminals like Du Pont. In the 1920s, a group of CEOs of major corporations and banks, including Du Pont, met with General Smedley Butler, to attempt to convince him to become leader of the American Liberty League and lead a violent overthrow of USA. The leader of A.L.L. was to be speaking to conservative and veteran groups. Butler took this to Congress. Congress disolved A. L. L., and it was reborn in 1956, as the John Birch Society. The JBS also supported the Phoenix project, the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, and extremely popular leader, who supported the people, not the criminals, among other things. The JBS leadership was also intricately involved with Col. Landsdale, who easily could have been tried and convicted of crimes against humanity. The JBS put out propaganda against John and Vincent Foster Dulles brothers, as if they were communists and the enemy of the JBS. However, the truth is, the Dulles', created the anti-communist stance for the JBS to promote. He was like the Father of Lies. At the time there were many articles in magazines about the flouride toxic run-off into our waters, from Du Ponts nuclear/atomic and aluminum plants. While Du Pont advertised that flouride was healthy for teeth, the membership of the JBS, unknowingly, put out the most ridiculous story about fluoride to help hide Du Pont's liability. And believes this story to this day!!! So in a sense, the Pope and the leadership of the JBS (and CIA) are in the same club as the Pope is in. But you guys sound like it is a done deal over end of Sovereinty. It is not!!! So, boys, which side are you on? There are only two sides, the people and the criminals. The democratic and repub parties, both are totally controlled by the crininals. Anything else you participate in is participating in divide and conquer, in which the criminals would love you to get involved in because they created that divide and conquer. I welcome honest debate on this subject. Or for anyone who thinks I don't know what I am talking about. Bring it on!


When everything is in place, it will be brutal and with no place - on the globe - to escape.


We humans haven't had control of our destinies for thousands of years, if ever. The problem is the herd. The herd refuses to see the obvious which has always been the road block to freedom and our self-determined path. What we can do by sheer numbers alone is destroyed by inaction of the herd. Remember, whatever they are, they walk among us.


The Pentagon is a pentagram. Hello???


Any particular reason this was deleted? (posted @ 11:10 am and gone at ~1:00pm??). This Dark Journalist video (5/17/19) expands on what you discuss here about the pope and control over global society. How / why it is happening and how long the plan has been in the works. Very compelling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZV0ueasiyA (33 minutes in) BREAKTHROUGH EPISODE! ASTEROID DEFENSE COVER -- WERNHER VON BRAUN - DR. CAROL ROSIN - NAZI BELL TECHNOLOGY - SPACE PLATFORM - ALIEN INVASION CARD - FINAL STRUGGLE OVER THE UFO FILE - TRUMP SPACE FORCE VS. HARRY REID PODESTA TTSA - CIA FAKE UFO DISCLOSURE OP - KENNEDY REAGAN WHITE HOUSE BATTLE FOR X TECHNOLOGY - SECRET SPACE PROGRAM - COG - SSP THE ENDGAME In Part 2 of this breakthrough interview loaded with crucial information, Dark Journalist is joined by Dr. Joseph Farrell to discuss how the UFO Disclosure narrative is building toward a false ET Invasion scenario. They examine unusual Navy Patents that have surfaced indicating some exotic technology is soon to be revealed. In an amazing twist Dr. Farrell indicates that some of the Space based technology disclosures will involve complete control of the Financial System. DJ reminds us of Dr. Carol Rosin’s anecdote, while working for Wernher von Braun, in which he predicted that the final False Flag attack will involve a fake alien invasion.


Another CIA operation. And they killed the author. Fast-acting cancer is caused by injecting Cancer Stem Cells from cancer patients who were treated with chemo, about 4 years prior to the creation of those cells. I suggest this is the whole purpose of chemo therapy. Chemo therepy certainly has no ability to cure cancer. This is the real reason we have chemotherapy. The criminals need to have several means to kill off those they see as a threat. And that is the real reason for the ritual abuse and sacrifice club, to create psychopaths who can be put to use in various ways, to kill, or to serve in public office, etc.,


Never thought the rabbit hole goes that deep, I am from Malta, went to catholic school and had semester work /study with the Jesuits, bloody awful they are. Really I think the vatican is run by demons or the grays, To day I was thinking about an old Monsinuer at his death bed, I was nursing him, about the church changing 180 degree turn at the treaty of Nicosia. There must be somebody else on top, which feed on Lush ( the energy that comes out of a person when he/she is in fear)


Thank you Dick and Dennis for your insights, analyses and comments. I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to prepare this video and look forward to Part 2.


I am grateful for knowing whats coming and prepare than living on fanciful hopes and dreams, once we know the way the world is than we can come together in truth and solidarity.


"…this is for our patreon's highest members…" - wow, I almost feel like a sovereign! If you say, "I realize, how big this is…" I tend to agree, but at the same time a bunch of old men behind curtains. You are doing a good job at tearing at these curtains. Centuries ago the curtains were thinner and one could actually see who is in charge and 'face' authority. Today, this authority is on purpose faceless and hidden. Dragging it into the open is the first step on a personal and maybe even global level… Great one on the social engineering too - I think of it whenever I pass by a modern art exhibition, which I generally no longer visit.


Guys, Jesus Christ I was going to bump up to the next level of Patronage... nk


Sorry guys that was intended to be a joke, actually I wanted to say thank you again for the importance of such information. Wanted to also say thanks to Dennis for his service, and agree with him in that the so called intelligence network nobody knows what the other is doing without a need to know. Thanks for letting us make our own decisions of how much we need or want to know.


I guess this is why they made Hadera Hashgraph


Hello Gary, your comment can't be read completely in this format. Do you use copy/paste from a w


A Farmer's Daughter. you are writing about the fear they are instilling in you. The criminals created that propaganda to make you fearful. Why would anyone ever do as they wish you to based upon their propaganda? It is beyond me. 1. find out what the criminals want us to think or do, and 2. don't do it!!! Not only is it not for sure that they will accomplish their task, you are getting help that they don't get their way. and right now they are scared out of their minds that people are accomplishing the 'great revealing', which is what the apocalypse is supposed to accomplish, Not violence, truth is what we were have been promised. It's all coming out, the truth, when previously we just had the CIA ops to tell us what is truth. It wouldn't hurt, IMO, if Enlil/Johovah/Yahweh/Zeus was remote viewed. Where are they now, what are they doing? Sleeping in the mounds probably, for a 2000 year nap? They need to do this, so that they can live longer. And we have videos somewhere that I have seen, many have seen, of two of these giants sleeping, surrounded by all kinds of gold and gem objects. They are just flesh and blood people, and some of them have great compassion for humanity. Good idea to concentrate on the compassionate ones. They are worth their weight in gold, so to say. They became our teachers, built schools for us, all kinds of things. In every place in the world, where a society has turned to sacrificing their own people by for instance, throwing them off a cliff, or chopping them to pieces, such as the Aztecs, or the people in Russia that turned to Judaism after the Czar gave them a choice around 900 A.D., those were communities where Enlil/Yahweh had visited. Those that were societies in high ascension, those were the ones that were visited by the compassionate ones of the family. Hermes/Thoth was Buddha, Quetzalcoatl, and whole lot of other guys, BTW. In one of his books, The Emerald Tablets, found at one of the ancient Mayan sites. It is said that he wrote 250,000 books. That book teaches you to go out of body, BTW. That alone puts the lie to all the religions that are keeping this knowledge from us.


I’m feeling pretty dense here so apology for dumb question-why do the administrators really want to eliminate nations (obviously it’s not for reasons they tell us...)?


Still waiting for the pope to take down the wall around the Vatican


Is it really our creativity or energy they are tokenizing ultimately?


Nope, he won't, 'cause all the alter boys would run away...


It is not one single rabbit hole, it is many. I may have gone down all of them. I don't know if there is another. One spiritual souce, so to say, mentioned that there is one more rabbit hole. I think that rabbit hole is the very one that concerns me most, ritual abuse and sacrifice. Most people have not gone down that one in a way that deletes the CIA propaganda. (Pizzagate had all the markings of a CIA psy op.)


Right on MIKE!!!


Do you know who created the term, conspiracy theory? Not that hard to guess, if you know how it goes. It was John Fostor Dulles, Director of CIA. It was either John Fostor or his brother, Vincent, but I think if was John, who when visiting a hotel, would set it up, so that he would snare an innocent woman to be raped by him. And I had PTSD in my earlier years due to the serial killings of women who were found chopped up into little peices. No doubt, John Fostor used the services of these serial killers, who were schooled by the ritual abuse and sacrifice club and our own military from the words of maybe the most famous serial killer of all in the Evergaldes (the military taught him to be a serial killer). He did it other members of the club, BTW. They can't do those things alone, Wake UP!


There is that three tiered crown, we all know the symbology of that. So true that the jesuits run the military, and I have a feeling our future warriors and enforcers will not necessarily have a human face


Dick you are the best, I have been following your work for years now, that is how I ended up at Crypto Viewing. Thank you Dick and thank you CV team


Hi Dick, you telling us that this is just for our patreon highest members has made feel that I´m part of the best school of true and real knowledge of the world.


Your very wrong about the checker board Dick, try again. Its an occult meaning and a freemason symbol of duality. That's it chess didn't exist when this symbol was created lol geez. Do you know how old this is I'm talking about? If you don't understand the occult you probably shouldn't be trying to educate others on it. I've been studying it for about a decade out longer and chess was in fact created out of this symbol. That's a fact. It's in the floor of every masonic lodge


I wouldn't get happy yet Dick was totally wrong about the checker board. You should listen to these guys only on remote viewing things that's it. Take their opinions and thoughts on other things with a grain of salt. They are no experts on the occult and it's so much deeper then even they can comprehend. There is so much more information that they haven't even scratched the surface of yet. Being wrong about the smallest historical facts can totally create a very distorted understanding of their own remote viewings when it comes to geo politics. Kind of like lacking surveying & navigation knowledge then trying to draw and understand a map will become very confusing. Especially if they are trying to educate others on the map they drew. This is a metaphor of course


Dick just to make sure you know i know what I'm talking about checkers is much much older the chess. Checkers was created 3000 BC and chess 6th century AD. Freemasonry is older then chess maybe even checkers. These games are created off of the duality pattern alone. This is an old powerful symbol like the swastika please do some research before speaking on topics you dont know about our at least say you don't know about them. I would be happy to help you learn


Yes, but Dick is right too about the levels of chess being played out. These are really, really scary times we are living in.


Well then can't now, nor have they ever been able to stop the evolution of the human soul through the ability to love. All the great masters and teachers on our planet taught that one simple truth which is still as true today as throughout all time.




So many half-understood and oft repeated myths/distortions of what is actually happening. Climate change is real and is a threat to the way of life of every human being on this planet. How it affects individuals will vary-your island may go under water, your lush farmlands may dry up. We will need to transport goods and materials from place to place in order to survive. Which is pretty much what happens now, if you think about it for a moment instead of indulging in thoughts of some sort of massive conspiracy. Who do you think is this mysterious 'they' you keep blethering on about? You actually believe there is some sort of ruling elite that has preserved itself for 'thousands of years'? I very much doubt it simply because no organisation would be immune from infighting, which tends to destroy organisations. You can't seem to make up your mind if you want to pull up the American drawbridge, or if the free movement of people is desirable. What I find faintly laughable about scare stories concerning immigrants pouring across borders-apart from the fact that figures in most cases simply don't support the stories presented solemnly as fact-is mostly we are a race/species of immigrants. I doubt the Polynesians who originally discovered Hawaii and chose to live there exactly welcomed Dick and his good lady to what was originally their land. Dick is a legal immigrant to Hawaii simply because he is a citizen of a country which originally muscled in. Native Americans probably weren't delighted when they realised Europeans weren't just visiting on holiday, theyhad every intention of staying.


Are you saying the Catholic church existed for thousands of years, or did 'the ruling elite' all convert and become priests? Human life has always been about cooperation. Small family groups became tribes, tribes became nations-then nation states. Then nation-states formed alliances. These alliances were in the beginning military alliances, then evolved into economic ones, then sometimes political ones. What is happening right now, and you are correct when you say things are changing, is that human kind is able to communicate like never before. Yes we are all a little different, but mostly we all work the same way. There is a realisation that pure globalism doesn't work, the same way that pure capitalism doesn't, or communism/socialism doesn't. What is happening is a realisation that we need to celebrate our differences rather than fear or hate them. Just to correct a misconception that you appear to have about what's going on in Europe with immigration. The numbers are actually down. Partially due to stricter policing of borders, but more due to aid going into those nations where people are fleeing. If your President Trump (a cheap crook by any measure) spent less time branding those fleeing persecution, violence, or even trying for a better life, as carriers of disease, rapists and murderers, and more time addressing the reasons why they are fleeing, then perhaps not so many of them would be trying to get into your country. And as I said, America is a nation of immigrants, which makes a total nonsense of the line being peddled by the current American administration. I like your notion that all the world's militaries are somehow run by Jesuits. Of course, not all countries are even nominally Christian-but then that wouldn't be a problem to the all powerful Catholic church, would it (lol). I can't help thinking some of your personal prejudices are showing here. And I hate to tell Dennis this, but unless he was in the military with no service number, in fact no record of him at all, then there is already a large file on him. Presumably he was paid? I doubt he was paid in cash with no record, so money would of gone into a bank account. The bank would have a record of when he withdrew cash and how much/how often. If anybody was really that interested they could find out where he purchased his groceries, what he purchased, and how often he filled his car up. If you live in a modern society records are kept. Always were kept, even when they were carved into clay tablets. It's true to say that information is power, but there has to be a way of processing that information otherwise it's meaningless. That's why the idea of a ruling elite controlling things for thousands of years is simply nonsense. The means of controlling things simply didn't exist. There might well be people who believe there is a ruling elite,and there may well be people who believe that they themselves are the ruling elite-but belief doesn't make it necessarily true.


Hello dear Peter, thank you for your elaborate comment to this topic. Very intersting. Thank you also for being part of this community and supporting our work. All the best, Rose


Hello dear SubVet, Richard is aware of the Freemason symbology but did not want to speak it out for severat


It wil be modeled after the communist systems. The end justifies the means is their moral framework / compass. The communist system (China as example) is the most efficient model for management of their complex systems for which they've designated themselves managers, as they view it. It's pretty obvious if you look at China's implementation of what's in store for the rest of us.


The existence of a rich psychopathic elite doing everything they can to have more and more power and control over the rest of us is a matter of logic: 1. Psychopaths exist. 2. Psychopaths want power, control and dominance over others. 3. Psychopaths will do anything to get that power and wealth, including all the things the rest of us would never do. 4. Thus, they will automatically win the games of power, and become the most rich and powerful of any era! Q.e.d.! Add to that, that they are actually quite good at cooperating in secret. Legally it's called conspiracies... When it comes to primitive psychopaths, we know them as gangs, gangsters, the mob, Mafia etc. When it comes to the more intelligent, we know them as Freemasons, members of the skull and bones society etc. etc. Those are the ones that become CEOs, presidents, leaders of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security etc.


The answers can be found in the babylonian and mystery religions. Major world cults like Islam and Catholics share the same interdemensional symbolism of the ancient babylonian mystery religion within the paradigm of Lucifer and the adversarial kingdoms of the ancients and nephillim, Anakim, Rephaim human hybrids and their ruling classes and ranks of adversarial "spirit"/ interdenominational beings. They are ushering in a false messiah i.e. "CHRIST" figure, rather the anti-christ. The agenda has been to establish empires time and time again throughout time and it is nothing new. As it is said, Ecclesiastes 1:8-11 "8All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. 9The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 10Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. 11There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.