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Part of our Summer series will be a three month long set of sessions focused on how precious metals will do in the future. Will it be the Clif High future? $600 Silver $5000 Gold?

Or will precious metals be obsolete in the new economy? We are tossing around target ideas and would like your input. 

Sessions on Precious Metals. Timelines & Value in terms of is something of value in the future or not? Who can we look at? A group of people. This is focused on PHYSICAL metal not paper contracts.  Who can we look at? Who would you all suggest?

  1. Jim Rickards
  2. Jim Rodgers
  3. Mining Companies
  4. Synthetic Production ? Will it be necessary?

Will Precious Metals WIN or LOSE in the New Economy?
Silver to $1 in the new economy?  What about gold?




Peter Schiff, JPM


Target Jim Sinclair!


Good questions CV team! I am very interested in this topic as I hold some silver and was considering holding much more when cryptos take off to be a safe place for some of the gains. However, if precious metals are obsolete in the future, that is good to know. Unfortunately I don't know enough about it to comment on how to conduct the viewings, but I am very grateful that you will be looking into it.


We all were PM Bugs before cryptos soo... This is a natural progression and the time is right for this series.


Minning companys could be very telling about the market but remote viewing it is a whole other can of worms. What is synthetic production?


Metals make me sleep better at night...


When can we expect the session? I can’t wait


Here are few possible targets Sprott Metals, King World News https://kingworldnews.com/


Honestly speaking we all have a good idea of where PM are going.


Buy low, hold tight, sell dear


When it comes to silver viewing Bix Weir might be telling 😀


Look into the people who manipulate the paper price which in turn manipulates physical price. Look into if/when these manipulators lose control. It's gone on too long.


Andrew Maguire and David Morgan are also good candidates. I'd even do Jamie Diamond of JP Morgan (large silver holdings). The late Bob Chapman of International Forecaster fame and one of the largest gold and silver traders in the world during the 60's and 70's said that you don't do business with George Soros and not be an insider (Jim Rogers). He also said Jim Rickards was a quandary (came out of nowhere) of unknown origin (back then, not today's narrative on him).


Perhaps JP Morgan as a target... who has hoarded tons of silver in the recent past. The Comex would be an interesting view.


Industrial uses (webbot predictions) that will allegedly absorb most if not all of the production of silver and gold. What's coming in tech associated with the metals that might drive prices up?


Should we sell our silver & gold now and buy Cryptos??


Martin Armstrong


Michael Pento: . . . we will have “deflation” first and then “runaway inflation.” Pento says this means gold is the place to be for the foreseeable future. Pento contends, “There is going to be a run on gold like we have never seen before. There is going to be a super-spike in the precious metals. . . . These are unprecedented times coming, and you should take physical possession of your gold. I like gold and I like silver, and I like platinum. I most especially like gold though. . . . This is happening now. The bond bubble is bursting.”




“the decision makers responsible for determining the volume of JP Morgan’s precious metal holdings, describe their sentiment and confidence, towards the end of 2020, weather it be bullish or bearish, towards the JPM PM holdings.” ?


I think the real players don’t mind if it goes up or down, as long as they know in advance or even control direction. I’d go with sentiment of a PM holder who is at normal joe level .


If CV wants to do an interesting & revealing woowoo RV: “describe secrets of how the Rothschild’s came to obtain their precious metals holdings in the early days, that provided the “leg-up” for the banking family dynasty that followed.”


David Morgan also is a big reference on silver and he is an ambassador for the Lode project https://www.lode.one/


That is typically an easy questions to answer. Lots of people had to die in order to acquire the massive amount of PM that fueled their dynasty. But definitely worth consideration Dot. You're Spot on as usual! ;) Thanks.


Definitely want to know the future price of Silver and Gold


especially Silver!!


I believe that the only way these commodities will increase in price is when a "reset" of sorts, or a financial collapse happens. Instead of whether these will increase in value, and to what extent, I would prefer knowing WHAT the catalyst could be that would catapult them to higher values, and WHEN this might happen. That's my 2 cents gentlemen! Thanks for your work.


I have my own opinions on some of the WebBot reports. They were very accurate in only a few particular areas. Not too sure if PM was one of them.


yes am interested in the team viewing physical silver. have followed clif's work for years and am sure at some point his $600 prediction for an ounce of silver will happen! Just wondering when... in my lifetime I hope!! : ) thanks.


Hello IM, thank you for the information. We will check that out. Thank you for supporting our work! Greetings, Rose


I'm not very interested about "analysis" on PM but rather remote viewing session on this matter. It would be a way to compare them to my other experts's forecast. I have already find the golden expert on PM, Finance and economics but to recap your points Jim Rickards lost Italy's gold in the LTCM in 97-98 fiasco, he writes books and makes interviews when he should be in jail for that. At that time Mario Draghi was general director of the Italian Treasury... I wonder why they pick him to be the head of ECB. Remember that every country had to fit with the Maastricht accords or let say economic requirement, pigs nation too Italy Spain etc all unfit, but Goldmansachs magic tricks were effective. What a surprise super Mario is ECB's boss =) 1 Rickard is a crook 2 I've read several article of Rodger on ZH but. I dont follow him enough so I cant advise him. 3. Mining company Goldcore is maybe one of the best Barrick being certainly the worst owned by the boyz of Wall Street For those speaking about the reset The Reset has already begun. wheels are already in motion The central banks have directive from the BIS (call it Basel) since decades to get out of insolvency using gold. Basel 3 is effective since less than 2 month. Gold became a tier 1 asset "as good as cash" for banks.... 4 synthetic ... not so much but space mining yeah I didn't address the other point WIN or LOSE regarding what... fiat currency ? BTC ? Yield ? what silver unit for 1$, kg/oz/gr You can answer it yourself asking yourself these questions. What is the mining cost for producing 1 oz of silver ? What is QE ? What happened to Zimbabwe bills What monetary policy US and Zimbabwe have in common Are the amount of PM ETF multiple time higher than the whole global mining production in a year window .


Very happy about this series.


Peter Schiff is decidedly anti-crypto and pro-gold. Would be an interesting target. Mike Maloney might also be a good candidate.


Dear Coco, thank you very much for this elaborate post. We appreciate your input. And thank you also for your support. Warm greetings, Rose


How about the Manna Trust people? Or do I have that right? Anyway, the group that believes we'll be moving to a gold standard and there's a big gold trust awaiting humanity.


The price action tells the story.....if one is trying to make some money out of PMs. All the rest is BS, and there is quantum tons of it in that market. So just view gold and silver price charts. KISS.


Maybe focus on the future supply demand for Silver as it pertains to "new inventions" and future uses, rather than give credibility to any of the perma-bull analysts. Most of PM gurus have been wrong for the past 8 years. Another possibility might consider viewing the "Banks" agenda on why they manipulate, if that were possible. A major derivatives failure might also be good subject, if it could be done. This could be a tip-off for the timing to get on-board with metals.


sorry to go off topic for a second. when Dick percieved a DNA double helix a year ago we noted it and we added DNA token to the list. i bought some and now it just hit me. DNA reaserch and just DNA itself is the ultimite use case for blockchain. Long in the future I'm sure but the fact that blockchain records forever and securely and efficiently in a decentralized fassion for reserchers even 150 years in the future ACGT will be recorded and available for mankind. its obvious this will be how DNA records will be kept from now and forever.


For Silver as mining company First Majestic is really the top miner. The CEO is Keith Neumeyer. He is also a very outspoken about the manipulation of Silver. If in the future the price of Silver will take off this mining company is one of the best to predict for the price or he as person. Maybe I am too late to suggest, but I just got back to be a member again for crypto viewing, and am excited to see you will look in to Silver.


I agree with Evan Owens! Peter Schiff +Mike Maloney are the same 2 people I suggest. (gold going up would make peter schiff happy, crypto going up would make him annoyed, so if both are up together, it might make him a confusing target. ) Jim Rodgers invests in too many other things so i think it would be a waste of time to view him and jim rickards used to be member of CFR so he can't be trusted +viewing him maybe not ideal either. if ur looking for another person maybe U could view the so called regulators, who must know what's going on and therefore they must be involved in the price suppression to some extent. Also it sounds like a lot of us are more interested in silver than gold..


I suggest reaching-out to Bill Holter and his partner Jim Sinclair of JSMineSet.com. Contact information can be found on their web site. They are some of the most knowledgeable folks in this space. Bill is most accessible. As was suggested, First Majestic may be the best silver miner, but Jim Sinclair's little known Tanzanian Gold Corporation, TRX, may be the best gold miner. Also, Jim is well connected to 'higher levels' through old family relationships. Note that they are not crypto fans, but are experts in the PM area and will tell you like it is.


How about looking at one of your Patreons who is a silver stacker? Kind of like Richard did with Digibyte and Patreon named Tarik (not sure about the name)