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A great lil ditty on an ooooold world family in a new game. 


Old Faces in New Places...

An old family well versed in banking is getting back into the game in cryptos.



Thanks for the repost......when is Michael coming back for more interviews and videos?


With the debt crisis coming and negitive interest rates means people will not earn intrest on thier savings but have to pay to keep savings in the bank. Maybe that will make people want to buy more gold silver and bitcoin.


Dear Bill, we are working in the background on options how we can bring Michael back. There is legal advise and tech security involved. We are working on it and will all Patreons know about the proceedigs. Cheers, Rose


Dick, currently FDIC is $250,000 per depositor not $150,000.


You may want to read the fine print around the FDIC insurance. Do not count on it for it is not there to really protect you. Check it out!


Thanks for the tip but no one should count on anything at all from government. The insurance is to benefit the system and/or institutions, and encourage you to deposit while giving you the illusion that your funds are safe. And, if there was a catastrophic financial event, would anything in the world be able to cover all those claims?


Hi CV team. When will you do a video explaining to The List? I’m in need to find out why you pick these coins? Thanks


Hello mike, your question might be aswered in one of the coming segments. Greetings Rose


I have a Founder membership. This and other videos will not play for me. Someone please help.


Jeffrey, try a different browser or you need to change the security/privacy settings in the browser. Which browser do you use currently?


Thanks Rose. When can we expect the segments for the list? It’s been a few months now.


FYI, on the brave browser, i turned off the built in shields, then the video played


The Medici family also married into the European monarchies, e.g. Catherine and Marie were queens of France


i want more videos like this. I love learning about the financial history of the world!


no video. I tried to play it and have seen a "Sorry This video does not exist"


Hello dear Tom, thank you for letting us know. Some of our older work are not relinked yet or lost because of the Vimeo "episode" we had in May this year. We have been censored and Vimeo deleted all our videos. In the meantime we could restore the majority of our work and the important pieces. I am not sure whether we will be able to relink this video but I will forward your comments to our tech person to have a look on it. Warm greetings, Rose