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Dear Patreons, some of you felt that we called a rally on Sunday. Please look at the Bitcoin chart of Monday. This was NOT remote viewing. We had a joint call and a good feeling. Remember folks, this was the time in 2017 when the run up started. We are looking pretty good to mirror what happened then. 





Binance has been hacked today!!! (<a href="https://decryptmedia.com/6930/binance-hack-security-breach)..." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://decryptmedia.com/6930/binance-hack-security-breach)...</a> luckily I keep all my assets in a cold storage LOL


Wow, luckily all my funds are still there.


Yes... I think you are referring to Michael and we miss his interviews sharing his vast knowledge of the world. Appreciate video on Sunday prior to Monday's large move. Grateful to have access to CryptoViewing's Patreon !!!


We thank you all for your support. This is going to be a hell of a ride so hang on!


Appreciate that you do talk amongst yourselves and share your thoughts with all of us. Good fortune to all.


Thanks CV team for taking good care of us Patreons!


You know the crypto market is strong when this Binance hack seemed to not make a big dent.


Thanks Ed! The $12,000 BTC by end of Oct would be a nice healthy rise- all the better to entice institutional investors for the probable launch of Bakkt and the others later this year...maybe that’s part of the “plan”? A controlled rise?


hi i'm new here i was just wandering if you already reviewed the following projects vechain (vet) ontology (ont) electra (eca) thank you in advance


I don't believe we had any of those. Vchain is a shitcoin. A copy of etherium white paper and more horse shit. Ontology maybe worth investing a small amout.


what is the point of all these world event hits after happened?


Hello Adam and welcome in our community. The World Events Remote Viewing sessions is a monthly prediction of events that will happen within the following 90 days of the session. With the HIT posts we document all predictions that came into reality. Greetings, Rose


Hello mt tetro, welcome in our community. Great that you are here with us! Greetings, Rose


@Fergy: Thank you dear Fergy for your valuable posts, they are much apreciated. And thank you for supporting our work! Warm greetings, Rose


Ok To be fair let's get this straight. On May 3 BTC traded at 5800USD Today we are at 5878 USD You can't call this a "hit" Guys. You are just groping for hits if that is the case. I love your work but I think this is a real stretch :)


document in patreon?that's great so you also show the ones that are in process. look forward to see those


Here's an example of a hit For you chart followers go to the daily charts and confirm this trade. <a href="https://twitter.com/Market_Oracle/status/1071818405437566976" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Market_Oracle/status/1071818405437566976</a>


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/09_0c_uLk1jTvO7wuCXtvQNnsiyDiqXqgusOQJKx-kv7OXb90HTbngoNlCf1_fFG.jpg?token-time=1632096000&token-hash=WVLGboyKOCrTzfgc35NtzjvtdqHqd6DG6aJej_ZPKq4%3D">


We felt it was about to happen. Its up. We're not day traders here we're HODLERS. But I hope everyone made a bit of money on this announcement. We're not in the business of day trading but think there is going to start an upward trend.


Will litecoin be 4 to 1 with bitcoin as Bix Weir predicts in the latest public video?


HINT HINT... Umm you didn't hear this from anyone here, but... LTC is on the list of targets for MAY. ;)


Thanks for that bit of info! I really look forward to this one.