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 A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal. Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu...  

*Tourist $5  

*Broiled Missionary $10.00  

*Fried Explorer $15.00  

*Baked Democrat or Grilled Republican $1000.00  

The cannibal called the waiter over and asked 

"Why such a price difference for the politicians? " 

The cook replied, "Have you ever tried to clean one?
They're so full of shit it takes all morning..........."

I wish you are all having a great day, just wanted to share, too funny to ignore. 

Stay safe and get ready for the ride we are climbing the big hill towards the first big drop on our collective roller-coaster ride!





How do you know if a polotician is lying? His lips start moving.


Is the bottom in? ‘Climbing the big hill to our first big drop’ I hope that’s just a metaphor, how much further will it drop?


Lol too funny and so true lol. could u please clarify a bit more about the drop is it just BTC or across the board? is it this month? is it the last one before the anticipated lift? And does the information come from RV or other sources? Thank u for all the effort u all r putting in to help us get ahead


Can I put my hands up in the air and do a primordial scream like on a normal roller coaster :)


I have been a member since the beginning. No prices or timelines only small hints or teasers. I did get some info about DBG for the fall of 2019. But that has been it


If i put my hands up in the air like that - They would shoot me - I would be a threat to human life.


How do we get see safe Crypto Practices as per Dick's Youtube Video?




Don't know how I missed this...too funny!!