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************************************************************LIVE CALL****************************************************

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. PASSWORD: maxwell

When: Feb 28, 2019 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Topic: CryptoViewing LIVE CALL February 2019 

Register in advance for this webinar:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


That time is here again folks, we're assembling the team over twelve or thirteen time zones. Here's the various times for our timezones:

Zulu” Military Time Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 9:00:00 pm
West Palm Beach (USA - Florida) Thursday,  February 28, 2019 at 4:00:00 pm
Honolulu (USA - Hawaii) Thursday,  February 28, 2019 at 11:00:00 am
Austin (USA - Texas) Thursday,  February 28, 2019  at 3:00:00 pm
London (United Kingdom - England) Thursday,  February 28, 2019 at 9:00:00 pm
Corresponding UTC (GMT)Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 21:00:00  

The live call password and link will be posted on this post the day of the call. Any questions, please post here for the team. I will have an outline of topics we will be covering during the call this week. 






I think you may have got the corresponding UTC date wrong (I hope....)


Hi, can we talk about GERSA? Thanks.


Here are 2x scenarios I’d like discussed on the call: 1. I have a friend called Bob, he has a pretty regular routine, everyday he leaves home at 8am to go to work, then returns home in the evening. He’s been doing this for years. A very predictable and consistent situation. 2. I have a friend called Bud, he is extremely wealthy, old money, he dominates a particular market sector. He is chairman of a large global corporation, he also sits on the Board of a number of other corporations. Bud's family has been involved in this sector for many generations, he is a member of the "club". Bud knows what is going on, on this planet, the strategies & plans in play. Bud tells me a change is about to happen, he discloses some of the details: what, who, how, when. We had Remote Viewers look into scenario’s 1 & 2. Here is what they found: 1. Bob will be run over by a bus an killed in the next week. 2. A global disaster occurs, it was expected, but things didn't happen 100% as expected, after all the simulations and modelling things are running only 40% according to plan. Now other factions have gained ground, so it's back to the drawing board. Now let's look at these two scenario's in terms of information Michael has provided. Scenario 1 - is analogous to Michael saying read these articles, join these dots, look at announcements etc. very similar to how most, if not all, of the future systemic coins on the original CV Crypto list were identified. Scenario 2 - is analogous to Micheal's involvement with insiders, how the world is run, the owners of this planet, their intentions etc. In my opinion Remote Viewing trumps all ! i.e. Why are we not using RV to corroborate the info Michael has provided? Why are we acting on Michael's info at face value? I am NOT saying what Michael has to offer is not important. I AM saying, why do we take this info at face value, without using RV to corroborate?


Have any of the RV team remote viewed 'climate change' or this supposed 'mini ice age coming' ? I personally would like to know what part if any is man made, psyop stuff or is it due to earth/solar system cycles.


Ooo I second that. a RV session on the Sun and how its affecting the earths climate and possible Mini-Ice Age coming our way. After all it did snow in Maui just a few weeks ago right?!


Hello dear Nick, you where right! Thanks for noticing. We have amended the post. Greetings, Rose


As a holder of Silver and Crypto's, and the world is going to Crypto currency. Would it be wise to move from Silver to a larger holding in Crypto's? Or what do you think the correct % split between the two for a retired person? Thanks so much 👍. You guys are fantastic!


Dot, we do. Maybe not in your preferred way and speed, but we do . I put it on their clip board. Greetings from HQ


Thank you Michael, great topic for a target. Please don't spill the beans on the call. :) No frontloading, Capisce?


Can’t wait!


Your time schedule makes it 4:00 USA - EST time - right? and you are posting the link to the call in the comments here?


I cannot attend the live session. Can I access a recording of it afterwards? Thanks!


I wanna know about chem trails & possibilities of ice age


I signed up A few minutes ago but I still haven’t gotten the link via email is there a link someone could cut and paste to me here so I can chime in


Or text a link to me someone....? 410-490-4051


I just read the email now so the live call started 15mins ago. I'm sure everyone is engaged in the call at the moment. I guess we will just see in when posted. I didn't have any questions really anyway.


I too just catched this, Will wait for the post also. Hoping they record and post :)


I gotta say i missed out on HDAC and Enjin. I should have bought as soon as they came on the hodlers list because they both are just on fire at the moment.


Sorry I missed the Live call again. I hope that you guys can replay it for us that could not be there. Thanks, Scott