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Hello to all our wonderful subscribers. I will be posting the next HOLIDAY HODLER session within the hour but wanted to give you a heads up on whats been happening  on the team. 

Tiger,  our community manager whom would have been a great asset, decided to resign due to previous commitments. We're working on another candidate so keep your eyes open and ears as well. We'll announce the news as soon as you hear from HQ. 

The team had a wonderful session on an advanced location protocol taught by our new mission manager Sita. You will begin to see this protocol used in future sessions requiring geo targeting data. 

I've been in contact with David Dubyne of Adapt2030 on his data and we may be collaborating on some work here in the near future. Stay tuned for updates there. 

We've also had some more conversations with Uncle Clif on things crypto and woowoo so very cool things planned for all of you. 

The LIST is my priority and we will be discussing that this week for a new publishing date. I would expect by sometime next week. 

And an FYI, if you see any quiltwork in the skys overhead, don't plan on going out and frolicking in it. You have no idea what materials are within those streams. I had what appeared to be snow this morning in South Florida?*%(^)&)# but it didn't melt, it just kinda sat there. Crazy shit folks. 




Yesterday, Sedona was blanketed in chemtrails, they seemed to be at it the entire day. If there was a gap of blue sky, a chem trail would show up to fill it in. This morning, beautiful blue skies ... but they are chemtrailing again. There seem to be two kinds, the one yesterday that causes clouds, and an overcast sky, and todays that dissipate quickly and disappear. I was planning a hike today, damn. I wish I knew what these chemtrails were actually doing ....


Wow, that is crazy about the 'fake' snow. Do you remember a couple of years ago, pretty were writing/posting about strange snows ... snows that didn't melt easily or off colors?


Yes asa matter of fact something just cam up in my YouTube feed talking about the precipitation being "alive" WFT Batman! Just absolutely crazy stuff.


Sometimes knowing isn't any better my friend. just remember to not breathe it in. Try to steer clear of it when you can and only be exposed to it when absolutely necessary. I don't like to even walk the dog for long periods of time when it's like this.


Something I have noticed when the Chemtrails have been going around here is when it rains, it coats the glass door with a splatter that appears almost like a wood ash. Weird!!


You should look into orgonite cloudbuster FYI google don and carol croft


David Dubyne of Adapt2030 is highly informed due to his research and work with the china govt on algae farms. He also speaks fluent Asian dialect. Some of his videos are amazing as his accent is perfected. Superb and legit resource to further deepen the mission for this small community of ours. Thank you for seeking out quality individuals who can compliment the overall objective. In my world that is ----- how do we navigate the waves of what is potentially coming? For now, it has not hit us or the consciousness of humanity just yet. Blessings to all ♥♥♥R♥♥♥


Headquarters: Can you please tell the guys we would like a remote view on the chemtrail’s, and another remote view on climate change. Both of these things have been mentioned here before and there’s just so much this information on the Internet it’s so hard to know what it is, how it affects us and what we should do or shouldn’t do, or how to prepare! We need a remote view session on both of these things… Please help out!


Agree!! .... David Dubyne is very well informed and very articulate in his communication of information !


Clif High said (a number of years ago) - that we humans currently just do not expect to be 'attacked' from the sky. So, most people can not conceive of the idea that we have any thing to be fearful from above - especially something that is man-made.... how could anyone do that ?? how could the government allow that ?? we don't have the technology to control weather !! My sister and her husband are famers in Nebraska - she married into a sizable family that has farmed for 3 generations ... and they have no idea that the weather can be manipulated -- they were laughing at a statement made by the American Indians - that were protesting the pipeline that was being put in ( and this is poor on my part, but I do not remember exactly where in the US it was) - they said that a snow storm had been created to get them to back down - to quit. I told them that, yes, the weather can and is being manipulated ... just search online... the technology has been spoken of since the 60s at least. They had nothing more to say and unfortunately my sister does not want to - wish to 'look' at any of the crazy things that are going on in our country today - she wishes to believe it is what we are being told. This was a bit of a 'wake up call' for me. I have spent quite a bit of time in Nebraska - in the middle of no where - the last several years and there are a surprising number of chem trails being put out over farm land/rural towns.


A friend working in Vail, Co mentioned the local ski resorts hire cloud seeders. I had to look it up to believe it: “Hjermstad and his company, Western Weather Consultants, now run cloud seeding programs across the state, including in Summit County. For decades, local ski areas have paid him to send plumes of silver iodide up to their slopes when opportune storms approach, squeezing out a couple of extra inches of snow each time. Vail Mountain, which has contracted with Hjermstad for more than 40 years, hasn’t missed any of those chances for extra snow, he said. “Some storms they would get 18 inches and everybody else would get 12,” he said. Breckenridge Ski Resort, Keystone Resort and Winter Park Resort are all sponsors of the Summit-area program. But snow that’s good for skiing is good for drinking later down the line, and Front Range water managers have taken notice. “Over time, there has been a lot more interest in weather modification programs in the state of Colorado,” said Maria Pastore of the Colorado River District. “We’re really excited to get into the sixth season (of cloud seeding) . the primary objective for the sponsors is to increase the water supply in the Upper Colorado River Basin.” Western Weather Consultants claims that its two seeding operations in the High Country generate between 180,00 and 300,000 added acre-feet of water per year, and that has been backed up by independent studies. An outside evaluation of the Vail operation from 1977 to 2005 found statistically significant snowfall increases ranging from 6.3 to nearly 29 percent.” <a href="https://www.denverpost.com/2017/10/07/cloud-seeding-weather-modification-colorado/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.denverpost.com/2017/10/07/cloud-seeding-weather-modification-colorado/</a>


Ok guys message received, I'll be patient ! Now I have to go back to the street to kick off our (p)resident (m)icron into the history's trash Enjoy Seeing it you'll have fun in the next weeks (not sure we too...)


We're working on it Maggie, it is a matter of squeezing it into our schedule. We are making space for new viewers and protocols to cover some of the questions we'll need to ask. More to come.


Is the 5. hodl coin out ?


You can get a listing if the weather patents &amp; forward them to her... there’s even a business in south France that will guarantee good weather for your wedding!


Of the weather patents (typo above)


That's interesting, there is a theory out there that they are actually using "coal fly ash". <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Marvin_Herndon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Marvin_Herndon</a>


There is a (VERY) long list of weather modification/manipulation/warfare patents going back to 1891 here: <a href="https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/</a>