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Holy hockey sticks Batman! Dick has come back with his latest work for the December 2018 World Events and it's a doosy! 
  • Three cities billowing smoke a 9/11 type image/event lots of smoke with skyscrapers.
  • Large ship capsized in rough water, wind, whitecaps with smaller boats surrounding it. Disaster at sea.
  • Pharmaceutical recall scandal? Big boxes
  • Bitcoin Ben stay healthy
  • Severe weather in Great Lakes region, storms disruptions, freezing, freezing, freezing
  • Cryptos have a little pop but exchange trouble will keep it down

So keep your eyes open and head on a swivel as they say. As always folks, thank you for your continued support and stay safe wherever you may reside. More to come...

Here's the mail Dick sent me on November 16th 2018 regarding the earthquakes. 


(No title)



Thanks Dick


Thanks for the predictions! BitCoin Ben - I always wondered why people that smoke even bother to save for future.....? I like him, I follow his channel but he’s got “unhealthy” written all over him. On the smoke in 3 cities - I think someone said Q recently said stay vigilant in December.... Thank you again! Will Ed & Daz post predictions as well?


Have you picked up anything on XRP taking over #1 spot, toppling BTC?


Woo woo keep up the good work guys


OK, so the music can be deleted, I left the sixties quite content, and need no relapse to the days of LSD and wacked out individuals !!


Hoping we don't see lost lives in those 9/11 images.


Wow.. thanks a lot Dick. I live right near one of the Great Lakes. As I was listening to this and you were saying the words freezing, cold and even the word breaking I got a cold chill thinking it’s colder than usual in my house so I get up to look at my thermostat and I look and see that my furnace actually stopped working!!! 👀


He was right about Bush Snr in his November call. I know there is a big recall of blood pressure tabs over a cancer causing ingredient been found. I thinks teva is one company and they make generic drugs


No mention of planes hitting buildings so whatever it is it may not be a copy of 911. Lots of buildings have that flammable exterior like those buildings in Dubai and London had. It’s s known problem but bad actors could use this weakness against others.


Wow, quite something this coming December! Thank you for doing this work! Can imagine that it is not easy…


Great work Dick, this is interesting stuff.


I assume because Dick said it felt like a 911 that those events take place somewhere in the United States....... is that a reasonable assumption???


Your George Herbert Walker Bush prediction just came true. I watched you say that last month and wonder now which of these new predictions is next. Also, given the 'up to 90 day' window, could it be that your prediction of bomb blasts from last month are connected to your skyscraper smoke for this month?


Thank you Dick and team! I love the education!!


Earthquake Hit!!


Nov 30th 2018 ; <a href="https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/2018/11/30/large-earthquake-strikes-southcentral-alaska/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/2018/11/30/large-earthquake-strikes-southcentral-alaska/</a>


Hello Team! I could like to share some ideas with you regarding how to Remote View Crypto future prices and generally future events. Can you give me an email please?




The world is a dangerous place... since the beginning.


Thanks for this Dick and team.


I think the buildings are France which protests are burning buildings because of gas tax


<a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/01/world/europe/france-yellow-vests-protests-macron.amp.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/01/world/europe/france-yellow-vests-protests-macron.amp.html</a>#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp;amp_tf=From%20%251%24s


Awesome stuff and you also got the submarine hit in Nov


Thank you once again to the entire CV team. The work we, as a small group might offer is how can we possibly impact to "ease" what is potentially before humanity. All participants who are dedicated to a higher calling?? --- Perhaps we might be able to pool a think tank together with Rock to focus on "impacting an easing or betterment" with humanities consciousness. Perhaps Ed could run this idea by Rock to see if he would even be interested to entertain? Hope this suggestion is ok or welcomed. In gratitude R :)


Is it possible that we have a hit with those fires in France?!?!?!?!


Dick is really producing some impressive quality results in these monthly RV sessions. Can't wait to see the sessions from the rest of the team. Great work, Dick!


Hello Team! When do we expect 'The Tron Sentiment'-(11/28), 'Live Call Oct'-(11/21) and 'Q &amp; A Michaeel 2 and 3' to be released for Viewers? Thanks and great work!!!


Dear Dick, Daz, Mike@HQ &amp; Staff,


It has been my pleasure to support your efforts in creating Crypto-Viewing from


the beginning. I have your signed picture, Hawaiian God, and thoughtful note on my desk. You could say I am a devoted fan, but a bad typist. Which is now clear to myself included. But I understand you have been expending your efforts, and our funds on a R.V. Prospect that has no business on your Official Team. He made his announcement today for you. It takes about 5 seconds to see that this person has an extensive Criminal Background, and several Business Complaints. Hides his email in Switzerland, and operates from the Dark Web, won't give his full name on Patreon. Demonstrates a high level of Paranoia, and a general disregard for Law Enforcement, Laws, Truth and Right &amp; Wrong.


Personally, I think you are a Prince of a Guy...Mr. Allgire. You are a joy to watch with...The News. You are a man that understands Credibility, and Public Perception. We are a small group here gathered with a common goal. You have lowered yourselves to a standard that is unacceptable. By this virus personified... you have trained, tested, and hired.


<a href="https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Benjamin_Slider_12299437/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Benjamin_Slider_12299437/</a>


<a href="https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Benjamin_Slider_1258335/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Benjamin_Slider_1258335/</a>


Now, I know you have better resources than most of us. You even predict the monthly future. We depend on you. Now the above mentioned fellow, has a long list of issues that take about 5 seconds to find. Yet, you have trained him for 3 Months, and invited him into our minds, home, and futures. Frankly, I don't care if the boy talks to Jesus face to face. I wouldn't trust him if his tongue came notarized. It is poor form, and a complete miscarriage of our Public &amp; Private Trust. It is grounds for the whole Crypto-Viewing site to be dismantled, and a sizable investigation started. You are better than this. Clean up your practices. This man has criminal records popping up in several states.


Watch "RV Crypto Viewing, Partnership. 😎Official New team member😎" on YouTube


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXi229qNL2U&amp;feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXi229qNL2U&amp;feature=youtu.be</a>


Now there is our...New Hire, that we are paying for. This has been my only post.


Enough said! Clean up your house. I never want to write something like this again to people, I would enjoy as friends. I hold you in high regard, Dick. Fix it.


When you run him through the Florida Sec. of State Business Section. You can see what other foolishness this boy has been up to. He demands Identification from others, but hides his own with every care to deceive his followers...


Watched his videos, looked at his rap sheet. Drunken idiot, yes. Is he a good remote viewer, dont know. Paranoid of the government...what reasonable person is not ??? Dont know him or you. I only care about one thing, can he RV??


Dick the music doesn't add any value to your videos. It detracts from your messages.


Dick HELLO!!! Please see incoming additional hit <a href="https://youtu.be/XBcPvwSGCGg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/XBcPvwSGCGg</a>


Hey Dick, how do you feel about the Iraqi Dinar? Do you think it will revalue?