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Evening all! Here's part of the analysis from Dick and Uncle Clif! Enjoy the mindbend!!! There's more to come...


Clif & Dick: Answers In Time Analysis

Clif High joins Dick Allgire to give his insights into the creation of the Grand Canyon, as they review the data in our newest project. This is the first companion video to "Answers In Time: Remote Viewing Grand Canyon Mysteries."



Agreed, he’s super interesting! I’d heard a similar theory on the Grand Canyon as well as the Saudi dessert


Love how Clif almost refuses to discuss Cryptos now. Not cool 'guy'


What happened to the new Grand Canyon RV session? I can't see it, is it now belong to the 'vision' not 'woowoo' any more? This is confusing.


The disagreement about RV'ing the past might be semantics. Clif said you're not really going to the past but to the collective consciousness memory of it; I think we know that. The Akashic record accessed by RV'ers is collective consciousness record because that is what our reality is; collective consciousness experience. But what Clif may be missing is that the matrix is bigger than the Akashic record. It includes non-human memories, not only alien and animal, but inanimate, like the rocks at the Grand Canyon. So RV'ers can access more than the collective consciousness memory without actually going into the past.


Now it's working, Thank you guys for the hard work! Watching it now👍


I agree Dick. One of the most profound past events I witnessed via RVing was from another viewer connecting to Old London Jack the Ripper. She was obviously distraught and seen horror during the view. That video convinced me the past CAN be accessed. Interesting discussion with Clif... thank you.


Very interesting discussion - but shouldn't stuff like this be publicly viewable? I presume, Clif did not make money from this interview.


Does Clif ever have a null state? He always provides/fills an answer to everything? :) But great discussion! I'm sure also you guys train for a null state, much like you detect an AOL?


Interesting stuff guys, good video.


Certainly some of the most interesting topics in our Universe are discussed and made aware of by RV's. I met one that flew craft's!


I've followed Clif for many years and I mean no disrespect to him but his description of the Sun is completely at odds with the science. Its not that I'm against exploring the edges of things and looking at ancient history with a new view, but the Sun doesn't have a core of iron and it never will because it doesn't have enough mass. Anyway thanks for this discussion. Some of you might be interested in Velikovsky's 'Worlds in Collision' about a theory of where Venus came from, but I don't know any astronomers that think the theory is good. Still, with science, we move forward with more observations and experiments and who knows where we end up? I'm not an astronomer, I enjoy all of this, I do think Clif is brilliant but also can be wrong.


Yes, but did Bix Weir create that feeling you had at the end with the "Father" feeling? What was that about?


As William Shatner said, Science and Science Fiction are the same thing.


That was a highly emotional session from the Farsight Inst. To experience that is very traumatic for the viewers and we don't recommend it.


Bix’s entire Road to Roota, Horn of Zeese, Alan Greenspan being a good guy is silly. He’s very hard to take seriously.


Venus topography is known since 90s, when they probed the planet with radars to map the surface features. The region, which could be of interest is called Aphrodite Terra, you could try to locate areas there which may fit your theory. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite_Terra" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite_Terra</a>


Above Majestic, a must see movie for all!! just watch, the most compelling movie i ever saw, except for 'Unacknowledged'


What I found gobsmacking about this theory is that in 1985 while in Machu Picchu our group stayed overnight at the Hotel there and when out for a sunrise ceremony, after the ceremony we wandered off doing our own thing. I simply sat leaning against the stones, I'd love to say meditating but in reality meditation escapes me. Having all my life been in awe of the stones I was simply being in the moment of how amazing to be there &amp; experiencing it. Then amazingly I had the experience of knowing that the stones were formed in interaction with the minds of the life forms of the time, in that they could work with the “atoms” of the stones, enabling them to separate and reform in the shape they required. Being able to separate the atoms by thought was also how they were able to transport them, as they were weightless. The other knowing that I received, that was the “holy shit” linking to this theory, was of the “great catastrophe” it was of this great energy that struck earth &amp; transmitted along the ley lines causing major catastrophic events at all the vortex ley line conjunctions, not only damaging the sites but more importantly the “energy” of the sites, they never worked the same after this event. Even more out there was that this energy “vaporised” the life forms around these sites at that time. And I surmised hence the sudden disappearance of civilisations like the Mayans etc. Unfortunately prior to &amp; after this I have always been blocked, so I really just thought of it as “well that was strange but interesting” But more &amp; more now, it seems to gain relevance, with Graham Hancock talking about a “great catastrophe” that he surmised was from an asteroid, which brought to the fore my “knowing” experience. I just couldn’t shake the knowing that it was a great energy that travelled along the ley lines and this would really “fit” with this Grand Canyon RV. Wow head spinningly amazing. Thank you


If you can remote view the future but can't do the past you will have a problem because you go to the future event but, to come back you are actually going into the past when viewed from that future event.


Fascinating story. Once I would have smirked knowingly but now I know that I simply do not know. Thank you for telling us.


According to Eric Dollard, known to be called the Nikola Tesla of our time...the Sun is a big transformer that transforms from some other dimension - it doesn't burn anything - it is a converter; the Sun only has a surface and nothing inside of it; he says that the only fusion that occurs is in the flares https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPELdcX-pOY


I think you all should remote view our Sun...and see what it's made out of and see if Eric Dollard is correct.




“The most startling feature yet seen on Venus,” according to the report, is the huge trough‐like depression along the planet's equator. It was described as 850 miles long, 90 miles wide and more than a mile, deep. The scientists said that the valley was “strikingly similar” to Valles Marineris, the extensive canyonlands of Mars, and to the East African Rift system."


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