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So here's our next target due from the viewers in a couple of days. We are looking at the Market Cap for December 28, 2018. The new date parameter was requested by one of our subscribers since it coincides with the end of the futures contract for the 4th quarter. 

The reason for this next session is to test the previous session and the data that Daz came back with. 

UPDATE 7/23/18

Mornin everyone. Yes, the results of this test are conflicting with our other data. Agreed. Dick hit the target which he was happy about, but the larger implication is how that fares for the market as a whole. Through the last four months of remote viewing, I have seen a pattern with the results and target energy/emotion. So it appears that we are seeing all the viewers entangling to targets with the most energy/emotion.   

I purposely selected the biplanes, which had the greatest depiction of energy, to correlate to the lowest market value to test my theory.  We are going to continue this experiment and try a new targets with the same values. We will test to see if this is the case or not. If you look at Daz's market sentiment graph, his session has a peak right around the end of the year. So we are going to test all the data and see where we are.  

Daz, Dick and Rock got the aspects of the biplane. Dick by far got the plane dead on. But does that mean the market cap will be under $250b? I really don't think so but we need to revisit this to be sure. Also based on this session does that mean that we may see a catastrophic sell off on or around the 28th? Could be another possibility. We have to do more research to see. 

We spoke at length and we discussed possibilities of looking at market volume. If the charts like CoinMarketCap are being fraudulently manipulated to NOT show true market volume, could we see the actual volume or at least get a sense of it?

This is another reason we are performing CRV sessions to verify and compare the data we are receiving from these ARV sessions. Remember that the viewers are performing these sessions completely blind. There is no front loading at all on any of these sessions.




So looking forward to this, will we see a repeat of 2017!? Thanks guys!


a very exiting target,Must be a nightmare to RV specific coins/tokens in short term(1-3 months) .more exiting for me general market cap in 6 months, 1 year,3 year.


I specifically changed the target imagery to see if the entropy of each image makes a difference on viewing it. We'll see what the team comes back with...


Sure thing Kai and thank you for your support as always. We're looking to validate the last session Daz did along with Dick's video.


In Remote Viewing, can sharing the targets in advance with others affect the future remote viewing of the targets? Question for Dick, Daz and Rock.


Still confused about your target selection. Am I alone on this? My selection would be, 1: current range up to old highs. ( This way we know we are not in for a major breakout) 2: New highs up to maybe the $850 ( this would suggest exciting months ahead) 3: Above $850 (everybody's dream) The problem I see with the $250-850 target is that we will not know whether the small boat means our current market cap of 270 or a major breakout closer to your 850. Marty


I am basing this on last years high plus the chart we received from Daz's last session. We are going to validate the target and see what the viewers come back with. If we get the between value then we can revisit and get closer to the range.


I cannot wait for this! This is precisely what I want to know..thanks!


Planes and bumper cars images are too similar IMHO. Perhaps an image of a biological gestalt i.e. animal or person would provide better separation for data analysis. Each image should contain different major gestalts i.e ... Man made structures, biologicals, land, water etc... Thanks for the work you're doing! Would be fun to run this type of target for myself in the future...any chance you could post the target ref. numbers before hand or email them to us that rv?


You guys, this is the best target that you've planned (in my view). The second most important to me was LTC, because I see that as an indicator for the market as a whole. If this viewing comports with your LTC prediction, it will be goosebumps all over. BTW I like the target ranges, but I do agree that the pictures are perhaps a little similar. But since you've planned this I'd move forward. I just want to be sure, neither Dick nor Daz knows anything about this right?


Is the ZODL on the target code really random? Looks too close to HODL. LOL


They are totally blind. And as for the targets there is enough entropy to distinguish between the two. One has significant motion the other is static. Colors are different. Believe me, i jsut had an hour long convo with Daz the day before regarding targets. There is enough difference for the team to pick up on either target. They will see either motion or none. And the LTC target is up next David. Right on point. We are going to put those last sessions on notice and see if anything has changed as we approach the dates in session.


Just to let folks know, I was able to get my posts reinstated by the Patreon support after emailing them. They said the post was marked as spam by their third party provider. So... no conspiracy here! I still wonder if it's an automated spam filter or human but no worries.


This is the kind of content that I want to see


Very exciting times we are having right now. Can hardly wait for the results. Thank you guys.


Can't wait for the " NEWS ",


I think future targets need more careful consideration. Lets say the session comes out as strong Yes for the MC to exceed 850 Billion. That really isn't saying much for 2018 considering we had reached that in Jan this year. There should be a wider range to at least create some more interest in these targets. Lets say we are around ~ 300 BN today. To exceed 850 BN we would need only around 11 BN to enter the market. This is because for every BN that enters the market, Market Cap increases by about 50BN. Moving forward hoping for ~ 10 + BN to enter this market for the remainder of 2018 is tad conservative guys.


When will this be released? Can't wait! :)


Also, will you guys be looking at KIN anytime soon? I know that this is going to be a very long term coin to hold. I'm wondering if you guys might take a look at the price at 3 years from now and 5 years. <a href="https://cointelegraph.com/news/kik-messaging-app-reveals-its-first-beta-product-kinit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cointelegraph.com/news/kik-messaging-app-reveals-its-first-beta-product-kinit</a>


Tom Lee is saying the bearish market is over...jump to the 3 min mark: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxxgBJUcu18" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxxgBJUcu18</a>


A question for Micheal. What does he think of gold backed crypto currency such as royal mint gold RMG?


Again, we need to establish a bottom somewhere. If we had been too broad we would have gotten dinged for that too. Can't win. We establish a baseline then revisit and get more data. We had very interesting results with this one so I will publish an additional conversation on what we found regarding ARV and target selection.


Dick just gave the answer on the Youtube channel... But what will be the implications of this outcome? <a href="https://coinmarketcap.com/charts/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://coinmarketcap.com/charts/</a>


I think more viewers, at least 5+ should be involved in this target and take average as a reliable result.


So from the YouTube video that Dick posted cryptos r not looking good in December hmmmm maybe bitcoin going to zero is not such a long shot after all 😱🤪🤪.. so where to from here CV??? I’m not ready to jump off this crypto train 😏😏


LTC above x-thousand $ as predicted (which alone would be ~175bn market-cap) on the one hand and general market-cap below 250bn doesnt seem to fit for Dec 18. So data at least seems to contradict each other. Would be interesting to find out why that shows up. Did i.e. the predicted LTC price in Dec 18 change drastically from the last session? Or is it more towards current sentiment one is picking up? Maybe theres a way to use RV itself to find out how to predict future events more precisely... :D


Mornin everyone. Yes, the results of this test are conflicting with our other data. Agreed. Dick hit the target which he was happy about, but the larger implication is how that fares for the market as a whole. Through the last four months of remote viewing, I have seen a pattern with the results and target energy/emotion. So it appears that we are seeing all the viewers entangling to targets with the most energy/emotion. I purposely selected the biplanes, which had the greatest depiction of energy, to correlate to the lowest market value to test my theory. We are going to continue this experiment and try a new targets with the same values. We will test to see if this is the case or not. If you look at Daz's market sentiment graph, his session has a peak right around the end of the year. So we are going to test all the data and see where we are.


We've got a few theories so we're going to test these possibilities within our next sessions to validate the data one way or another.


Thank you for this useful feedback. I'm not a scientist of any sort, but it's great to see the scientific method in action, of eliminating variables that aren't wanted. And I agree that I suspect this is the case, here. Also, one or two YouTube comments appearing, under Dick's video, giving the game away - just a heads up!


Please try to RV the concept of "The Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets" and their SUCCESSFUL manipulation of Forex, Metals, oil, etc. The queuing would be to show whether they are / will be messing with crypto's and will they succeed. As a side note / observation... why is it that the USA is the one who has the keys to the kingdom on a BTC ETF? London's markets are the biggest gamblers on the planet (Ladbroke). Why don't they do an ETF on cryptos? Australia? Japan? Is it because Alan Greenspan authored the whole deal and has dibs on who gets the control? Naw... He isn't that powerful~~~


Food for thought:


While you're trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, as far as targets are concerned, i'll suggest reducing your target dates to a week out instead of months out. it's going to take years to figure out what's going on if you don't.


I say this is the WORST news possible. Think SLV and GLD and major manipulation. Please tell me why I am wrong.. <a href="https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-23/bitcoin-etf-nearly-certain-win-approval-later-year" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-23/bitcoin-etf-nearly-certain-win-approval-later-year</a>


It's very possible the market cap will be under $250b and bitcoin will still go up if there's a mass exodus out of alts into bitcoin.


Just wanted to say, great job to Dick for hitting a target spot on. Also great job to the team. Next I would like to say the comments under the YouTube video is giving away the answer to the RV session. I would recommend in the future not to show pictures just say it was a clear hit and for the answer they should join the Patreon. Great job nonetheless!


i think Clif High said the crypto market will be extremely volatile from now on, with huge up &amp; down swings. It's possible that the total market cap will be way down on that particular day, Dec 28th., coming off a new all time high. JMHO.


I'm hoping dick picked up on the image at the top of the list and not have anything to do with label attached to it. today, market cap is $285B.


charts show blastoff and sharon michelle says same. I'm holding fast to those data points. Also a previous session had Litecoin over 3,200. splain that lucy.


I still believe it will start a major upward trend in October and continue through the first of the year as both Michelle Whitedove and Sharon Michelle stated..I sure hope so!


Bravo for viewing market cap. I bought into cryptos in April, 2017. Money flooded into to the crypto market off and on in 2017. Imbecile retired idiots like me made money in the star coins and one dark horse. I lost a third of it exploring and learning the cryptoverse. I have learned that I can prosper when the market cap is increasing, as the money flows into good coins. You have to be a smart SOB to make money on coin picks when money is neutral or flowing out of the market. Based on what I know so far, I look forward to your remote viewing results on the crypto market cap in December, 2018. All the central banks will soon be tightening, except ludicrious speed Japan. Michael Pento gives a hell'of'a presentation on Youtube about an October Economogeddon. Will the elite, wall street snakes and the sheep pull their money out of stocks and bonds imploding and put it into honest crypto coins and tokens? I believe a moment of truth about honest and sound money is approaching. Cryptos provide an honest accounting of each transaction...and display to the world the number of coins in existence...no pulling trillions of fiat toilet paper out of Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Draghi, Premier for life XI, Ludicrous Japan's Central bank, BIS, - the fiat world's arse. Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente says when all else fails the will take us to war. Drums are beating on attacking Iran. WTF has Iran done? We overthrew their elected leader in 1953. We overthrew Ukraine (US Ambassador Victoria Nuland said she spent $5billion to instigate a revolt) when their elected president said due to debt problems they needed to seek help from the boogey bear....their mother for centuries.


I saw your results for these three, and I'm not sure you got the planes.


I could "feel" Chernobyl in much of what you "got", I'm not a remote viewer, but I ask your team to consider tasking the questions again.


So what is the final verdict on thi?s reading