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To all our patrons, we thank you for your support in this huge endeavor! We've just worked some new targets and have very interesting results for VERI and EOS. We will be publishing new videos next week on both. These will be pricing thresholds for September 2018. We also are revisiting a few more values for Dec 2018 and 2019. Stay tuned, this summer is going to be VERI interesting...




Veri excited to see the results. Thank you for all the work you guys are doing.


Would love to see VERI released early many people are getting a bit nervous watching other coins explode, in my opinion they just don't understand VERI well how powerful VERI is ... thanks to you Dick and the team, great work KEEP IT UP!


Can't wait... Thanks Dick and Daz!!!


Let there be good news for VERI finally!


Great to hear more right brain thinking on EOS, almost too much left brain stuff about EOS in recent months.


I took Hawaii remote viewers guild's on line training course years ago. I recognise you using the face with the cross hatch lines tool. We all appreciate you and other viewers work on all this. Lots of work to get a little future glimpses into the future. Thanks again.


Dick / Daz Iss it possible that you can RV the Market Cap by Sep 2018?


Hey RV team thanks for that.... any chance of POPULOUS (PPT) information coming out? It is one of the few genuinely decent cryptos that exists amongst the vast ocean of silly/useless coins we have to wade through nowadays... (in that PPT has a product hitting the market right now and will make people passive income as well as help small-to-medium businesses with their cash flows)... Thanks!!


I would like to see more info on this EOS at 250$ by september, by more info I mean comparison to other coins, other coins could go much higher than that as it's a 10X increase, 10X increase can happen to many alt coin during a bitcoin rise like it happened last December. Also the litecoin increase is at least a 30X increase.


We're working on it. A new poll will be out May 1. Please vote for your favs. The existing poll will be retired APR 30 so make sure to vote!


greed, we're working on it. That price point was just to establish a bottom. We can't target too much at once we need to methodically construct the targets so our data is clean and valid for each question we ask. Too much free form will provide inconclusive results.


As a subscriber, may I discontinue/cancel at anytime? We're on a limited budget so it may become too much for us.


I found a new video on You Tube that appears to indicate EOS to $250. So far , although this is the most expensive Patreon channel I subscribe to, I received no notification of a new video, and am told I will not receive views that may indicate which way a cryto is going at this level of subscription, but apparently I can find it on You Tube if I diligently watch there. Is this an over-site? I am still trying to find the benefits for this level of subscription.


Susan the full analysis will be in Patreon only. You will have exclusive access to the analysis here. We will also be posting that video on Patreon as well. Just a coordination issue. We are working through 14 timezones. We truly appreciate your patience and support. Sometimes Dick gets very excited about the results and published before he should. But the full report will be for paying members only.


I think she has a point. If everyone gets the benefit of the 'end-result' ($250 for EOS, etc.), it doesn't really make sense to pay for this level of subscription ($98). I would prefer that the report be mentioned and make people pay the money to hear the results (ie monthly subscriber). This channel has so much to offer all of us and is creating an incredible library of information using a technique that is very unique, that there ought to be more greater (informational) differentiation between those who truly support you, and those that wish to ride on our coattails for nothing, ie getting the final results of your hard work and our subscription commitments for free. Just my opinion :)


he is just advertising the project so more people pay for his work, people today wants free donuts. A lot of people won't trust remote viewing until they have a real tangible proof. If he doesn't offer any free stuff he won't get enough paid. Also he probably get emotional and want to help others, so he gives it for free, you can't blame the guy for trying to help. It always feels good to give something for free


I think everyone is waiting for Bitcoin RV since it drags the alts with it.


I think it would be a good idea to RV the global crypto marketcap over time. This would give us perspective on RV sessions done for a specific crypto.


A global cmc would not necessarily speak to a value of a specific coin, just the market overall. When the entire market was over 800 billion many coins were still worthless while some shot up right?


I signed up for Crypto Viewing Subscription and I cannot view any video. Where do I find it? Nowhere that I click sends me to a video?????????????? This is frustrating me to no end, please help - perhaps I'm stupid and can't see the nose in front of my face, but PLEASE HELP!!!!!!


I also cannot view the earlier material.


wating for veri!


Victor, depending on your subscription level you will have access to certain info only. We plan on putting up a link post to all relevant content each month for your sub level. This will hopefully clarify what you have access to. Hope this helps. We are publishing more content this week. And stay tuned for the Mystery in the Grand Canyon piece this Friday!!! Exciting stuff! Mahalo.


Please carry out some remote viewing for DENT - prediction for January 2019 - thanks!


It would also be VERI interesting to know a little bit about the next peak in cryptos and the next correction. For instance if we will see the same correlation between Bitcoin and altcoins.


I am curious on THETA as well


Populous (PPT) is my baby. Would love to hear something about PPT.


PPT yes me too please!


Thought I saw a new posting, and it had hook to get us to pay more... Are you guys starting to get greedy??


Not at all Joe, we're working our collective asses off to make all of this happen. Not a small feat by any means. We just posted the MAY Subscriber Deliverables here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/18525100">https://www.patreon.com/posts/18525100</a> We will do this every month and you will see everything you have access to at your specific subscriber level. Again, thank you for your continued support.


I want to know how much a hamburger costs by Christmas. Prices are relative. If hamburgers cost $500 each then Litecoin at $10K is not so great.


Rick, yes - everything is relative. Be on the right side of things...... you paint a bleak picture, at least with this info, you can prepare more wisely.


Thank you for your support Jared. Pleas give the test targets on the CV website a try!


If there's some type of financial crash that's drives the prices through the roof then am sure there will be inflation which means we could all turn out to be "Zimbabwe Millionaires" or "Venezuelan Millionaires" lol


If there's some type of financial crash that's drives the prices through the roof then am sure there will be inflation which means we could all turn out to be "Zimbabwe Millionaires" or "Venezuelan Millionaires" lol


In that scenario, far better to be a crypto millionaire than holding green pieces of toilet paper.


any news on veri?


Absolutely guys we're on the same page for sure. I've been thinking the e act same thoughts. We're going to look into that for sure


Looking for Eos &amp; Veri sessions but not finding anything here yet. Perhaps not ready yet.


We recorded both EOS analysis sessions thurs. Will have the finals up during the week.