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Hello Adventurers! I put in some serious hours this week to finish off our next map, the Geode Cave. It's a simple Lair for some monstrous entity that enjoys moody blue/green sparkly lighting! Seriously though, this would make a great encounter map for a Gem Dragon (wrapped around the central crystal), or some elemental creature.

Next Maps

I’ll be looking at the Research Compound next, with the Wishing Well coming towards the end of the month.

  • Research Compound (Outpost)
    Evan suggested this idea. I think it's some kind of magical research station in the depths of the Underdark, Feywilds or dangerous exotic location. There would be holding pens for dangerous creatures, a lab, perimeter fences and accommodation blocks. I’m still thinking about how to theme it, but I’m liking the idea more and more.
  • Wishing Well Cave
    Connor suggested this one. I’ll be making a Wishing Well asset which can be placed on most of my other maps. This will lead to a Wishing Well cave map with coins, water and most likely the lair of some terrible monster :D

You can download these maps and all my back catalogue on the Map List Page. You can only access the download links if you are signed in as a Patron!

Thanks for the support and the help with ideas, please keep them coming, they really do help! Have a great end of the week and as always happy adventuring! Now let's go explore this crystal cave, and remember, literally, everything is sharp! And don't speak because the sound reverberates… and light reflects through the crystals… so no light either…

Map Descriptions

Walking down the tunnel you notice small crystals on the rock walls. At first, they are small, but as you continue deeper into the earth they grow in size and frequency, covering the tunnel walls until every surface is filled with facets of sparkling quartz. Your torchlight, once weak and spluttering, now reflects off thousands of individual crystals, amplified to a point the tunnel is dazzlingly bright.

Ahead you see an entrance to a large chamber, its walls covered in crystals of every shape and size. From somewhere above, light filters into the chamber, spilling across the interior and creating a kaleidoscopic show of light and colour. At the centre of the chamber is a giant formation of crystals, with something at its centre, something dark, trapped within the quartz. As you move forward it seems to twitch, surely just a trick of the light… and yet, maybe not.

Notes and Tips

  • 30x30 Grid map
  • This chamber has a number of natural hazards including:Sharp Edges - Being thrown against these crystals will result in piecing or slashing damage.
    Dazzling Light - If any spell or effect that creates light is used, it may dazzle those unlucky enough to be looking at it or at the crystals near it.
    Crystals Fall - Concussive effects may dislodge crystals from the walls or ceiling, anyone close by may be crushed or impaled.
    Magical Reflections - Magic may reflect off the crystals. If a spell misses its target it may reflect and hit a new target. Roll a die to see which direction it is redirected to.
  • Flying monsters may use the crystals as perches. They may also break off crystals to drop on or throw at the party.
  • Gem Dragon: This would make a great Lair for a Gem dragon, although not evil-aligned, Gem Dragons can be very dangerous. If they have reason to attack they will and adventurers entering their Lair would constitute a reason. Give your party a reason to either collect something from the Lair or have them be forced to pass through it.
  • Crystal Elemental: Take a look at Earth elementals and modify them to create a Crystal variant. For example, give them more armour but less damage mitigation. Have them slash/pierce with their attacks. They could rush at foes, trying to crush and impale them. They could be vulnerable to sonic attacks, but remember this may also trigger ‘Crystal Falls’.
  • Glowwyrms: This cave is home to a unique form of wyrms. A small dragonlike creature that could roost among the crystals, absorbing the light in the chamber. Their tails glow and could have a dazzling attack. The chemical that makes their tails glow is used by lamp makers to create perpetual lanterns, however, they are dangerous to hunt and so adventurers are hired to collect them.
  • Crystal Ropers: Ropers hang from ceilings and use their rope-like tendril to drag victims into their maws. A Crystal Roper does something similar but resembles a Crystal formation. Its teeth are crystal and its tendrils have sharp crystals on them, adding piercing damage to the Tendril's grapple. If it reels in a player character it can smash them into the crystal walls, adding damage.


You get a simple cave, perfect for filling with something unpleasant!

You also get a bubbling pool with something glowing in the centre.

I've also made Purple/Red versions of all the variants.

I've also created a sand/dirt version with no crystals for a simple cave or fountain of youth style encounter! (Includes central crystal and cave versions)



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