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Hello adventurers! Our latest release is finally here! A fantastic and extensive kit for making treasure maps for your games and the battlemaps, items, music, and monsters to go with it. I must thank Limithron for inviting me to take part in this project, they have done an amazing job getting it organized, and along with the other creators I think we've produced an awesome resource for the community.

Upcoming maps

I'll be releasing the Magical Curiosity Shop later this week with The Earth’s Heart realistically coming next week as unfortunately with the short month I'm not quite able to fit that one in before the end of February. Thank you so much for your continued support, I really hope you have a blast with this release, it's certainly been fun to work on it!


The full kit includes over 80 icons, symbols, markings, and blank paper templates for you to drag around and create your own treasure maps and region maps... but as a twist, most of the "Points of Interest'' icons have their own battlemap! These are perfect for combat, roleplaying, and puzzle encounters. You can see the battlemaps and their related treasure map icons below.

In addition to the 25 battlemaps, we've included over 23 treasure hunting themed item cards and 5 pirate themed monsters for all your swashbuckling needs, as well as two versions of "Ancora Bound", a sea shanty your players will be singing along with as you explore.

You can download a free version of the kit below—which includes all the battlemaps (with grids and watermarks) and watercolor treasure map icons—plus all of our Patrons have access to isometric icons, battlemaps (with and without grids, no watermarks), more items, and more music.

I've personally created two maps for this one, a Burnt-Out Building on the edge of a jungle and an Arch of Rock at the ocean's edge. I also have a lot of maps in my back catalog which would work well for this kit, so get creative!

I've created exclusive alternative maps for my Patreons which you can see in the Variants part of this post at the bottom of the page.

Patreon Creators

I can't gush enough about how great these people are. Their content is just top-notch and I'd highly recommend taking a look at what they have on offer!

Afternoon Maps: Sea Arch & Ruined Cabin battlemaps https://www.patreon.com/afternoonmaps

Inocyde: Raft & Dead Shark battlemaps, item art & cards https://www.patreon.com/join/Inocyde_world_builder

Limithron: Treasure Map Assets and Icons, Dead Tree X, Lava Bridge, Rope Bridge, & Treasure Pit battlemaps https://www.patreon.com/limithron

Loot Tavern: Item art & cards https://www.patreon.com/LootTavern

Music d20: Ancora Bound & Ancora Bound Vocal music https://www.patreon.com/musicd20

Ori the Cartographer: Waterfall, Frog Shrine, Giant Seashells, & Mysterious Rock battlemaps https://www.patreon.com/orithecartographer

The Reclusive Cartographer: Hangman’s Tree, Jungle Stream, & Lagoon battlemaps https://www.patreon.com/thereclusivecartographer

Rudok’s Maps: Whirlpool & Skull Rock battlemaps, item art & cards, creature art & cards https://www.patreon.com/rudoksmaps

Tom Cartos: Lone Tree Island, Coral Reef Island, Sea Cave, Jungle Path, Village, Stonehenge & Cabin battlemaps https://www.patreon.com/tomcartos


Public version - The public version of the pack is attached to this post, it contains watermarked and gridded maps, treasure map templates, and icons. You also get some awesome items, monsters, and music from the full release.

Patron-exclusive version - The Patron-exclusive version of the pack contains watermark-free maps, with and without grids along with extra items and music. To give some extra value to my Patrons I've also added some variant maps to my Patron download posts which you can check out below :D Explorers get an extra swamp version while Delvers get access to everything including swamp, desert and snow versions.

Variants - Patron Exclusives

Swamp (Day/Night) - Need something less tropical? How about a swamp instead?

Desert (Day/Night) - Still a bit on the damp side? I got you!

Snow (Day/Night) - And for those running campaigns in the frozen north

Dark mists - Or we could just go misty and spooky

Sea fog - Best watch out for the sea fog, you never know what lurks in there... its probably undead pirates ;)



Aaron bateson

What a great idea to tie in multiple maps together in a loose but cohesive way! i love this idea!

Stephen Batchelor

Man what can I say. The amount of content and creativity you guys give out for a small price is insane. You would have to be nuts to pass on it. You are helping to keep the hobby I love alive and kicking. Respect!


Thanks so much Stephen, glad you liked it :) It's awesome to be part of the creator community for this wonderful hobby.


If we are a patron, where can we download the variants?


This is the post with the downloads for the Explorer+Delver Tier Exclusive maps Josh: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47866703