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Hello Adventurers! This is our next map, a rather large two story building that was created as an Orphanage, but should work just as well as a school. I did a fair bit of research for this one, looking at floor plans for Victorian era facilities like this. The dormitories should work for more open combat. Having the place abandoned for some spooky reason would be really fun! Nothing like an abandoned orphanage to really get the hackles up!

Our next map will be ‘The Witch Wood’, a dark pine forest clearing with a bonfire, perfect for jumping over or dancing around. I think the last map for the month will probably be a ‘Fancy Ballroom’, a glitzy looking room that could be in a posh town house or manor.

I want to thank you all for your support, you really are just the best! I hope you have a wonderful week and as always happy adventuring! Now let's go explore our spooky haunted orphanage!

Room descriptions


The orphanage sits on a side street, away from the busy thoroughfares of the city. Its grey stone walls are covered in black stains and green lichen. Its many windows, dark ominous portals giving little away of what lies within but for the odd faded curtain hanging limp and moth eaten.


With no windows the hallway is dimly lit, doorways and arches are mostly dark, although some light does spill onto the stained floorboards from further inside the building. As you make your way along the corridor the floorboards creak and groan under your feet making it nearly impossible to move with any degree of stealth.

Dining Hall

The Dining Hall is a large cold room, a simple iron candelabra hangs from the ceiling. Below it are two long tables with uncomfortable looking benches. At the far end of the room is a stage with another table, probably used by the Headmistress and staff. On the outer wall is a large cold fireplace covered in soot.


A wooden wall blocks the interior from view as you make your way into the bathroom. The checker patterned tiles and stone walls amplify any sounds you make. The room feels claustrophobic, the air damp and rank with the smell of mold, every surface grubby and unclean. On the opposite wall is a bench with simple wooden hooks above it, while to the sides are stalls and a low trough. The center of the room contains a deep pool or bath with cracked tiled steps leading down into it.


This room is full of desks in neat ordered rows, the smell of old paper, chalk and woodpolish assails you as you enter. Along the walls are bookshelves and cupboards filled with textbooks, writing equipment and teaching aids. At the far end of the room is a chalkboard, lectern and raised platform.

The Playroom

This small room contains a range of boxes, cupboards and tables filled with tatty looking toys. Coloured blocks, a skipping rope, roughly sewn dolls and once brightly painted carved figurines. Against the far wall is a surprisingly detailed and expensive looking dollhouse. As you look more closely you realise the dollhouse is a representation of the orphanage itself.

The Dormitories

These rooms are large and drafty, small neatly made beds line the walls, a simple nightstand next to each. The odd textbook, piece of clothing or simple keepsake lies discarded on a bed or nightstand. At the far end of the room is a small fireplace just large enough to keep the room from becoming intolerably cold but not large enough to make it cosy.

Notes and Tips

  • 30x45 grid map
  • This could be used as an orphanage or school.
  • Some kind of haunting is taking place here, scaring the children. Have the party investigate during the day getting hints from the children to what is haunting the building before the party faces it at night.
  • If the orphanage is occupied make sure to have the kids spook out the party by silently staring at nothing, talking to people that aren’t there and generally acting like demon children!
  • Modify a spirit or ghost from the monster manual to theme it to your encounter. Make it thematic but be aware of your parties limits.
  • The kids are collected in the Dining Hall for safety. As you fight whatever haunt is inhabiting the dormitories above, have them scream or cheer whenever a loud noise happens in combat.
  • Maybe a few children tried doing a ‘spooky chant’ in one of the rooms and accidentally summoned something nasty. The dormitories or bathroom would be fun for this location.
  • Have the party experience paranormal activity before the final encounter. Wet footsteps, writing on a mirror, food rotting as the party watches, whispers in the ear.
  • Try to add atmosphere to the session. Ask the players to turn off their lights. Find some spooky music to play in the background, anything to add tension and atmosphere.


Night-time and unlit versions, because they mostly come out at night... mostly.

An abandoned ruined versions with an extra spooky vibe!

And a night version for those of you that need even more spookyness!




Love the ruined variant! Your maps have been so great for my current game. Thanks for another great map set.


Absolutely amazing! Excellent work.

Stephen Batchelor

Excellent, top set of maps! Very versatile. I could easily use these as a army barrack too. Imagine trying to get to the boss surrounded by so many hirelings.