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As promised I wanted to send out a quick update post to give you all some info on Patreon news and new map suggestions.

Patreon Anniversary

Some of you may know I only really started drawing again last year, I'd not picked up a pen/pencil in years. I really can't believe how lucky I am to be here, a year on, with so many wonderful people supporting my map making. It really is a dream come true. So for all those people that have supported me over that time, thank you from the bottom of my heart, you've made my year!

With that in mind I wanted to let you know I'll be creating a special 1 year Anniversary map next month, free to my patrons. I'm not sure of the theme yet, I'll probably put up a poll to get your feedback on that before I start work on it.

New Patreon goal

We blasted past our last Patreon goal last month and you got a free Wilderness pack to celebrate. I've set our new goal at 700 Patrons, with another free Wilderness pack as a thank you for all the love and support. I'll let you vote on the wilderness theme when the time comes to choose.

New Suggestions request

We are close to finishing off the current list of patron map ideas. I'll be setting up a new list over the next few weeks. It will consist of about six ideas, which will mean we can do this every two months or so.

If you have an idea you'd like to see me work on, please do submit it! A couple of points to make this easier for us all:

  • Post your ideas here! Comment below, or message me if you'd rather do that.
  • If you like an idea posted by another person, heart it! If we get lots of suggestions I'll take this into account when picking the list.
  • The idea should be able to fit into a single 30x30 map, or a smaller set of maps (for example a two story building).
  • Keep your descriptions short! No more than one or two sentences each.
  • Don't get to specific on the details, I'll flesh it out.
  • Stick to one or two suggestions.

I think that's about it. Thanks for taking the time to submit, I'm really looking forward to reading all your ideas! As always, have a wonderful weekend and happy adventuring!



Feels weird going first but here we go. Suggestion 1: Perhaps a twist on a fancy manor, like it's a Medusa lair with "life-like" statues. Suggestion 2: I know it's stereotypical but what about a tavern or guild hall. The first map I ever saw of yours was the Haymaker and still love that one. I think that's the closest I've seen to this idea from you. (I think your post made me nostalgic.)


You can never have enough Taverns and Guild Halls Patrick! And I like the idea of some weird manor with "life-like" statues, I've never done a manor before so this is definitely a good one :)


Just going off what I have trouble finding: drow city and underwater maps.


I suggested in too much detail maybe a flight of stairs in a castle tower a little bit ago. I guess this is the more proper place for it....i enjoy seeing unique locations brought to life so i try to think about what i havent seen before...what about a shipyard, like where they build the ships? Battling in and around a half built ship could be very fun imo


Luckily for you I still have a Underwater Lair on the current list. Drow cities are quite rare, I do enjoy underdark maps, gives me the chance to draw more rocks ;)


Thanks Oceanic! Your tower suggestion was a great idea. And this one is another fun and unique idea. I'd enjoy drawing the skeletons of half finished boats... Mmm I could separate them out so you could have them sliding down slipways as environmental hazards :D


1. An old mill, but not an abandoned one. Plenty of dark corners, dangerous looking equipment, and blocking terrain. 2. Fantasy bank. I have been in a lot of groups who either want a place to bank/exchange goods/etc and I almost always theater of the mind it OR I am in groups who want to rob a bank (like if they are playing heists or the baddie controls a bank and they want to lighten their coffers).


I’ve alway thought it would be cool to have maps of average places but in the shadowfell. Like a dark mirror version of docks, a forest, or a town square, etc .


This is actually a great idea for variant maps. I'll keep it in mind when I'm doing colour variants and the like. Cheers Robert!


The banks a good one John, lots of fun combat encounters can be had with a bank heist which ever side your on :)


Knight's Outpost: At the edge of civilization, acting as a hedge against the hazards of the wilderness beyond, stands an outpost of a vigilant knighthood. Standing at the center of the construction, lies a tower, who's apex holds an unlit beacon. When the hordes of the wild fall upon the outpost, will the beacon be lit in time? Who will answer their call for aid?


Swamp Ruins: The group told you it was a bad idea to rest near the mouth of this massive well. This accursed swamp you were in was bad enough, but the ruins provided a firm place to bed down for the night. But how could you have known what would creep up from the belly of the muck to pluck your companions, one-by-one, from their bedrolls?


I've wanted to create a swamp map for a while now, my first ever map was a swamp and I'd like to take another crack at it :)


A lumber mill by a river where all the logs that are floating in from upstream are processed into lumber. I've always wanted to have a battle on a bunch of logs in a river like this. An old-timey convener belt leads the logs up into the Mill where there are giant spinning saws to cut the logs. (Sorry if too much detail.)

Joshua A Calderhead

1. A fancy villa. A fancy estate on the outskirts of a city. A decent bit of grounds and a two story house. 2. A fantasy casino! A kind of tavern/inn with a twist. I think of the saloon from Deadwood with the shady barkeep, Cy.


yesssss to the casino idea! i love running little gambling mini-games and while the back room of a tavern will do, a casino would be so much more fun!


i would love to see more maps in other planes! shadowfell and feywild especially, but outer and elemental planes would also be really amazing. the campaign i'm running will eventually send the players on a recon mission to the astral sea, so anything to better visualize a weird environment like that would be incredible.


This seems to be a popular idea. I'll definitely think about variants for the maps I produce, Shadowfell and feywild versions should be doable. And more 'out there' weird maps that could work in a plain jumping campaign would be really fun to work on.

Kai G.

A pirate/admiralty rest stop in the Astral Sea. Maybe for space pirates, they could have a tavern, for admiralty they could have an outpost. Think of a "Treasure Planet" kind of aesthetic and style.


A would love to see an underwater like level, with bright coral and sea creatures, or maybe an underwater sea ship where you could face a cracken?


We have an underwater lair coming next month, so I'll keep these suggestions in mind for that one :D


Kate also mentioned running a campaign which may include the Astral Sea. I love the idea of Spelljammers :)


I would like to re-present my idea for the the overgrown tower.. maybe as part of a small village lost in time, overgrown, plants growing out of rooftops, and so on.

Brian Guerrero

You know, we get an occasional ocean-bottom, but we rarely get a river-bottom or lake-bottom or pond-bottom. Just a thought.


Thanks Pedro! This could be combined really well with Jonathan's idea for a Knight's Outpost. Maybe there are just a few old knights manning this outpost, the last of their order, the majority of the place is abandoned and overgrown.


Now that's an interesting idea. The challenge is to try to work out what kind of structures and layout you'd end up with. Lots of weeds, rocks, maybe a sunk riverboat. Mmmm now I want to make a Riverboat map with a sunken variant :D


Pedro has a suggestion which could be combined to work quite well with your Knight's Outpost. I like the idea of a nearly abandoned outpost, ruined and overgrown with just a few old Knights, the last of their order, still keeping that one tower maintained for the day the 'enemy' returns.


We always get structures for humanoids, so I'd like to see something like kennels for hunting dogs (hunting wolves, perhaps?), an aviary for falcons and other hunting birds, maybe a private zoo for somebody's exotic pet collection they love to show off, or something generally along those lines.


I really like how your maps are consistently 20x30 or 30x30. It makes it a lot easier to cut them into 10x15 chunks and print them on A3. I'd print on A2 or A1 but the printer at I use after hours at work is only A3!


I think I could add these into some of my future maps. Kennels and Aviaries are great flavour elements in castles and urban settings.


I love your desert theme maps! Can you continue this theme?


I'm talking of Plaza etc


I did enjoy creating those and they seemed to be quite popular. Urban maps in general go down well.


As a suggestion for distinguishing it, theres a river in england thats barely 3-5 feet across but anyone who touches the surface gets pulled under and drowns because the current is so powerful. They once as an experience threw a bunch of ping pong balls into the river, hoping to see where they might come out. They never did. The belief is that there are a series of underwater caves and caverns in this lake. So anything that falls in gets sucked up by these currents and deposited into these uncharted tunnels. But its all rather in innocuously hidden under a thin little river.


Speaking of urban, I would love to add some more evil-doers lairs, such as cellar dungeons and ritual rooms. Or thieves guild / mages guild type structures with secret exits and rooms. Thanks!


I would love to see a Thieve's Guild map!


Urban maps are always popular and guild houses are something a few people have requested. I'll be sure to add your suggestion to the list and see if it can be folded into some of the other ideas. Thanks Josh!


I think so, excited to see what's in store! I was curious, do you have any instructions or guide on printing your maps? I was wondering if the print versions are high enough quality to get printed out at a shop at a 1" scale. Any thoughts?


I think the PDFs should be good for printing at 1" scale. I believe they are set to that resolution, however I've not actually printed them myself, I use Roll20 to play :D


How far out there would it be to suggest something approaching sci-fi? Or maybe not even sci-fi but more mechanical or clockwork? Things like an engine room, crew quarters, hallways with klaxon lights, etc. D&D 5e has a lot of clockwork creatures that would work well in conjunction with a map to suit them and I'm currently DMing a group that's going through a variant of the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish, which is based on a crashed planar ship and could use some maps (already going to use your Workshop!). Plus side, if anyone wants to run a campaign with a spaceship! Thanks for all you do, looking forward to this month's maps (as a viking fan and a museum nerd, you can guess which two I'm most stoked for).


Mmm I'll have to think of something mechanical. Maybe some sort of trap corridor full of cogs and wheels. Or a boss room inside a giant machine. Thanks Matt, I'll drop it into the doc, the ideas has got some legs! Or maybe wheels :)


Vulville Nestled between a toadstool and a boot, the city of Vulville offers refuge for those who are wander. Most of the townspeople are Mousefolk, however travelers of all races visit the city and a few are stationed here. The city is run by a mouse by the name of Lisa Woodhouse who also runs the Little Eye Spy ring, the largest spy ring in the lands. The cities exact location is not present on any map, nor will you find anyone willing to reveal it's location. Lisa Woodhouse, leader of the Little Eye Spies, will find you if you are truly worthy, have lost your way, or have found yourself without a purpose. In return for safety and a community that is akin to a family, Lisa invites those she deems worthy to enter via a secret grove, emerging into the city, shrunken down to miniature stature to fit the tiny realm. This could be a town square, or centered around a major building or two, the important part is the juxtaposition of objects that show the scale . A huge spool of thread and needle, a boot, and other things of that nature that are small items to a medium creature, are huge here.


I like this Brennan! I've been playing around with scale for my last two maps. Its maybe a little specific for general use but maybe I can adapt the concept for some sort of strange pocket dimension or... maybe a giants home? I don't know ;) Thanks for taking the time to write this, I'll add it to the ideas doc and maybe it will appear in one form or another in the coming months!


Your most recent map, the snail Village is a perfect example of playing with scale like what I was thinking about. And I totally agree that it's too specific, but I figured I'd share what I've got written in my world for general inspiration on the concept. Thanks!


Not that there are many of us, but the GURPS crowd will absolutely be on board for any steampunk or military style creations :)