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Happy Holidays! Here are your December 2020 Poll Results:

Piglet Tier:

(Audio: You're snowed in with a Pastry Chef, and you find things are beginning to get doughy all over.)


Plump Tier:

2020 Sucks!
(Video: When your ex-boyfriend sees you at New Years, he's a bit taken back. 2020 was rough on your waistline!)


Porker Tier:

The Man with the Bag
(Audio: A Parody of the Classic Christmas Film "The Santa Clause" with a bit more embarrassment, fat, and slobbishness)


Prized Pig Tier:

Monthly Audio Winner: Jack Smith

"Emergency; Santa replacement needed! You're a security guard at the mall and Christmas is coming, but the usual  stand by can't do the job. Your manager pulls you aside as the other guards aren't as "qualified" to *fill* the role.
But you're still a little shy of the size they need, the manager is going to help you out, with some extra fattening Egg Nog, and a funnel. Hopefully they don't get too excited and make you too overqualified."

Prized Pig Hypno:

It's a tie!

Due to a clerical error in the poll, we got two winners this month!
So as a Christmas Treat, we'll be getting two hypno tracks to hold your attention this month!

Double Down (A track that will ensure you overdo it at restaurants, and make bad choices. Like ordering desserts when you're stuffed)


Burp-Aholic (This track will create an urge in you to become an incredibly gassy, and rude pig. Burping will become a euphoric experience)


Have a Fattening Month!


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