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Just a big thank you to all of you who support me here.  Your support allows me to buy drives, pay for transfers when necessary, fix bad VHS tapes at times and all the rest.  This isn't a get rich scheme and I know some days are duds and some days are excellent.  I'm just posting stuff as I update from SD to HD and transfer new tapes to digital etc.  I know I've received so many requests and what is tough is that half the time, I don't even know if I have it.  The ABC studios stuff comes with almost no documentation while the UPN stuff is impossible to read.   All of you help me every day clean up facts, help identify stuff, and generally make this an interesting endeavor.  I know the temptation is to cancel when you feel you've gotten all you need, only then to sign up again when something appears that is good.  Just for everyone to know, every time I see a new subscriber it pushes me to post.  So if  you feel like I've been blowing it lately, or my work has been sloppy, or any issues, before cancelling, reach out to me.  Let me know if there is anything I can fix.  I do wish I could tell you right away what I have, but what's also amazing and dynamic is how some of you have sent me pilots you have.  Between LA and NY and everywhere in between, someone has copies of stuff sitting around that they didn't even realize.  I was at an actors house the other night and he had 8 pilots he acted in that never got picked up, called himself the pilot killer lol.  And he was so excited to give me copies and have me post.  So just because I don't have something you want today, never rule out tomorrow.  :)  I'm not begging anyone to stay, but if anyone out there feels the media is fine but i'm too scattered, let me know!   I figure once i hit a certain threshold, I can hire someone to help me so postings are more regular and descriptions are more complete and just everything.  I am posting more than usual right now  just to get a bunch done before the holidays.  And lastly, thank you for not judgiing me on the actual shows.  I know some of them painful, and some are total head-scratchers.  There is a great New Yorker cartoon that depicts hell with people being tortured (clockwork orange style) and the caption is.."it's not all reruns, sometimes they show unsold pilots", and the newly arrived are gasping.  Sigh, I've felt those days.  Happy Holidays to all of you!  



happy holidays to you too !!!!


Happy holidays brother!