Cleffa inflation comic sneak peek (Patreon)
2022-08-23 00:40:30
Hi everyone, sorry for going several weeks without much updates. Over on my main, non-inflation related art realm I have been preparing a lot of stuff for an art convention so puffy art had to take a backseat.
Now that I'm done with the prep work there I can make something I've always wanted to make. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!
This will be a 10 page comic starring a Cleffa who has a bit of a thing for being puffed up~ How this will work is I will first upload it here, page by page for $5 supporters and above. When the whole thing is done, all sketch pages will then be released to $2 supporters, and the entire comic will be posted publicly, complete with the fun ending! :3