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Hi friends!

I'm posting the edited version of this on YouTube tomorrow for May the 4th -- since I won't have time to give everyone early access to it, I'm making the full reaction available to all paid tiers!

Hope you enjoy watching along with me! This movie was so fun! Stick around for my reaction to the Holiday Special soon!


John Colson

Make sure you have plenty of wine on hand for the Holiday Special 😂

Dave Hill

Happy Star Wars Day, Cristy!!! May the 4th Be With You! ☺️🤗 To say this movie was a big deal when it was released is an understatement. I remember camping out in front of a theater with 30-40 other fans for about 36 hours so we could be first in line for tickets to the first showing. There were some theaters around the country where people camped out for weeks leading up to the movies release. Such great memories!!! Even harder to believe that in a couple of weeks this movie will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! 🤯 Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!! 🥂🥂

John Colson

May the 4th Be With You Cristy, Jorge and Meli 🍿

Dave Hill

Oh that's awesome! I'm sure you've got some fun memories from that as well! I had just started working for an web design company at the time. Had maybe been there a month and requested a couple vacation days (so I could camp out). Never told anyone what I was taking the vacation for. Well, a buddy of mine and myself made the front page of the local paper with a big picture of us fighting with lightsabers in front of the theater. Went back to work on Monday and my coworkers had taped copies of the picture all over my cubicle and were like...so what did you do for your vacation? 😂😂

K Dub

May the 4th be with you Cristy and thank you for..."you being you" and having your own opinions and not being shaped by the more toxic side of the SW "fandom." Please continue to enjoy the SW universe and keep being you.👏🏾👍🏾

Jayson Phillips

I'm so excited for you to watch the other 2!!! You are so beautiful and funny and that Spanish accent MMmm!! I am so glad I found your reactions.

Joseph M Sica

In the words of Mario Cart.... "Here we go!"