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Hi lovely patrons!

I'm about to hit a pretty big milestone by reaching 20k subscribers on YouTube. I'm so thankful for this development and I remember being a brand new channel with only a couple dozen people watching my videos.

This community we've built has added so much to my enjoyment of this project. So, from the bottom of my heart, thanks to all of you for playing a part!

I'm thinking of doing a 20k special video or livestream, something fun. I thought maybe I'd do one of those fun "responding to your assumptions about me" videos that actual influencers make!

So leave your assumption below! Do you think I'm probably a vegetarian? Do you think I'm a secret control freak? Do you think I'm obsessed with horror movies even though I never show it on the channel? Do you assume I love one of my dogs more than the other? Or maybe you think I can't start my day without a huge cup of coffee?

Your assumptions could be about anything - my hobbies, tastes in music, if I'm a morning person or a night owl, what kind of books I love (or hate!), if I have any hidden talents, or maybe even guesses about my guilty pleasures.

This is your chance to get creative and maybe even a little cheeky! I'm ready to reveal the truths and debunk the myths. Plus, it's a great way for us to interact in a light-hearted way and for you to get to know me better beyond just my reactions to movies and TV shows.

So... fire away! :)

(I'll be posting a similar note on YouTube and Instagram, but my Patrons get priority!)


K Dub

😆😂🤣 great idea! CONGRATULATIONS!🥳👏🏾

Mr. Avatar

A lot of us who have seen many movies and TV shows are the stay at home type of people who would rather not go to parties or do time consuming outside activities. So I assume you ARE the type that likes parties and doing things frequently out in the "real" world? It's so nice you're brother is your editor, so I assume you are close to a lot of your family. I also assume it's tough to be really close to family as you go far around the world? Since it seems you are a "World Citizen" how many different languages do you know well enough to speak to natives of that language? Which language do you choose when speaking to your dogs or texting friends?