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This image is gorgeous! The sunlight makes everything glow and gives the image a dream-like quality. I really love the color choice for the background. The stone, and I assume it's stone, wall has an almost creamy color that compliments Ada's skin tone and really sets off her red dress, making it just pop out at you. And I love how the left side of the image is open and reveals a blue sky with a few sparse clouds and some buildings off in the distance. It really adds depth to the image and gives the viewer a sense of being out in the open, even though Ada is standing in front of a wall. I also love the play of light and shadow, how the left side of the image is brighter than the right. It not only lets you know where the sun is in the sky, but it feels as though the sun is either rising or setting. Either way, it's a lovely effect and really gives a sense of warmth to the image. Ada's expression is kind of neutral, but her eyes really capture your attention. It makes me wonder if she's looking at something in the distance, or if she's letting her mind wander to another place and time, perhaps thinking of a lost love from the past. Either way, this is a brilliant piece of art. Great work! :)