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Here's something that might be fun to do!

So you've heard about the DKR cast so far. Looks like a rag tag crew with lots of personalities! Do you have a favourite boy or girl so far? A favourite story element? (No, no! Don't tell me!)

Well, how about I challenge you to putting these fine folks on an alignment chart?

Remember, the crew includes these people... (And while I'm here, I might as well put my thoughts in...)

  • Diddy (he's a chaotic prankster! But is he good or evil...)

  • Krunch (he may have been evil once, but nowadays I'm not so sure...)

  • Drumstick (well, he's not evil either, that's for sure... Wouldn't say he's chaotic either!)

  • Bumper (as much of a good boy as he is, he's a bit too bold to be good... And I'm not sure if he's so chaotic!)

  • Tiptup (now HE is a good boy. Where's the cuteness spectrum!)

  • Pipsy (thinkers like her are usually gray... But does she have the guts to be chaotic? She does want to corrupt the precious boys in the group!)

  • Timber (lawful is a sure guess, and I don't think he's evil... He's no corporate fat cat!)

  • Conker (I wonder if his alignment changed over the years... Either way, he's probably not good or lawful nowadays.)

  • Banjo (Really gunning for good/lawful, because that's just how kindhearted he is... Prove me wrong!)

I'd say every category can have more than one character... but ultimately that is up to you. Also, if you wanna be chaotic yourself, you can always suggest a different model...

Oh, and you don't need to take a guess for all characters! Just do the ones you care for ❤️




I'll do all the characters anyway. Diddy: chaotic good Krunch: true neutral Drumstick: neutral good Bumper: neutral good Tiptup: lawful good Pipsy: neutral good Timber: lawful good Conker: chaotic neutral Banjo: lawful good.


For what it's worth, Bumper has canonically been to prison


A lot of stuff is canon... Diddy lives on an island shaped like DK's head, Banjo has been turned into a washing machine in the past, Conker rode a dinosaur in a caveman arena and had it bite a giant caveman's ass... Timber's family owns an island... (oh wait, that one is true!) Much like Funfair, this story is derived from the main canon, as goofy as it gets! If you ask them about "canon" events, they'll probably recount a story that vaguely ties into it, without being too unrealistic. :P ... But yeah Bumper will say he did go to jail.


Timber uses his powers for good for sure <3 Banjo I'd imagine is a little more neutral than lawful, he does run around getting into trouble not and then!


He probably got in trouble, though mostly due to Kazooie's chaotic antics... He would always warn Kazooie against doing illegal or dangerous things, but he'd tag along at least to make sure she's safe through all of it! And yeah, Timber's a good guy, deep down~ He might be so caught up in his work that he doesn't get to do good things often, but he surely wishes he had the time to do good by others.