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So truthfully, the pictures you've seen so far have shown him closer to his Funfair look. For this visual novel, he's gonna be a little chunkier! It was a bit weird to get used to at first, but I think I like it more now.

Now, he hasn't always been fat, he's been a slim guy most of his life. But, he injured his leg a while back, he had to walk with a crutch for almost a year... so, he didn't walk much for a whole year. Pair that with drinking more, and squirrels getting naturally fattier around autumn... and there you have it. Chonker.

You can imagine Banjo likes his chunky friend, but Conker's a little bristly when people comment about his physique. He's still very protective of his groomed, bushy tail, though.




Pudgy boy 👀❤️❤️❤️


He rocks it. What a handsome boy |3 I can definitely see him being touchy about it but I'm still gonna call him cute.


"You know what would be great? If you didn't keep staring like that." I know I'll never stop.