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I love these guys so much. Fat scruffy little goblins, they are~
I like giving them a little imp tail too. Maybe it's not on model, but I think it looks good on them.

This one sees you sneak up on him, and decides... instead of throwing punches, why not let you sample his big ham?

These drawings are from late 2021, so fairly recent. I don't think I've ever shared these... and I don't see why I haven't yet. There's a lot I've just been holding onto, it's a bad habit of mine!

Also, I'm grouping this one with Ganon's Lair because... Well, these guys will be in the game! Of course they will, how could I go my whole life without making something involving these little brutes!




How are you so good at making these guys so cute~ Looks like he could use some help washing~


Not gonna lie, it is a fantasy of mine to pick up a dirty little Bokoblin runt, then clean him up, smooth out his coarse spots, give him a cozy bed, a new loincloth... Other Bokos won't even recognise him! Damnit, I'm giving myself ideas again.