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"What, my shell? You wanna touch it?... ... Well, I guess I don't see why not! Just don't pull any funny business..."

You might think "coming out of his shell" is a metaphor in this world, but part of it is literal! Turtles are a species originally from remote Pacific islands, and their body adapted to their aquatic, reefy environments. Unlike land-dwelling species, they have a cartilaginous, shell-like ribcage that protects their body and holds it together. However, they did have an "outer" shell, that they fashioned out of rocks, seashells and corals. On top of giving their body extra protection, decorations on the shell revealed the turtle's occupation, social status, marital status... you name it!

This was true a long time ago - shells are still worn nowadays, but mostly because turtles living in modern land-dwelling societies have to stand up more than they had to before. Remember, they evolved in semi-aquatic environments, where gravity is less cumbersome! That's why modern shells are equipped with orthopedic reinforcers, which many turtles consider essential. Tiptup owns a few shells of his own, but the one he wears the most is worn almost like a backpack.

So yes, he does get to remove his shell and show off his unencumbered body... And who can say no to that?




It's been fun seeing all these mugshots of every character. Looking forward to see what's next. I'd love to see a group photo of everyone, especially a before and after of when everyone was kids at the summer camp and then as adults at the reunion.


There's so much I wanna show involving those guys! Just wanna pace it out a bit... You can bet they're gonna have group pictures (and you can bet they're gonna be painful on my wrist!).


I really love the turtle backstory. I've always loved people playing with turtles and koopas taking shells off, but I always knew in the back of my head it didn't make sense. Now it does in this world! And they have even more uses which I love.


It might be a bit of a stretch to justify removable shells, but I think it's realistic enough. The fact they wear orthopedic shells also leads into the whole "turtles are slow" trope - the shell can be cumbersome, but their body is also not meant to walk on land for long, so they get weary!