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EDIT 3: It's a wrap! The winners of this special raffle are JBSEM99 and Ct.Whitenoise!
Thank you so much for the ideas, they were all great material!

EDIT 2: I'm feeling generous... So I'll add a second slot in there~ Deadline is still May 12th, 9PM EST!
EDIT: Votes will wrap up on May 12th, 9PM EST!

It's back with the regular shtick! It's raffle time!
If you're reading this... That means you're in for a special deal~

As a little perk for supporting me, you guys are getting an exclusive slot. The rules are the same, but I'll give you a $5 discount since you already proved your love to me~

You can enter the raffle here, and you can enter the raffle on FA/Itaku/Bluesky as well! Consider this a separate raffle with one winner, basically.

Just a little refresher for you, as always:
• Pick characters and/or themes from the list provided below. Leave a comment with your choice, and hope to get picked!
• Keep your description short and sweet~ My brain can't keep up.
• I reserve the right to veto your description, if I consider it either too difficult or inappropriate. Trust me, it wouldn't look good if I drew it anyway.

>>Character and theme lists, with price listing<<

• You must be 18 or older to participate.
• You cannot enter the raffle twice, or on behalf of someone else.
• If you win, you have to pay the amount listed. Payment must be sent through PayPal.

Roll time will be... I'm not sure, actually! Depends how fast you guys are! I'll let you know when I'm going to wrap it up.
Good luck!


Regal Alliance

Diddy Kong, sweaty, focus on butt, sequel to a previous pic (Yooka Diddy dance battle)


Wolf Link, either squatting or sitting on low bench, shirt no pants, locker room~