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It's Connorrrr. Constantin. Conrad! Con artist... Furcon! Con flu... Him!!

And as you can see, he's still his grumpy self. I mentioned before that this story doesn't take place in the same universe as Funfair, but the background is pretty similar (I'm not imaginative enough to think of another backstory). Here's some extra backstory though!

So he used to be super chipper and full of fun, so everyone is eager to see him again after all these years! Imagine their disappointment when he flat out refuses to join them. Of course, he's then dragged along against his will. Yay, coersion!




My idea is that Banjo dragged Conker to the reunion, thinking that rekindling with his childhood friends from summer camp will liven his spirits. Conker then begrudgingly accepted his offer, only to stop Banjo from bugging him (and Banjo's the only guy he doesn't want to disappoint/let down). Sort of a cross between the Funfair universe and this one.


That sounds like a great cross. I like the funfair a lot, but I'm also very interested in this setting too, so it's nice to imagine overlaps like that! And hey, even if he's resistant to hanging out, he still came out here, right? That counts for a lot!