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I wanted to make sure folks saw a project I am really excited about. This is a new film by Aaron Vanek, inspired by the Delta Green RPG (think X-Files with a Mythos twist).

Aaron is directly responsible for getting me involved in Lovecraftian filmmaking and has been an inspiration to me for he last twenty years. I am doing a little prop work on this project so it would be awesome to see it on the big screen.  would love it if you would consider backing it on Kickstarter!





You’re making some props for this? That’s great! I hope it funds as well, since I get story credit. ;)


Thanks for posting - I had seen this Kickstarter but was on the fence, but with your shout out here, I’m backing it! It sounds great.


Well hey there Bret! I first encountered this story when The Esoteric Order of Roleplayers ran it a year or so ago. Listening to it then I was struck by how cinematic and nicely encapsulated it was. Great job sir!


That is great! Did you see the cast? As a confirmed fan of the original Battlestar Galactica I am over the moon!