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It's time for the weekly update post!

I'll be sticking with the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday posting format for next week. I may change the days once I get the website sorted (more on that later) but I'll stick with this for now.

Chapter 4 of The Tattoo Artist will be posted on the 13th. Aimee was told her boyfriend has been trying to get nudes from Sadie at the end of the last chapter, before Sadie light heartedly propositioned her. How will there relationship develop going forward? 

The 15th will be Problems from the Past Chapter 6. In the last chapter, Laura asked Jacob to come over - did she go through with cheating on her fiance?

And the 17th will be Chapter 6 of Motivation Techniques. Chapter 5 ended with Eva finding out Kai was likely lying to her to skip their sessions together - what will happen when she confronts him?

I'll also be trying to post some part of an erotic story next week if I can. The poll I put up was in favour of me including stories in what I post, so time permitting, I'll try and get the first part of the story 'Fates Hand' ready.

As for the website I'm trying to put together - it's been a pretty busy week looking into that, but I think I've now got the back end of the site working how I want. I'm sure there will be some bugs etc that come up as I design how the website actually looks, but fingers crossed it's not too long before it's ready. Hopefully I'll have more of an update on timeframes next week!

Hope everyone has a great week next week!


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