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Hello again. I've been spending a lot of time lately working on how I want to continue creating for Patreon. Many of you probably already know that I've now opened up a Discord server. It's still being worked on, but soon there will be a proper chat and channel to share your art.

I was also making plans for the Discord server to replace Patreon but decided instead to keep it as an extra benefit for those who are already patrons. Eventually, the server will be open to those who aren't a patron, but there'll still be channels that are patron-only.

There will also be changes to the tiers and benefits available on Patreon that will be effective starting in October. The changes will be geared towards helping me focus more time on a few things versus having it spread out among multiple.

The Watermelon ($10) tier will be discontinued, at least for now. It may come back later as a tip tier, maybe even with some extra goodies. Previous art that was exclusive to the tier will be made available for the Lemon ($5) tier.

I'm deeply thankful for those who have joined the tier, especially the sudden spike of people this month, which is why it makes me sad to close it. Hopefully, you all will understand these changes and appreciate my being able to make higher-quality content.

The Lemon tier's benefits will be changed as well. I'm shifting my focus towards making comic series (maybe even projects that are more than just single art pieces such as animation), so patrons will receive early access to new pages on top of the monthly 1 or 2 artworks that'll also be early access. Patreon will also still be the best place to view art in full uncompressed quality. Being able to vote and make suggestions will also be added most likely through the Discord server, but I've still yet to decide how exactly.

Apologies if these constant changes cause any inconvenience. I've been using this platform for a good while now, but I'm still growing and figuring out how best to use it. Thank you all for sticking with me for as long as you have, and to my friends who've been supporting my endeavors! 💙

-Cat 🐱

(If there's any questions or concerns, you can either comment below or send them here, and I may respond to them in a later post.)



Just gonna put this one in the comments rather than make a whole new post, but if you want to join the Discord server, you'll need to connect your Discord to Patreon.