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Varg Onza, a behemoth of destructive brute force and the third of Josephine's successful Onza experiments. Josephine was a bit ambitious with this one after seeing how Tio and Willow turned out, so this time she chose something quite different to infuse the Onza Bug with. A violent and uncontrollable Stone Gargoyle was the perfect specimen, but it wasn't enough, Josephine wanted to have some real fun with this experiment and so she turned her attention to a holy knight Dragonkin she recently aquired from a slaver. Combining a Gargoyle and Dragonkin together while adding in the Onza Bug would result in the monstrous creature she named Varg Onza.

Varg is technically supposed to be under the strict supervision of either Willow or Tio since he lacks much control over his natural desires, namely his urge to pick fights with those that seem strong, bully those that seem weak, or "convince" females of any race that he takes a liking to that he's a more suitable mate than anyone else or even their own parnters~ Varg can be quite "convincing" with the beast he has hidden within his body~ Although he can slightly alter its shape, it's usually still basically a third tentacle-like leg once fully revealed~ Furthermore, his loads are anything but normal since they're large, lively, and larva-like before they've even claimed an egg and actually developed into larva~ Not to mention, the whole ordeal can be quite stimulating~

I'll be working on finishing up the pics of Tio Onza tomorrow. After that, I'm going to work on the pics of Rutie. I also have some new OCs I've been cooking up for my lewd coloring book, so I'll work on posting those after Rutie. I've been trying to get some more male OCs, so there'll be a few more of those coming.



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