New Demo - 2/1/20 (Patreon)
Hey, everyone! I've been hard at work on the latest video, and have actually gone through 2 different song ideas. The first was "Toss A Coin To Your Witcher", but then my audience informed me that the song "Break My Stride" was a bit more relevant right now, so I decided on that.
With this being a TikTok trend, I know that I'll be catching the tail-end of this trend by the time my video comes out, so I decided to try something a bit different. I uploaded a meme-format clip to my TikTok account (yes, I have a TikTok) so that it can hopefully gain some traction there, and keep people around for the full video! This version is just a variation of one of the shots that will be included in the video, so don't feel like you are spoiling anything by watching it!
In the meantime, you can also enjoy the demo that I put together before I started recording. Alright, back to work. See you next weekend!