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Deep within the halls of the Black Heart Sect, three Grand Elders gathered around a large obsidian table, their faces grim. Crimson tapestries bearing the sect's emblem, a bleeding heart pierced by a dagger, adorned the chamber walls.

The first was a bald man with a thick white beard that fell to his waist. His wrinkled face was creased in a permanent scowl, one milky white eye glaring while the other stared sightlessly at nothing. This was Elder Magnus, as bad-tempered as he was ancient. The centuries had done nothing to improve his sour disposition.

Across from him sat Elder Vesper, prim and proper as always. She wore an elegant burgundy robe, her iron-grey hair pulled back in a tight bun. Vesper had an air of Noble refinement about her, her posture was pin-straight, hands folded neatly in her lap as she looked at her fellow elders.

At the head of the table slouched Elder Damien, looking utterly bored. He rested his chin in one hand, absently picking at his jagged black nails with a dagger. Damien's youthful features contrasted sharply with the other Elders. But the cold calculation in his coal-black eyes betrayed his centuries of experience.

"This is pointless," Magnus growled, breaking the tense silence. "We all know what must be done. We gather our forces and march on the Black Rose pigs, raze their precious sect to the ground!" He slammed his fist on the table.

Vesper arched an eyebrow. "And die in the attempt? Be reasonable, Magnus. Without the Sect Master, we don't have the strength to oppose them."

"Kaelius will return, he has to!" Magnus insisted. But the desperation in his voice betrayed his doubts. Their Sect Master had vanished without a trace weeks ago after visiting the Black Rose Sect. Foul play was suspected but nothing could be proven.

"If he still lived, he would have returned by now," Vesper said gently. Magnus' face flushed with anger, but he held his tongue. Arguing with Vesper was pointless, she was far too pragmatic.

Damien idly inspected his dagger as he spoke. "While I admire your enthusiasm, Magnus, we must play the long game here. Open war would be...unwise."

Magnus spat on the floor. "You young folks, no backbone! In my day we would have slaughtered those Black Rose maggots by now."

Vesper exchanged a weary look with Damien. They had been enduring Magnus' bluster for centuries now. Once he had been a fearsome warrior, but time had withered his body, if not his temper.

"We face dark days ahead," Vesper said heavily. "Without Kaelius, the other sects will view us as weak. The vultures will soon circle, righteous and demonic alike."

Damien nodded. "We must present a unified front. Squabbling with each other will only hasten our demise."

A heavy silence fell as the Elders contemplated this grim possibility. The balance of power between the three main demonic sects had always been tenuous at best, but Sect Master Kaelius' strength had kept the other sects in check. Without him...

The Black Rose Sect had two Ascendants now, with one even able to dominate others at the same cultivation realm, it was an unprecedented concentration of power for a demonic sect. And the situation with the righteous sects was no better, they would use any excuse to wipe out a demonic sect and seize their resources. Truly, it seemed the Heavens themselves had turned against the Black Heart Sect.

Magnus grumbled under his breath but held his tongue for now. Without Kaelius, Damien and Vesper were in control. And open war with the Black Rose Sect was clearly suicidal.

"Then what do you propose?" Magnus asked. "We cannot win a war on two fronts."

Before Damian could respond, there was a weak knock at the door. The Elders exchanged glances, sensing the aura of the pathetic worm on the other side.

"Enter," Damien called out lazily. He couldn't be bothered to remember the names of anyone below the Nascent Soul Realm.

A young disciple scurried in, his robes askew and chest heaving as if he'd run all the way here. He prostrated himself before the Elders, stuttering out, "H-Honoured Elders! A report from the perimeter!"

"Out with it then!” Magnus' Qi flared. “What could be so important you'd interrupt—"

"A massive ark approaches the sect!" The disciple blurted. "It flies with no banners but...but judging from its size and splendour, the scouts suspect it to belong to the Black Rose Sect!"

The temperature in the room plummeted as killing intent leaked from the three Elders. The disciple trembled, sweat beading his brow at the terrifying pressure.

"Leave us," Vesper ordered, voice hard as diamond. The disciple couldn't scramble away fast enough, the door slamming shut behind him.

Damian rose to his feet, the chair scraping against stone. "It seems our guests have arrived sooner than expected." His eyes met Magnus' and Vesper's in turn. Unspoken understanding passed between them.

Between one breath and the next, the three vanished in a swirl of shadow.


In the courtyards and halls of the Black Heart Sect, disciples went about their daily training and duties. Some sparred in groups, the clang of weapons and grunts of exertion filling the air. Others sat in quiet meditation, honing their demonic Qi.

A group of young disciples, barely in their teens, huddled together, whispering excitedly. They were supposed to be practicing their sword forms, but the absence of the Elders had made them bold.

"Did you hear? The Sect Master has been gone for weeks now!" One boy said, eyes wide.

"I heard he went to the Black Rose Sect for the Intersect Tournament and never came back," another added. "You don't think...something happened to him, do you?"

"Don't be stupid, our Sect Master is an Ascendant! Those Black Rose dogs wouldn't dare touch him."

"But what if they did? I heard they have two Ascendants now. Two!"

The kids shuddered at the thought. Thanks to the intervention of the righteous sects, a demonic sect having more than one Ascendant was rare. It was said Ascendants could slaughter Origin Realm experts like cattle. What chance would their sect have against that?

Suddenly, a looming shadow fell over the courtyard. The disciples looked up, confused. Their sect was high in the mountains, untouched by clouds. So what...?

Screams rang out as an enormous black ark came into view, blotting out the sun. It was massive, easily dwarfing their sect in size.

"W-what is that thing!?"

"Are we under attack? Quick, sound the alarm!"

Panic spread like wildfire as disciples scattered in all directions. Some ran for weapons, others for cover. In the chaos, no one noticed three figures rise into the sky to meet the approaching ship - the Grand Elders.

From his place on the ark, Slifer watched the pandemonium below with amusement. I remember reading these kind of scenes, it’s not a bad feeling, I really should make trips like this more often.

The three Grand Elders hovered high in the air above the Black Heart Sect.

Vesper gritted her teeth as she took in the Divine Ark rapidly approaching from the horizon, a behemoth that dwarfed the mountain peaks below. Only an expert at the peak of the Ascendant stage could possess such a treasure.

Damian followed her gaze, frowning. "It's as we suspected then. The Supreme Elder of the Black Rose Sect graces us with his presence."

A muscle ticked in Magnus' jaw as he struggled to rein in his battle-lust. The urge to draw his greatsword and charge the incoming ship was near overwhelming.

Only the presence of his two fellow Elders kept him in check...for now. Starting a fight with an Ascendant was suicidal.

But as the Divine Ark grew larger, eclipsing the sun, a strange scene reached their eyes. What appeared to be a tiny black dot was circling the ark, dipping and wheeling in wild loops.

Vesper squinted, hardly believing what she was seeing. "Is that...a baby dragon!?" The creature was scale was far too small to be a mature drake, but there was no mistaking the sinuous body and bat-like wings. It tumbled through the air in an oddly playful manner.

Damian noticed something else that gave him pause. There, standing at the bow of the ship was a figure he recognized: the young disciple Leah. She was the daughter of Olakin, a former Grand Elder killed by Slifer himself.

She should be confined in the Black Rose Sect as a hostage, what in the world was she doing accompanying Slifer here? Had she betrayed the sect?

The Elders exchanged uneasy glances as the Divine Ark drew close enough to make out the figure at the helm. His orange wafted in the breeze and his sharp eyes seemed to stare right through them even at this distance.

There was no mistaking it – the Black Rose Supreme Elder himself had come to the Black Heart Sect.

Magnus clenched his fists until his knuckles cracked. Vesper's face was perfectly blank, but Damian noticed a tightness around her eyes. And he himself felt perspiration dampen his palms despite the chill mountain air.

They were three of the Black Heart Sect's greatest experts, a hair's breadth from the Ascendant Realm. Yet the thought of facing the Supreme Elder was enough to intimidate them.

As the Divine Ark came to a stop, hovering over the sect's grand hall, Val glided in merry circles around it. Leah stood at the prow, eyes wide as she took in the dark majesty of her former home.

Never thought I'd be back here, she mused. As the daughter of a Grand Elder, she was treated as a princess in the sect. However, with her father dead and no one to protect, she was no longer able to return to the sect. To think that the one who took everything away would be the one to bring me back.

Speaking of her captor...Leah looked over to where Slifer lounged on a golden throne, one leg thrown over the armrest, making him look every inch the honoured Supreme Elder.

Only Leah got to see the dopey grin he couldn't quite hold back as he watched Val's aerial stunts. The dragon was happily showing off for her audience of one.

It's hard to be properly intimidated by him when I know just how much his disciples mean to him, Leah thought wryly. Her younger self would have exploited that weakness of his, but the righteous lectures that the Supreme Elder had used to deliver and spending time with the baby dragon had changed her. And maybe for the good. For all his fearsome reputation and overwhelming power, the great Slifer was not as heartless as one might think.

With a grand gesture, Slifer levitated off his throne, robes swirling around him as he descended onto the ship's deck. Val swooped down to perch on his shoulder while Leah stepped up beside him.

The three Grand Elders remained hovering several hundred yards away, their postures tense. Slifer could practically smell their trepidation. He smirked. Good, let them simmer a bit before I make my grand entrance.

He raised an arm and Val launched herself off it with a joyful trill. She zipped close to the Grand Elders, mischief glinting in her big eyes.

"Boo!" She blew a tendril of azure fire towards Magnus, cackling when he flew back. "Aww, don't tell me big bad cultivator is scared of little ol' me?" Val pouted, giving her best puppy-dog eyes.

"Val, quit tormenting the inmates and get back here," Slifer called, not bothering to hide his grin.

"You're no fun, Master," Val grumbled. She stuck her forked tongue out at the fuming Grand Elder before gliding back to Slifer's shoulder. Leah pinched the bridge of her nose, already feeling a headache coming on.

Slifer turned to face the Elders fully. "I believe we have matters to discuss. Should we go inside?” It wasn't a request.

Without waiting for a response, he stepped off the ship onto empty air. Violet Qi gathered under his feet, forming a transparent platform. He walked towards the Grand Hall, forcing the Elders to fall in line behind him or be left gawking.

Yes, Slifer thought smugly as he felt the Elders' Qi spike with alarm. Flying was something anyone above the Core Formation Realm could do, but manipulating Qi to create platforms? They had never witnessed anything like it. Such an ability could only be performed by those at the brink of the Immortal Realm. The 1000 Karmic Credits to buy this treasure was so worth it.

As Slifer landed in front of the grand double doors, they creaked open as if by an unseen hand. He stepped into the hall, eyes flicking from the decadent tapestries to the rows of blood-red pillars. He sniffed disdainfully.

"Your interior decorator needs to be fired. Ever heard of colour theory? Pairing that particular shade of red with those black undertones is a crime against aesthetics."

Val nodded her head up and down. "You're right, Master. This place feels icky. They should make the walls orange like me, so it's not so dark and scary."

Slifer hummed thoughtfully. "Good idea my dear disciple. Perhaps some nice murals too, really lighten the place up."

"Ooh, and some comfy armchairs in a cozy reading nook!"

"Of course, of course, every good dungeon needs an Evil Overlord's personal library."

Behind them, the three Grand Elders shared incredulous looks. Were the honoured guests...criticizing their decor? In front of their faces? While disregarding them entirely?

It was so preposterously brazen that for a moment they could only gape in stunned offense, all thoughts of their missing Sect Master fled. Just who did these impudent fools think they were!?

Finally, Magnus could take no more. "You dare—!" He roared, blotchy red creeping up his neck.

Slifer and Val turned to him slowly, blinking as if just recalling that the Elders were still there. "Hmm? Did you say something?" Slifer asked lightly, head cocked. "Sorry, I was distracted planning how I would refurbish this dreary place once I take over."

"You—! You—!" Magnus spluttered, saliva flying from his lips as a vein throbbed in his temple. Vesper laid a warning hand on his arm but he shook her off, too incensed to consider the consequences of provoking an Ascendant realm expert.

He pointed a meaty finger at Slifer, eyes blazing. "Unbridled arrogance! You walk in here uninvited, insult our hall, and talk so glibly of conquest? I should cut you down where you stand!"

A heavy pressure descended, as if a mountain had materialized above their heads. Magnus froze, the words dying in his throat as killing intent blasted him.

Slifer smiled pleasantly. "By all means, cut me down," he invited, spreading his arms. "I could use the exercise."

"Now now, let's not be hasty," Damian cut in through gritted teeth. Sweat dripped down his back and his knees felt like jelly under that suffocating Qi. A Qi that surpassed even their Sect Master’s. "Supreme Elder, you say you have matters to discuss? Then let us go somewhere more private."

Slifer considered the Elder, his gaze heavy and piercing. Just when it seemed the pressure would crush the man, Slifer released his aura with a chuckle. "I suppose I can spare you lot a few minutes of my valuable time." He flapped a hand at Magnus dismissively. "Lead the way then, before I grow bored."

Damian bowed his head, not daring to show his relief. He turned and marched stiffly towards a side chamber, praying Magnus would have the sense to keep his mouth shut for once.

Vesper followed on his heels, her eyes never leaving Slifer's back as if expecting him to strike at any moment. Magnus clenched his fists as he stomped after them, his face an alarming shade of purple.

Slifer meandered behind the Elders, Val still draped across his shoulders. Leah walking beside them.

"Did you have to rile them up so much?" she murmured.

I would rather use up an Ascendant Aura Card worth 5000 Karmic Credit to intimidate them now instead of getting into a drawn out battle with them and wasting who knows how many credits. But it was not like he could tell Leah that.

"Of course! I have a reputation to uphold," Slifer chuckled. "An aloof and overweening attitude generates a special sort of dread, you know?"

"Well, your special sort of dread nearly got us skewered," Leah deadpanned. "You really are a master at the Dao of Pissing People Off."

"I prefer to think of it as the Dao of Establishing Dominance," Slifer sniffed. "Either way, it's a very potent cultivation method. You could stand to learn it."

"What, so I can be killed that much faster? I think I'll pass."

Their whispered exchange cut off as they entered a smaller chamber hung with more tastefully macabre paintings. A black jade table took up the center of the room, surrounded by chairs that looked like they were made from human bones.

Slifer eyed the chairs dubiously before shrugging and plopping himself down at the head of the table, lounging as if he were presiding over his own throne room instead of the heart of a hostile sect.

Val coiled in his lap, yawning to show off a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth. She had insisted that she be in her larger form for the meeting, but Slifer didn’t think a Nascent Soul dragon would have any effect on an Origin Realm expert, no matter how scary she may seem.

The Grand Elders took their seats stiffly, Vesper and Damian flanking Magnus in a transparent attempt to keep him in check.

Leah stood behind Slifer, knowing that it would be rude of her to sit in the presence of the Elders.

Slifer steepled his fingers, giving the Elders a smile that was all teeth. "Now then, let's chat about your missing Sect Master and what that means for your sect, shall we? I'm very curious to hear what you have to say on the matter."

The Elders held themselves stiffly, refusing to be cowed. But a thread of unease coiled in their guts as those sharp eyes pinned them in place. It was going to be a tense conversation.



Was it the black rose sect leader demon that got the black heart sect leader, or was is the black death demon leader? It was implied that it was on black rose territory but the black death could have been lurking close.