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“Supreme Elder Slifer, nice of you to finally grace us with your presence,” Zofia said sarcastically, eyeing the orange-robed man as he strode into the grand hall.

Slifer waved a dismissive hand. “Ah, my apologies, as the sole Supreme Elder of the Black Rose Sect, I actually have responsibilities to attend to,” he retorted.

Inwardly, Slifer laughed. Most of those so-called responsibilities he pawned off on his underlings. Wasn’t that what they were for after all?

Let them handle the tedious day-to-day affairs while he focused on the important stuff, like pretending to be an Ascendant cultivator when he had just reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

Zofia’s face darkened at Slifer’s flippant response, and for a moment it looked as if she might lunge across the table and throttle him. She was too used to letting her fists do the talking whenever she couldn’t best someone verbally.

But one humiliating defeat at this man’s hands was enough, no matter how much his nonchalant attitude grated on her nerves.

Sensing the tension, Leontius stepped forward, raising his hands in a calming gesture. "Now, now, let's not argue. It is an honour to be here at the esteemed Black Rose Sect."

Slifer raised an eyebrow. Is this guy being serious?he thought.

Kaelius leaned forward. “So won’t the Black Rose Sect Master be hosting the tournament himself?”

Slifer shook his head. "I'm afraid he is still deep in closed-door cultivation."

Kaelius nodded slowly, a calculating look in his eyes. "I see. How…unfortunate."

"Yes, quite unfortunate indeed," Slifer agreed mildly. "But we will manage somehow in his stead."

“Enough wasting time on pleasantries,” Astrid cut in impatiently. True to her no-nonsense personality, she wanted to get right down to business. “Just show us to our quarters already so we can rest and prepare for the tournament.”

Slifer nodded. For formalities-sake, he only came to greet them. He turned to lead them out of the hall. But before he could take a step, Zofia spoke up.

"By the way, it seems the Black Death Sect really isn't participating this time around."

The Supreme Elders exchanged glances. This was unprecedented - never before had one of the major sects declined to join the tournament and lose their chance to enter the Sealed Realm.

Astrid scowled, crossing her arms. “If the Black Death Sect doesn’t attend, how will we open the gateway to the Sealed Realm? We each hold a piece of the key. Without their piece...”

Each of the major sects held a fragment of the key needed to open the path to the Sealed Realm. Without all the pieces united, it would be nearly impossible to breach its defences, even for Ascendant cultivators.

"I contacted their Sect Master after he failed to appear for the Ascendant Meet," Leontius explained. "He assured me that if the Black Death disciples do not come, he will send an envoy with their key fragment."

"If?" Zofia echoed, one elegant eyebrow raised.

"It seems there is still a chance they may participate after all," Kaelius mused.

Astrid shook her head firmly. "Missing the Ascendant Meet is the same as forfeiting their right to join the tournament. If they want to enter the Sealed Realm, they'll have to do it through the one guaranteed slot allowed for their sect."

"I agree," said Zofia. "The rules clearly state-"

"Now, let's not be too hasty," Leontius gently interrupted. "I'm sure if we give them a chance to explain themselves, this can all be resolved amicably."

Zofia whirled on him. "If I didn't know how naive you Pure Sect cultivators are, I'd think you were secretly a demon yourself with how much you defend them!"

Leontius simply sighed and shook his head. There was no reasoning with that woman once she got an idea in her mind.

Slifer observed all this whilst trying to hold back a laugh. The politics of the so-called righteous path were endlessly entertaining.

Zofia seemed satisfied that the matter was settled, at least for now. She turned her gaze back to Slifer. “Well, what are you waiting for? Lead the way.”

Suppressing a sigh at the pushy woman, Slifer proceeded out of the hall, the four Ascendant cultivators trailing behind him.

This was going to be a long month.


William laid awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow morning was the start of the Intersect Tournament - his chance to secure a slot to enter the Sealed Realm.

Just thinking about it made his heart race with anticipation. And nerves. Mostly nerves, if he was being honest.

Could he actually win one of the open slots? As an Early Foundation Establishment cultivator, the odds were stacked against him. The field would be packed with Peak Foundation Establishment opponents.

William gritted his teeth, hands fisting the blankets.

He wasn’t confident. And William hated feeling uncertain.

Ever since that night when that ‘man’ visited his family home, William’s cocky confidence had wavered. It was the first time he truly comprehended how powerless he was, how fragile his family’s lives hung by a thread at the whims of those stronger than himself.

If he wanted to protect them, he had no choice but to become a puppet on the ‘man’s’ strings. Securing a spot in the Sealed Realm was the first step, though William still did not fully understand the ‘man’s’ ultimate goals.

The Black Rose Sect’s resources were the only reason he managed to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage at all. But would that be enough?

You don't have a choice, he reminded himself. His family's safety depended on him securing a spot in the tournament. The man had been very clear - succeed, and his family would be spared. Fail, and...

William shoved that thought away. He refused to fail.

At least the ‘man’ had provided some resources to help him accomplish that goal: treasures and talismans that William could activate once inside the Sealed Realm itself.

The rules of the Intersect Tournament forbid the use of external tools, restricting cultivators to only their personal skills and weapons.

A buzzing sensation in his mind interrupted William's brooding. The communication talisman! Heart racing, he jumped out of bed and hurriedly threw on a dark robe.

The sensation grew more intense as William slipped out of his room, keeping to the shadows as he navigated the dim halls. Despite the late hour, the sect was still bustling with activity as disciples finished their preparations for tomorrow.

He spotted several Disciplinary Hall disciples patrolling the grounds, on the lookout for any troublemakers. William held his breath as he snuck past, praying they wouldn't sense his presence.

After what felt like an eternity, William made it through the sect entrance and escaped into the forest. Only once he was certain he hadn't been followed did he dare pull out the glowing talisman.

"Yes, I'm here," he whispered into the stone.

A deep voice came from the talisman. "Is everything prepared?"

William's jaw clenched. "Yes. As you instructed."

The voice chuckled. "Excellent. Remember, activate it as soon as you get near the target. This is almost over - succeed, and your family will be safe."

"...I understand," William bit out, even as doubts flooded his mind. Could he really trust the word of this mysterious man?

But what choice did he have?

Clenching the talisman tightly, William steeled himself for what was to come. Soon, everything would change - for better or worse.


“Man, you’re so lucky you got your own place,” Dusty said through a mouthful of bone as he lounged back on Nomed’s bed. “You’ve got your own chef, no chores, servants to boss around whenever you want.”

Nomed smiled at his plump friend. To Dusty, this luxurious lifestyle must seem like paradise compared to the rugged training under his strict master.

“It’s not all fun and games,” Nomed replied lightly. “Being alone can weigh on you after a while. I’m grateful for Master Slifer’s generosity, but I do miss having you around to liven things up.”

That seemed to delight Dusty. Beaming, he chomped down on another bone from the pile on the bed. Nomed wasn’t sure where his friend kept getting these bones from, and he wasn’t certain he wanted to know. Dusty’s cultivation method seemed to have some...unique aspects.

“Well, you don’t gotta worry about me and Master Morvran!” Dusty declared, bits of bone flying. “He’s got me on this special training regimen to help my cultivation. Although...” Here, Dusty scowled. “He’s making me grow my own food! Can you believe it?”

Nomed raised an eyebrow curiously. “What do you mean ‘grow’ it?”

“It’s part of my new cultivation method - The Way of the Cock,” Dusty explained through his perpetual mouthful of food. “I gotta raise chickens from eggs, care for ‘em and stuff, let ‘em grow big and healthy. Then, when the time’s right, I absorb their energy to aid my cultivation!”

Nomed frowned, not quite following Dusty’s rambling explanation. “But can’t you just buy full-grown chickens from the market and use those? Seems much easier than raising them yourself.”

Dusty adamantly shook his head, strands of his black hair swinging. “Nah, doesn’t work like that. The method said I gotta raise ‘em myself, from eggs to chickens. Something about the process strengthening my spirit or whatever.” He shrugged. “Mainly it’s just a lotta boring work. But Master Morvran said it’s necessary, so I gotta do it.”

“Huh,” Nomed replied. “That’s quite an unusual method. Are you making much progress with it?”

At this, Dusty laughed sheepishly. “I dunno. See, the first chicken I raised, Ol’ Clucky...me and him got kinda close, y’know? Spent every day together, fed him the best seeds and bugs. I’d chat with him while we walked the grounds.”

Dusty’s expression turned reflective. “Ol’ Clucky was a good listener. Squawked back now and then, but mostly let me ramble.”

Nomed nodded as he listened patiently.

“So yeah, me and Clucky got to be buddies,” Dusty continued, snacking on a rib bone now. “But then, when it came time for the ritual harvestin’...I dunno what happened exactly. It’s all a blur. But next thing I knew, I was surrounded by bloody bones, hands covered in feathers, and one very satisfied belly.”

He blinked at Nomed. “Weird, huh?”

Nomed stared. That was certainly not the heartwarming conclusion he anticipated. Trust Dusty to turn a charming tale into something much more macabre.

“Well, Master Morvran said that was a good sign!” Dusty went on cheerfully. “Means my cultivation instincts are developing well. Anyway, now I’m raising Clucky the Second. Hopefully the harvest goes smoother this time.”

“I see,” Nomed said slowly. “Well, I’m glad your training is progressing, if a bit unconventionally.”

Nomed felt relieved his friend would not be participating in the tournament. As an Early Foundation Establishment cultivator, Dusty didn't meet the qualification standards to enter the tournament. The Sealed Realm would be dangerous enough without Dusty losing himself in some feeding frenzy at an inopportune moment.

As if reading his mind, Dusty flopped back on the bed with a sigh of content. “Yep, no big tournament for me! Don’t gotta worry ‘bout fighting other disciples or crazy life-or-death battles. Too much effort. I’m happy sticking to my chickens.”

Nomed chuckled. “It does sound exhausting. Best leave the glory-seeking to the others.”

Inwardly though, his thoughts took a more sombre turn. Dusty was right to be grateful he could avoid the tournament. With everything looming on the horizon, it was better if his friend remained far away from the coming storm.

Nomed repressed a wince as a familiar burning sensation erupted across his chest. Speaking of his role, it seemed events were being set in motion once again tonight.

He hid his discomfort behind an easy smile. “It’s getting late,” Nomed said apologetically. “I should rest before tomorrow.”

“Oh yeah, good idea!” Dusty said, sitting up and brushing bone fragments off the sheets. “Big day comin’ up. You gonna kick butt in that tournament! I know you got this.”

“Thank you, my friend,” Nomed replied. “I’ll do my best.”

After Dusty left, Nomed waited several minutes before slipping a black robe over his sleep clothes and disappearing into the night.


Kaelius sat stiffly on the cushion the Black Rose Sect had so generously provided, gazing around his lavish quarters with thinly veiled disgust.

This place dares call itself a demonic sect?

The environment was fit for royalty, not proper demonic cultivators.

In Kaelius' own Black Heart Sect, disciples lived in harsh conditions like inside a volatile volcano.

And rather than wasting resources on such useless luxuries, the Black Heart Sect’s funds went towards more practical things - like weapons, assassination equipment, and information gathering.

Not that they needed money when anything they desired could simply be taken by force.

It was survival of the fittest - the weak culled out quickly in the merciless environment. Only the strongest, most ruthless cultivators thrived.

Kaelius curled his lip contemptuously. The Black Rose Sect was soft, an insult to everything demonic cultivation stood for. They even allowed laughter and cheer in their streets - outrageous!

He wondered if their disciples even killed each other over treasure. They behaved more like a righteous sect.

Well, he wouldn't have to tolerate it for much longer. Closing his eyes, Kaelius extended his spiritual sense past the confines of his room, stealthily probing through the sect. He took care to avoid the residences housing the other Ascendant cultivators; no need to arouse undue suspicion.

Satisfied he wasn't being observed, Kaelius' mouth curved into a razor-thin smile. In a blur of shadow, he slipped out into the night.

Kaelius flitted through the Black Rose Sect under the cover of darkness, disdainfully eying the ostentatious buildings and perfectly manicured gardens. How disgustingly decadent.

One figure caught his eye - a young man dressed in dark robes making his way toward the sect gates.

How curious...what business did he have sneaking away on this eve of all nights?

Examining closely, Kaelius saw the youth had only reached the Early Foundation Establishment Realm. In other words, a nobody. Whatever mischief he was up to, it would have no impact on someone of Kaelius' stature.

Dismissing the matter, Kaelius shifted his attention elsewhere. There was little of interest occurring within the disciples' residences. No, what Kaelius sought was information on the Black Rose Sect's greatest secret - their Sect Master.

Rumoured to be secluded in attempt to reach the Immortal stage, the Sect Master's hidden location was not known to anyone. But Kaelius was not so easily deterred.

If the Black Rose Sect Master was in the middle of a breakthrough, then that would be the best time for him to strike!

Devouring his cultivation will be enough to attempt my own breakthrough…Kaelius grinned.

Extending his spiritual sense towards the sect headquarters, Kaelius searched for anything out of the ordinary. He knew all sects had secret chambers and facilities hidden away, even from their own members.

There - along the edge of his sense, Kaelius detected several powerful energy signatures that were trying to appear inconspicuous gathered in one area. Upon closer inspection, they were shockingly all at the Origin Realm!

For so many Origin Realm masters to be clustered together could only mean one thing: they were standing as guards over something...or rather, someone.

Found you at last.

Locking onto the Origin Realm experts' positions, he traced their presence deeper into the sect. Their trail led to a hidden cave entrance secreted away in a remote mountain valley.

How delightfully sinister, Kaelius thought, lips curling. Finally, something befitting the alleged demonic nature of this sect.

He dissolved into shadow and slipped past the entrance, descending into the cavernous tunnels below.

Immediately, a powerful demonic aura blasted his face, so concentrated it was nearly tangible. Kaelius' cultivation method activated as it greedily drank it in.


The farther in he went, the more the demonic energy grew.

An unsettling roar echoed up ahead, reverberating off the stone walls.

This was no ordinary demonic cultivation. Kaelius hesitated. Just what was the Black Rose Sect Master doing down here?

Before he could proceed further, an enormous cavern opened up before him. Kaelius' pupils contracted to pinpricks, and he inhaled sharply.

Lurking in the shadows was a hulking form, crimson eyes glowing as they fixed on him.

"Demon!" he choked out before the world went dark.


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