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“Ah, Supreme Elder, what brings you here.”

Slifer eyed the weasel-looking man in front of him with mild distaste.

Just my luck to see this guy three times in the span of a few days! Slifer would rather avoid this particular Elder, but unfortunately, he needed access to the sect's resources, and this man, Wyatt, held the keys.

"Grand Elder, I was just nearby and thought I might relieve you of some… items," Slifer said, trying to sound casual. The less he spoke to the man the better, if any of the Grand Elders were to see through his façade, it would be the shrewd man before him.

"And what did you have in mind?" Wyatt asked, his tone carefully neutral.

It wasn’t like the Supreme Elder to visit the Treasury, Wyatt couldn’t help but feel curious, well that and he didn’t like Slifer lingering around his turf. As the Treasurer, Wyatt had the privilege of using the treasures in times of crisis, and who else but him decided what counted as a crisis. But now, if the Supreme Elder were to take a Heaven Ranked treasure, that was one Heaven Rank treasure less that Wyatt could borrow.

"Anything related to Body Cultivation."

Wyatt looked at him strangely, he didn’t know that the Supreme Elder delved in Body Cultivation. It was rare for a cultivator to choose that path, especially so late in their cultivation.

Unless he plans to cultivate to the Ascendant Realm, it would be pointless to waste time on cultivating the body. Wyatt thought, scepticism evident in his mind. What is it that he is hiding?

"I'll see what we have that might suit your needs," Wyatt said, leading Slifer into the depths of the treasury.

Despite his thoughts, Wyatt knew he couldn't deny Slifer's request. As a Supreme Elder, Slifer had rights to the Treasury that even Wyatt couldn't oppose.

The vast hall of the Treasury was lined with shelves of numerous artifacts and scrolls, too many for Slifer to count. After a few minutes of silence, they finally stopped at a small room set aside from the main treasury. Inside, the room was packed with items dedicated to Body Cultivation – vials of pills, aged scrolls, and various other tools and elixirs.

"Is this all there is?" Slifer frowned as he surveyed the room.

Wyatt nodded. "The Black Rose Sect isn’t known for Body Cultivation. That’s more the Black Heart Sect’s specialty," he explained.

Activating his Insight skill, Slifer scanned the items:


Name: Vitality Surge Pill

Rank: Low Earth

Description: Enhances physical strength temporarily


Name: Essence Rejuvenation Elixir

Rank: Low Earth

Description: Accelerates body recovery.


Name Iron Body Technique Scroll

Rank: High Earth

Description: Strengthen physical resilience.


Name: Gravity Seal

Rank: High Earth

Description: Apply to the body to increase weight for training. Contains nine levels.


Name: Qi Lock Seal

Rank: High Earth

Description: Restricts Qi flow in Nascent Soul cultivators.

They were all Earth Rank items, useful but not exceptional. With a wave of his hand, Slifer sent everything flying into his storage ring.

Wyatt's eyes widened in shock. "Supreme Elder, you can't just—" he stammered.

Slifer waved him off. "From the dust here, it's clear these aren't being used. They'll be of better use with me." He could feel Wyatt's hesitation but knew the man wouldn't dare to object.

Wyatt closed his mouth, unable to argue.

Slifer left the treasury, his mind already considering how best to use these new resources.

I thought the sect would have better resources; I guess I’ll just have to buy a Heaven Rank Body Cultivation method from the Shop.


Slifer sat on his cultivation pillow in his quarters, scrolling through the System's list of cultivation methods. He focused exclusively on Body Cultivation Methods, dismissing the sect's collection as too low-level.

Why bother with anything less than a Heaven Rank method? he thought, clearly having been spoiled by the System. And demonic methods aren't of any use to me.

As for the mysterious Obsidian Rank methods, he likely needed to upgrade the System to Version 2, but for now, he settled on finding the best Heaven Rank option available.

Slifer noticed that Heaven Rank Body Cultivation methods were more expensive than their spiritual counterparts, he attributed that to the rarity of Body Cultivation methods.

After some time, he found three that caught his eye.

Name: Agony's Embrace

Rank: Medium Heaven Rank

Description: Inflict pain to yourself, the greater the pain, the greater the foundation you can create

Cost: 1400 Karmic Credits

Slifer quickly dismissed it. I'm no sadist. Why endure unnecessary pain?

Name: Beast Feast Cultivation

Rank: Low Heaven Rank

Description: Consume beast meat, the higher the quality of the meat, the more qi can be absorbed to strengthen the body.

Cost: 1000 Karmic Credits

This one sounds ideal, especially for someone like me who appreciates a good meal, Slifer mused. Unfortunately, its lower rank made him hesitant. If only it were a High Heaven Rank.

Name: Predator's Vigour

Rank: High Heaven Rank

Description: Consume beast meat, the higher the quality of the meat, the more qi can be stored. Then through rigorous exercise, absorb the qi to transform the body.

Cost: 1500 Karmic Credits

Predator’s Vigour… It's a mix... Consume and then exercise. Not as easy as the second, but still doable.

"Looks like I have to decide between ease and efficiency," Slifer muttered to himself. He weighed his options, considering the pros and cons of each method.

The first is too painful, the second too weak, and the third... well, it's a balance of both. He knew he had to choose wisely, as the right method could significantly accelerate his progress.

"I'll go with 'Predator's Vigour.' It's the best choice for advancing my cultivation without unnecessary suffering." Slifer nodded to himself, satisfied with his decision.


You Have Bought “Predator’s Vigour”

-1500 Karmic Credits

“My first High Heaven Rank method.” Slifer’s spiritual cultivation method was only a Low Heaven Rank method, back then it hurt to even look at Heaven Rank methods.

“Hmm, a list of exercises,” Slifer mumbled as a barrage of information relating to the technique entered his mind.

I feel exhausted just reading them, Slifer shuddered.

One particular exercise involved carrying large boulders under a waterfall, all without using qi. A middle-sized boulder is manageable, but a large one under a waterfall? That’s pushing it, he thought, shaking his head.

No, if I give in to the laziness, I'm only signing my death warrant, he scolded himself. He knew that to keep up in this ruthless, dog-eat-dog world, he couldn't just be Zack, the couch potato who binge-watched anime all day.

“Well, at least I can enjoy the fun part!” Slifer laughed as he sent a spiritual transmission to Morvran for the highest rank beast meat the sect had.


Due To The Actions Of The Disciplinary Hall Member Alphie

You Have Gained 3 Karmic Credits

Seems like my plan with the Disciplinary Hall members is paying off, Slifer thought, pleased. He had been receiving similar notification the whole day.

"Master, I have brought the delicacies," Morvran called from outside Slifer's quarters.

That was quick, Slifer thought, surprised. "Come in, Morvran," he said aloud.

Morvran entered and waved his hand, and suddenly, ten different cooked meat dishes appeared before Slifer.

Slifer’s eyes widened in delight. "How were these prepared so quickly?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"After you…disposed of the Grand Elder Darius, I took the liberty to retrieve his possessions," Morvran explained.

Slifer had not thought much about Darius's belongings after the Grand Elder's storage ring was destroyed in the blast. I was too caught up in the aftermath to consider what he might have hidden away.

“You did a good job,” Slifer nodded at Morvran, it was good to have lackeys who could think for themselves.

“Thank you, Master.”

“Hmm, did you acquire anything else?”

Slifer was hoping the Grand Elder had some treasures or pills that could be useful or maybe something similar to that strange amulet, a man that could enter the Ascendant Realm couldn’t be simple.

“I did find something. It’s a… letter,” Morvran handed over a worn piece of paper.

Darius? Letter?

Slifer unfolded the paper and began to read:

"Dear Sweetest Flame,

Your eyes are like stars in the darkest night, guiding my soul. My heart beats only for you, as fierce as a dragon, yet as tender as a morning dew. Your voice is a melody that intoxicates me more than the finest wine. I long for the day we can unite under the eternal sky.

Yours forever, Darius"

This… this is just embarrassing to read, Slifer’s face twisted in discomfort.

From the little Slifer knew of the Tekken-like cultivator, he seemed more like a battle-crazy maniac than a romantic.

“Is this an attempt at humour, Morvran?” Slifer asked, looking up at the bald man with disbelief.

“I assure you, Master, it is not,” Morvran replied, stoic as usual.

I knew it was impossible for someone with a physique like Darius to be single!

Slifer's mind raced as he considered the implications. Could this woman be the voice I heard, the Siren? He paled at the thought. If Darius had a lover in the Immortal Realm and she finds out what happened to him... I’m a dead man.

But for now, there’s nothing I can do. If she’s going to come after me, she’ll come. I just need to be prepared. I need more credits! Slifer hated relying on the System but against Immortal level threats, that’s all he could do, at least for the time being.

“Master, should we investigate this... Sweetest Flame?”

“No,” Slifer replied quickly, then added, “Not yet. Let’s keep this between us for now.”

Slifer lacked the means to investigate a potential Immortal, and given his precarious status within the sect, he couldn’t use the sect’s intelligence. If someone like Wyatt were to discover the existence of the 'Sweetest Flame,' they would only lure the danger towards him.

I still haven’t forgotten the last words Darius said, ‘Wyatt’.

"You can leave, Morvran."

Slifer was certain Morvran would be relieved to avoid what was about to unfold. Indulging in a good meal was the ultimate way to lift one's spirits and Slifer needed his lifting.

Just as the door closed behind Morvran, Slifer attacked the first dish – a succulent roast of Fiery Phoenix thigh, glazed in a sweet and spicy sauce that tantalized his taste buds. He devoured it with the ferocity of a homeless man who hadn’t eaten in weeks, tearing into the tender, juicy meat as if it were his last meal. The flavours exploded in his mouth, a perfect blend of heat and sweetness that made him reach for the next piece without a second thought.

This is incredible. If this was all there was to cultivation, I would have surpassed the Greater Immortal Realm by now.

With a hearty burp, Slifer patted his now swollen belly, feeling like he was on the verge of bursting. He had completed the first part of the cultivation method - eating an enormous amount of food. Now came the part he dreaded the most: exercise.

Retrieving his sword from his storage ring, he groaned as he jumped onto it, the recent meal making the movement uncomfortable. He flew off in search of a waterfall.

After a few minutes, he found a suitable waterfall and landed nearby. He scanned the area for a large boulder, the kind the method described as weighing around 5,000 kilograms – a weight impossible for even a Body Tempering cultivator to lift.

He finally found one that met the requirements, it was as big as a shed…

Approaching it, Slifer placed his hands on the massive rock, straining to lift it. His wiry muscles tensed and trembled under the effort, but the boulder didn't budge.

This is crazy. How is anyone supposed to lift this?he thought, frustrated.

Letting go of the rock, Slifer shook his head. Maybe a little 'cheating' won't hurt. He wrapped his qi around the boulder, levitating it effortlessly. It's like having a spotter in the gym, not that I would know. Gyms and I were never on good terms.

He positioned himself under the waterfall, feeling the water pelt him with relentless force. He sighed, levitating the boulder above him. Following the cultivation method's instructions, he manipulated his qi in a spiralling pattern around his body, preparing to absorb the pressure.

"Here goes nothing," Slifer muttered, his voice laced with resignation. Activating the qi lock seal, he suddenly lost access to his qi. The method didn’t require him locking away his qi but it did mention it would increase the efficiency.

The boulder came crashing down. With a grunt, Slifer caught it, holding it above his head and back. The weight was immense, pressing down on him like a mountain, making his knees buckle. Water from the waterfall hammered down on him, only making things worse.

I really hate exercise. But if it makes me stronger...Slifer thought, gritting his teeth as his face turned an unhealthy shade of red.


Caelum was flying on his sword, lost in thought. Master wants to be a righteous cultivator, but he hasn't taught me any righteous techniques. How can I call myself a righteous cultivator if I only know demonic ones? He was also puzzled by Slifer's instructions to keep his conversion to the enemy's side a secret. Perhaps Master's grand plan is to turn the demonic disciples into righteous ones, but why?

He remembered his master’s words from years ago, insisting that all righteous cultivators were hypocrites and not to trust a single one. Why the sudden change? Caelum wondered, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

Flying through the trees, Caelum suddenly spotted a topless old man under a waterfall, holding a massive boulder above his head. The man's arms were thin, his body frail-looking, but with an oddly huge belly.

Landing near him, Caelum hesitantly greeted, "Master?"

The man's eyes met his, and before Slifer could reply, his belly shrank dramatically. The fat transformed into muscle, redistributing across his body. In moments, Slifer no longer looked frail but lean and fit.



You Have Broken Through To Foundation Establishment Realm

Reward: 200 Karmic Credits

Slifer smirked, now at the Foundation Establishment realm for both spiritual and body cultivation. He released the Qi Seal and casually hurled the boulder away, sending it flying through the air with ease.

"What brought you here?" Slifer asked, turning to Caelum with a smile.

Caelum coughed, composing himself before bowing. "Master, all my techniques are demonic. I require righteous techniques."


Your Disciple Caelum Has Come Looking For Guidance

Teach Him The Righteous Versions Of His Techniques

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits Per Technique

My bad... I probably should have taught him some righteous techniques last time. Slifer's eyes narrowed in contemplation. But then, would the System have rewarded me for it?

"Ah yes," Slifer responded to Caelum's request. "I'll teach you a righteous version of each of your techniques." He paused, then added, "But I will only show you the technique once a day."

Caelum looked at him, a hint of confusion in his eyes. Slifer quickly explained, "With your level of comprehension, I believe once should be sufficient."

"Very well, Master, I am ready to learn," Caelum bowed. I like it when Master is strict. It shows he cares about my progress.

Slifer, noticing Caelum's positive response, barely held back a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. The System only lets me use the Caelum Card once a day. Even if his comprehension was dog shit, that's all he would get.

"Good. We'll start n-“


Your Disciple Fenlock Is Breaking Through To The Nascent Soul Realm

New Task: Act As A Dharma Protecter

Nascent Soul Realm! Well, I guess Caelum will have to wait a little longer…

« Chapter 52 | Table of Contents | Chapter 54 »


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